Listing 2. Hole-Punching Implementation /* Copyright Girish Venkatachalam 2006 * * * You are free to modify it to suit your requirements. * The licensing terms of this program is along the lines * of the BSD license. You are free to use this for commercial * purposes provide you retain this notice. * * * */ #include "p2pcommon.h" struct sockaddr_in sa[4]; struct sockaddr_in myu[4]; void setreuse(int sock) { const int one = 1; #ifdef SO_REUSEADDR if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const void*)&one, sizeof(one)) < 0) perrdie("setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR)"); #endif #ifdef SO_REUSEPORT if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, (const void*)&one, sizeof(one)) < 0) perrdie("setsockopt(SO_REUSEPORT)"); #endif } void setnonblock(int sock) { #ifdef WIN32 unsigned long fl = 1; if (ioctlsocket(sock, FIONBIO, &fl) < 0) perrdie("socketioctl"); #else int fl = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL); if (fl < 0) perrdie("fcntl"); if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, fl | O_NONBLOCK) < 0) perrdie("fcntl"); #endif } void setblock(int sock) { #ifdef WIN32 unsigned long fl = 0; if (ioctlsocket(sock, FIOBIO, &fl) < 0) perrdie("socketioctl"); #else int fl = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL); if (fl < 0) perrdie("fcntl"); if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, fl & ~O_NONBLOCK) < 0) perrdie("fcntl"); #endif } int recvudp(int udp,struct sockaddr_in *privpeer,struct sockaddr_in *pubpeer,struct connection *conn) { struct sockaddr_in tsin; socklen_t sinlen; struct reply rp; int rc; sinlen = sizeof(tsin); rc = recvfrom(udp,(char*)&rp, sizeof(rp), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&tsin, &sinlen); if (rc < (signed)sizeof(rp)) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Received runt packet\n"); return -1; } if (rp.magic != htonl(REPLMAGIC)) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Reply with bad magic value\n"); return -1; } syslog(LOG_INFO, "Server reports my UDP address as %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(rp.pubaddr), ntohs(rp.pubport)); if(pubpeer) { /* hole punch packet */ if(rp.pubaddr.s_addr == conn->ctx->mypriv.sin_addr.s_addr) return 1; else if(rp.pubaddr.s_addr == conn->ctx->mypub.sin_addr.s_addr) return 0; return -1; } else { /* UDP bounce packet */ /* record the address reported by the server */ privpeer->sin_family = AF_INET; privpeer->sin_addr = rp.pubaddr; privpeer->sin_port = rp.pubport; } return 0; } int holepunch(struct connection *conn) { struct msg m; int ret; if(conn->peerid == 0) /* We are just starting the p2p app */ return holepunch_algo(conn,0,0,OUTBOUND); /* XXX What happens here actually is a bit confusing and * I am not too happy with this design. Hopefully if time * permits I will change it one day... * * Once I get a holepunch request I send a request to the * mediation server to locate the private and public address * of the peer whose ID is given to me. * So all that happens here is send the request to mediation * server. Once the request is processed, two things can * happen. * * 1) The peer's address information is returned in a PEER_COORD * message. Then this is recevied by the p2p code and the * function holepunch_algo() is called with the appropriate * arguments. Then once the holepunching finishes or fails, * control is returned back to the user. * 2) The ID given is wrong and hence no matching peer could * be found, so we have to return to the user saying that * he has to try again with the right ID. * */ m.op = GET_PEER; = conn->peerid; do { ret = send(conn->ctx->tcpsock,(char *)&m,sizeof(m),0); } while(eblock()); if(ret == 0 || ret == -1) { perror("Send"); } return 0; } /* The UDP hole punching algorithm * * It is a very simple algorithm. How it works is, first it sends UDP * packets to five different hosts from the same port number to the same * port number. The last request is sent to the actual peer with which * we want to communicate. * * The peer's NAT drops the packet since it was an unsolicited packet. * At the same time the peer also sends these five packets. So this * packet arrives at our NAT device but our NAT lets it in since * we first sent out the packet to the same host and port... * * We are interested in finding out the port number * allocated to all these requests at the NAT device. * * In case we find that all these numbers match then we are happy and * happily return the UDP socket to the user. * The way we figure out the port number allocated at the NAT device is * by sending the NAT device's source port number in the body of the * response to the packets sent above. * * The real fun starts when there is a difference between the port * numbers allocated in the NAT device for the two requests. * In this case we find out the delta, the difference between these two * numbers and the algorithm assumes that the delta will be constant * under favourable circumstances. * * Now this is only half the story. Determining the source port is * important but it is not everything. In the next step, the peer sends * a packet to the same port number. Once the peers are able * to communicate using the peer's port number and NAT IP, then we * hand over control pack to the p2p app. * * There is another twist to the algo. In case both peers are behind * the same NAT device and in the same network, then they can * communicate directly without UDP hole punching. * This is attempted first. Only when this approach doesn't succeed when * we go in for hole punching. * */ int holepunch_algo(struct connection *conn,struct sockaddr_in *privpeer,struct sockaddr_in *pubpeer,int direction) { struct sockaddr_in sinudp1,tmpsin; uint16_t tpport = 9856,ourport = 17000; struct request rq; struct timeval t; int udp1,udprecv; fd_set rfds,wfds; int ret,diff,diff2,consistent = 0,linkdown = 0; int i = 0,first,third,fds,selret; #ifdef WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0) perrdie("Windows sockets 2.2 startup"); { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Using %s (Status: %s)\n", wsaData.szDescription, wsaData.szSystemStatus); syslog(LOG_INFO, "with API versions %d.%d to %d.%d\n\n", LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion), HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion), LOBYTE(wsaData.wHighVersion), HIBYTE(wsaData.wHighVersion)); } #endif udp1 = mksock(SOCK_DGRAM); setreuse(udp1); /* Lookup the mediators */ lookup(SERV1, &sa[0],tpport); lookup(SERV2, &sa[1],tpport); lookup(SERV3, &sa[2],ourport); lookup(SERV4, &sa[3],ourport); sinudp1.sin_family = AF_INET; sinudp1.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sinudp1.sin_port = htons(tpport); if (bind(udp1, (struct sockaddr*)&sinudp1, sizeof(sinudp1)) < 0){ perrdie("Bind 9856 UDP port"); syslog(LOG_ERR,"Problem binding to UDP port 9856"); } /* Clear the variables in which we collect * our various NATted public addresses * as we discover them. */ tmpsin.sin_family = AF_INET; tmpsin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; tmpsin.sin_port = 0; if((privpeer != NULL) && (pubpeer != NULL) && direction == OUTBOUND) { /* We are NOT connecting for the first time */ udprecv = conn->ctx->clientsock; } else { udprecv = conn->ctx->udpsock; } for(i=0;i<4;i++) myu[i] = tmpsin; /* Send ping datagrams from our primary UDP socket to servers 1 and 2. */ rq.magic = htonl(REQMAGIC); syslog(LOG_INFO,"Proceeding to punch hole"); for(i=0;i<4;i++) { int sock; if(i == 0 || i == 1) sock = udp1; else sock = conn->ctx->udpsock; if (sendto(sock, (const char*)&rq, sizeof(rq), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&sa[i], sizeof(sa[i])) < 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR,"Problem sending to %s:%d",inet_ntoa(sa[i].sin_addr),ntohs(sa[i].sin_port)); perrdie("sendto"); } } first = 0, third = 0; for(;;) { fds = 0; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_ZERO(&wfds); if(first != 2) { FD_SET(udp1,&rfds); FD_SET(udp1,&wfds); fds = udp1 + 1; } if(third != 2) { FD_SET(udprecv,&rfds); FD_SET(udprecv,&wfds); fds = udprecv + 1 > fds ? udprecv + 1 : fds; } /* Right now we just assume that 4 seconds * timeout is enough for most practical purposes */ t.tv_sec = 6; t.tv_usec = 0; if(fds == 0) /* We are done */ break; ret = select(fds,&rfds,NULL,NULL,&t); if(ret == -1) { perror("Select"); syslog(LOG_ERR,"Select() failed,Yuck!"); } if(ret == 0) { linkdown = 1; syslog(LOG_ERR,"Didn't get reply from UDP bounce server(s)"); break; } else { if(FD_ISSET(udp1,&rfds)) { if(first == 0) { recvudp(udp1,&myu[0],NULL,conn); first = 1; } else { recvudp(udp1,&myu[1],NULL,conn); first = 2; close(udp1); } } if(FD_ISSET(udprecv,&rfds)) { if(third == 0) { recvudp(udprecv,&myu[2],NULL,conn); third = 1; } else { recvudp(udprecv,&myu[3],NULL,conn); third = 2; } } } } close(udp1); /* We are unable to contact any mediation servers possibly * because Internet is down. But still we run the hole * punching code to reach the peer. And then * declare the hole punching failed */ if(linkdown) { close(conn->ctx->udpsock); return LINK_DOWN; } /* Check for public address/port number consistency */ if (myu[0].sin_addr.s_addr == myu[1].sin_addr.s_addr && myu[0].sin_port == myu[1].sin_port) { if (myu[2].sin_addr.s_addr == myu[3].sin_addr.s_addr && myu[3].sin_port == myu[3].sin_port) { if((myu[0].sin_port != 0) || (myu[3].sin_port != 0)) { consistent = 1; syslog(LOG_INFO,"We do consistent UDP translation, that is good news"); } } } else { diff = abs(ntohs(myu[1].sin_port) - ntohs(myu[0].sin_port)); diff2 = abs(ntohs(myu[3].sin_port) - ntohs(myu[2].sin_port)); } if((privpeer != NULL) && (pubpeer != NULL)) { /* Now send packets to both the private and the public * addreses of the peer*/ ret = sendto(conn->ctx->udpsock, (const char *)&rq, sizeof(rq), 0, (struct sockaddr *)privpeer, sizeof(*privpeer)); if(ret == -1) { perrdie("Hole punch to private address sendto"); } ret = sendto(conn->ctx->udpsock, sizeof(rq), 0, (struct sockaddr *)pubpeer, sizeof(*pubpeer)); if(ret == -1) { perrdie("Hole punch to public address sendto"); } /* Right now we just assume that 4 seconds * timeout is enough for most practical purposes */ do { t.tv_sec = 4; t.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(udprecv,&rfds); fds = udprecv + 1; selret = select(fds,&rfds,NULL,NULL,&t); if(selret == -1) { perror("Select"); syslog(LOG_ERR,"Select() failed,Yuck!"); } if(selret == 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR,"Didn't get reply from holepunching the peer"); ret = -1; break; } ret = recvudp(udprecv,privpeer,pubpeer,conn); }while(0); } else { /* we are connecting for the first time */ syslog(LOG_INFO,"Proceeding to return after first time invocation of holepunching"); conn->ctx->mypub = myu[3]; if(!consistent && (diff == diff2)) { uint16_t tmp; tmp = ntohs(myu[3].sin_port); tmp += 2*diff; conn->ctx->mypub.sin_port = htons(tmp); } return 0; } if(ret == 0) { /* The public address is hole punched */ struct msg m; int n; syslog(LOG_INFO,"The peer's public address is responding"); conn->peer = *pubpeer; conn->ctx->mypub = myu[3]; m.op = HOLEPUNCHING_COMPLETE; = conn->peerid; do { n = send(conn->ctx->tcpsock,&m,sizeof(m),0); }while(eblock()); } else if (ret == 1) { /* The private address is hole punched */ struct msg m; int n; syslog(LOG_INFO,"The peer's private address is responding"); conn->peer = *privpeer; conn->ctx->mypub = myu[3]; m.op = HOLEPUNCHING_COMPLETE; = conn->peerid; do { n = send(conn->ctx->tcpsock,&m,sizeof(m),0); }while(eblock()); } else if(ret == -1) { /* Good, no response :-) */ if(consistent) { /* no problem, we only have to ask * the peer to send a datagram and * then we are set */ syslog(LOG_INFO,"No response but consistent translation"); conn->ctx->mypub = myu[3]; conn->peer = *pubpeer; peer_holepunch(conn); } else { if(diff == diff2) { syslog(LOG_INFO,"I get the same delta during translation, this may WORK"); uint16_t tmp; conn->peer = *pubpeer; conn->ctx->mypub = myu[3]; tmp = ntohs(myu[3].sin_port); tmp += 2*diff; conn->ctx->mypub.sin_port = htons(tmp); peer_holepunch(conn); } else { /* Hard luck, we have to give up :-( */ close(conn->ctx->udpsock); } } } return 0; }