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The open-source Zope product is written and maintained largely by Zope Corporation, formerly known as Digital Creations. You can read more about Zope Corporation at www.zope.com.

The main community development site for Zope is www.zope.org. It is from this site that you can download the latest versions, participate in discussions, download Zope products, learn about Zope and become part of the developer community.

The Squishdot product is documented and developed at its own web site, www.squishdot.org.

To learn more about the Python language, see www.python.org. The O'Reilly books Learning Python and Programming Python introduce and document the language, respectively, and make it easy to start programming in Python pretty quickly. Another excellent resource is the on-line tutorial at www.python.org/doc/current/tut/tut.html.

There are at least two books on Zope. The Zope Book is written by a team of programmers at Zope Corporation and published by New Riders. (It is also available on-line at www.zope.org/Members/michel/ZB.) The Book of Zope, written by the Beehive Zope development team, published by Linux Journal Press/No Starch Press and reviewed in this issue, covers more ground than the other book but is not as gentle of an introduction to Zope concepts.

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