Listing 1. Function to Insert a New Node void insertAfter(plistNode pNew, T theElm) { plistNode pPrev, pCurrent, pNext; pPrev = NULL; pCurrent = pStart; while (pCurrent) { pNext = NextNode(pCurrent, pPrev); if (pCurrent->elm == theElm) { /* traversal is done */ if (pNext) { /* fix the existing next node */ pNext->ptrdiff = (plistNode) ((int) pNext->ptrdiff ^ (int) pCurrent ^ (int) pNew); /* fix the current node */ pCurrent->ptrdiff = (plistNode) ((int) pNew ^ (int) pNext ^ (int) pCurrent->ptrdiff); /* fix the new node */ pNew->ptrdiff = (plistNode) ((int) pCurrent ^ (int) pNext); break; } pPrev = pCurrent; pCurrent = pNext; } }