LJ Archive

System Administration

System Administration: Pgfs: The PostGres File System

NFS version 2 operations, arguments, and result fields

Opcode Input Output
getattr fileh type, REST*
setattr fileh, mode, type, REST*
uid, gid, size, atime, mtime
lookup fileh, name fileh, type, REST*
readlink fileh nfspath
read fileh, offset, count, totalcount data_len, type, REST*
write fileh, beginoffset, offset, type, REST*
totalcount, data
create fileh, name, mode, uid, fileh, type, REST*
gid, size, atime, mtime
remove fileh, name nfsstat
rename from fileh, from name, to fileh, nfsstat
to name
link from fileh, to fileh, to name nfsstat
symlink from fileh, from name, to pathname, nfsstat
mode, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime
mkdir fileh, name, mode, fileh, type, REST*
uid, gid, size, atime, mtime
rmdir fileh, name nfsstat
readdir fileh, cookie, count [list of] fileid,
name, cookie
statfs fileh tsize, bsize, blocks,
bfree, bavail
REST* is rdev, blocks, fsid, fileid, atime, mtime, ctime
LJ Archive