The script is supplied as two files: publish.tcl and gui.tcl. publish.tcl is the main script, the one which is actually run. gui.tcl is the output from (and the input to) Visual Tcl, and is used as a library by publish.tcl. To try the script, copy the two files to a single directory, change into that directory, then run publish.tcl: ./publish.tcl If you get an error message saying a library isn't found, ensure you are using the latest ActiveTcl distribution from here: The script engine used is the Tcl "Windowing Shell", called 'wish'. Therefore the ActiveTcl wish should be the first in your PATH: >which wish /opt/ActiveTcl- If you can't arrange that for some reason, change the she-bang lines in publish.tcl (which find and run the first wish in the user's path) to point to the ActiveTcl wish directly: #!/path/to/ActiveTcl- If you want to "install" the script in a normal place so you can use it, you'll want to merge the two files into one big script. This is simple. The instructions are in the publish.tcl script, near the bottom where the gui.tcl file is 'source'ed. Bug fixes, and implemented suggestions and improvements to this script can be found in the version kept here: