Listing 1. #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use diagnostics; use warnings; use SOAP::Lite; # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Get the Google key from ~/.google_key my $google_key_file = "/Users/reuven/.google_key"; open GOOGLE_KEY, $google_key_file or die "Cannot read '$google_key_file': $! "; my ($google_key) = ; chomp $google_key; close GOOGLE_KEY; # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Get the command-line argument if ($#ARGV != 0) { print "$0: Invoke with a single argument, your Google search term.\n"; exit; } my $query_string = shift @ARGV; # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Get the WSDL file my $google_wsdl = ""; my $query = SOAP::Lite->service($google_wsdl); # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Use the WSDL to make the query my $starting_page = 1; my $max_results = 10; my $filter = 'false'; my $geographic_restriction = ''; my $safe_search = 'false'; my $language_restriction = ''; my $results = $query->doGoogleSearch($google_key, $query_string, $starting_page, $max_results, $filter, $geographic_restriction, $safe_search, $language_restriction, 'utf-8', 'utf-8'); my @results = @{$results->{resultElements}}; if (@results) { # Iterate through each result we got my $counter = 1; foreach my $result (@results) { print "Result $counter of ", $#results + 1, ":\n"; foreach my $key (sort keys %{$result}) { my $value = $result->{$key}; # Is this a hash value? If so, display it accordingly if (UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'HASH')) { print "\t'$key':\n"; foreach my $subkey (sort keys %{$value}) { print "\t\t'$subkey' => '$value->{$subkey}'\n"; } } # Display the value as a simple string else { print "\t'$key' => '$value'\n"; } } $counter++; } } else { print "There were no results for your query of '$query_string'.\n"; }