LJ Archive

Listing 1. colortail.conf

# A list of all colors available. Each of these
# colors can be used as long as it's in the same
# format as shown below.

# COLOR magenta
# COLOR cyan
# COLOR green
# COLOR yellow
# COLOR brightred
# COLOR blue
# COLOR brightblue
# COLOR brightwhite

COLOR magenta
^.*(HEAD /).*$

COLOR cyan
^.*(GET /logs/).*$
^.*(GET /somedirectory/).*$
^.*(GET /anotherdir/).*$

COLOR brightyellow
# matches all ip adresses
# matches two ip adresses in one line

COLOR brightred
# matches the word root
# matches DENY
^.*(ppp-in DENY ppp0).*$
^.*(eth-in DENY eth0).*$
# System log information
^.*(authentication failure).*$
# CGI-BIN and PHP items
LJ Archive