4375l1 Listing 1. \# hello.gr \# \# a groff macro demonstration: \# \# groff -Tps hello.gr > hello.ps \# \################################# \# \# assume we have the following aliases: .als ALIAS als .ALIAS STRING ds .ALIAS NUMBER nr .ALIAS MACRO de .ALIAS PTSIZE ps \# \# define variables: \# note: the lack of closing quote below \# is groff syntax, and not a typo! .STRING $HELLO "Hello, world! .NUMBER #BIGSIZE 18p \# \# define a support macro that simply places \# all arguments to stream in process: .MACRO OUTPUT __END__ \\$* .__END__ \# \# define a user interface macro that gives \# a big hello, then resumes pointsize: .MACRO __END__ . PTSIZE \\n[#BIGSIZE]u . OUTPUT \\*[$HELLO] . PTSIZE .__END__ \# \# usage of friendly greeting here: . \#