5426l4 Listing 4: The <\#147>database<\#148> Section from blog.conf, which Needs to Be Modified for PostgreSQL to Work #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Database Manager Configuration #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # DatabaseManager.Databases[] = "blog" # # The default database used in this application. # DatabaseManager.DefaultDatabase = "blog" # # Turn on/off debugging for transactions or queries. Valid values # are "true" or "false". # DatabaseManager.Debug = "true" # # The type of database. Normally this is "Standard". # DatabaseManager.DB.blog.ClassType = "Standard" # # The jdbc driver to use. # DatabaseManager.DB.blog.JdbcDriver = "org.postgresql.Driver" # # Database url. # DatabaseManager.DB.blog.Connection.Url = "jdbc:odbc:blog" # # Database user name. All connection are allocated by this user. # DatabaseManager.DB.blog.Connection.User = "reuven" # # Database user password. # DatabaseManager.DB.blog.Connection.Password = "" # # The maximum number of connections that a connection # pool will hold. If set to zero, then connections # are allocated indefinitly or until the database # refuses to allocate any new connections. # DatabaseManager.DB.blog.Connection.MaxPoolSize = 30 # # Maximum amount of time that a thread will wait for # a connection from the connection pool before an # exception is thrown. This will prevent possible dead # locks. The time out is in milliseconds. If the # time out is <= zero, the allocation of connections # will wait indefinitely. # DatabaseManager.DB.blog.Connection.AllocationTimeout = 10000 # # Used to log database (SQL) activity. # DatabaseManager.DB.blog.Connection.Logging = true # # The number of object identifiers that are allocated # as a group and held in memory. These identifiers # are assigned to new data objects that are inserted # into the database. # DatabaseManager.DB.blog.ObjectId.CacheSize = 20 DatabaseManager.DB.blog.ObjectId.MinValue = 1000000 # # Following two lines must be added for PostgreSQL, # since oID can't be used for column name # DatabaseManager.ObjectIdColumnName = "ObjectId" DatabaseManager.VersionColumnName = "ObjectVersion"