Listing 1. pfb Conversion Code Snippets Load Ice Keel Node and Store as pfb file /** read input file(s) **/ i = 0; group = pfNewGroup(); for (i = 0; i < num_files - 1; i++) { printf("Make keel: %s\n",files[i]); bot_switch = (pfSwitch*) LoadKeel(files[i],limits,i); pfAddChild(group, bot_switch); printf("adding switch to group\n"); } node = (pfNode *)group; /** optimize input file (optional) **/ node = optimize(node); /* * write output file */ pfdStoreFile(node, files[num_files - 1]); /* * indicate success */ return 0; } Convert Ice Keel to Performer Node /***** LOAD AND CREATE A 3D SURFACE **********/ pfSwitch *LoadKeel( const char *file_name, float *limits, long numfile ) { /* Declare Local Variables */ pfSwitch *root; pfGroup *depth_group; pfGroup *mag_group; pfLOD *lod_ptr; pfDCS *dcs12; pfGeode *ice_geode; pfCoord coord; long lod_cols; long lod_rows; pfMaterial *material; long i; long j; long status; /* Create work space to create surface */ arena = pfGetSharedArena(); /* Load vertices, normals and colors */ status = load_data(file_name); if( status != OK ) { exit (1); } /* Create the KEEL geode */ ice_geode = MakeKeel(); /* Create a group to hold all Depth and * Magnitude Features of Surface */ depth_group = pfNewGroup(); root = pfNewSwitch(); /* Add ice geode to group */ magflag = 0; pfAddChild( depth_group, ice_geode ); dcs12 = pfNewDCS();[PF_X] = 0.0f;[PF_Y] = 0.0f;[PF_Z] = 0.0f; pfAddChild( dcs12,depth_group ); pfAddChild( dcs12,mag_group ); pfDCSScaleXYZ( dcs12, 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); pfAddChild( root,dcs12 ); pfDelete(dcs12); /* Return 3D Surface Switch */ limits[0] = -1; limits[1] = 1; limits[2] = -1; limits[3] = 1; limits[4] = 0; limits[5] = 0; limits[6] = 0; limits[7] = 1; limits[8] = 1; limits[9] = 1; return(root); }