LJ Archive

Resources for “Finding Your Way with GpsDrive”

Charles Curley

Issue #132, April 2005

Resources for the print article.

The American Practical Navigator (commonly named after its original author, Nathanial Bowditch) US National Imagery and Mapping Agency, Pub. No. 9: pollux.nss.nima.mil/pubs/pubs_j_apn_sections.html?rid=187 (also available from bookstore.gpo.gov)

Expedia: www.expedia.com

Festival: fife.speech.cs.cmu.edu/festival

The GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2, June 1991: www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php

gpsbabel: gpsbabel.sourceforge.net

GpsDrive: www.gpsdrive.cc

Download GpsDrive: www.gpsdrive.cc/download.shtml

GpsDrive mailing-list archive: s2.selwerd.nl/~dirk-jan/gpsdrive/archive and kevb.net:3000/lurker/list/gpsdrive.html

Kismet: www.kismetwireless.net

NMEA: The National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) 0183 standard is proprietary (www.nmea.org/pub/0183), but googling on NMEA should produce a number of useful resources.

OpenOffice.org: OpenOffice.org

The Prisoner Appreciation Society: Six of One: www.netreach.net/~sixofone

Topozone.com: topozone.com

Wayhoo.com: wayhoo.com/index

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