#!/usr/bin/perl -w ## zonetool.pl -- Solaris Zone automation tool. ## ## Description: ## ## When used within its ability this tool will build a fully functioning ## and running zone from scratch thereby saving many manual steps required ## to produce the same results. ## ## This tool outputs three files in /tmp/. See the code for their exact names. ## file1 - custom shell script that does the actual zone building ## file2 - zonecfg input file that describes the zone being created. ## file3 - sysidcfg file placed in the zones /etc directory to help ## the new zone self configure during its first boot. ## ## Example: (See POD for more information) ## ./zonetool [ -debug ] -c -z zone01 -h zone01.your.dom \ ## -n 'ce0=,ce1=' -p /zones \ ## -a [ true | false ] -i '/opt,/zpools/tools' \ ## -f '/export/home,/export/disk0' -t US/Central \ ## -r timeserver -s 'name_service=NONE' ## ## Author: Victor Burns ## EMAIL: v-burns@ti.com ## Date: 2007-March ## ## Releases: ## 2009-Jan-19 (VICB) - Sent to Linux Journal by permission. May be used for any ## purpose as long as user takes full responsibility. ## ## Changes: ## 2008-Dec-10 (VICB) - Corrected problem with defining more than one IP for ## the same physical interface. ## ## 2008-Oct-13 (VICB) - Added support for zone clone option ## ## 2008-Aug-28 (VICB) - Added ability to define sysidcfg file ## name_service option. ## ## 2007-Nov-29 (VICB) - Misc editing of header and POD etc. ## use strict; use Carp; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; my $opts = {}; GetOptions( ## Create 'c' => \$opts->{create}, 'create' => \$opts->{create}, ## Delete 'd' => \$opts->{delete}, 'delete' => \$opts->{delete}, ## zonename 'z=s' => \$opts->{zonename}, 'zonename=s' => \$opts->{zonename}, ## BrandZ 'b=s' => \$opts->{brand}, 'brand=s' => \$opts->{brand}, ## Clone 'e=s' => \$opts->{clone}, 'clone=s' => \$opts->{clone}, ## Media 'm=s' => \$opts->{media}, 'media=s' => \$opts->{media}, ## Hostname 'h=s' => \$opts->{hostname}, 'hostname=s' => \$opts->{hostname}, ## zone path 'p=s' => \$opts->{zonepath}, 'zonepath=s' => \$opts->{zonepath}, ## Autoboot [ true | false ] 'a=s' => \$opts->{autoboot}, 'autoboot=s' => \$opts->{autoboot}, ## Networks 'n=s' => \$opts->{network}, 'network=s' => \$opts->{network}, ## inherit-pkg-dir 'i=s' => \$opts->{inherit}, 'inherit=s' => \$opts->{inherit}, ## fs 'f=s' => \$opts->{fs}, 'filesystem=s' => \$opts->{fs}, ## Timezone 't=s' => \$opts->{timezone}, 'timezone=s' => \$opts->{timezone}, ## Time server 'r=s' => \$opts->{timeserv}, 'timeserv=s' => \$opts->{timeserv}, ## Name Service 's=s' => \$opts->{nameserv}, 'nameserv=s' => \$opts->{nameserv}, ## Debug 'debug' => \$opts->{debug}, ## Help 'help' => \$opts->{help} ); ############################################################################### ### HELP ############################################################################### my @opts = grep(defined $_, values %$opts ); if( defined $opts->{help} and $opts->{help} or scalar @opts == 0 ) { system("perldoc $0"); exit 0; } # print Dumper $opts; ############################################################################### ### Collect Definition ############################################################################### my $zone = Solaris::zone->new( $opts->{zonename} ); $zone->clone ( $opts->{clone} ) if defined $opts->{clone}; $zone->brand ( $opts->{brand} ) if defined $opts->{brand}; $zone->media ( $opts->{media} ) if defined $opts->{media}; $zone->hostname( $opts->{hostname} ) if defined $opts->{hostname}; $zone->zonepath( "/zone" ); ## Default $zone->zonepath( $opts->{zonepath} ) if defined $opts->{zonepath}; $zone->autoboot( $opts->{autoboot} ) if defined $opts->{autoboot}; $zone->network ( $opts->{network} ) if defined $opts->{network}; $zone->inherit ( $opts->{inherit} ) if defined $opts->{inherit}; $zone->paths ( $opts->{fs} ) if defined $opts->{fs}; $zone->timezone( $opts->{timezone} ) if defined $opts->{timezone}; $zone->timeserv( $opts->{timeserv} ) if defined $opts->{timeserv}; $zone->nameserv( $opts->{nameserv} ) if defined $opts->{nameserv}; unless( defined $zone->timezone ) { print " WARN -- A timezone was not defined or could not be discovered.\n"; print " aborting run\n"; exit 0; } # print Dumper $zone; # print Dumper $zone->zone_definition; # exit 0; ############################################################################### ### Misc Vars ############################################################################### my $line=""; # Used for file enum my $pid=$$; # Processid (used for uniq tmp files) ############################################################################### ### CREATE ############################################################################### if( defined $opts->{create} and $opts->{create} ) { my $zname = $zone->zonename; my $media = $zone->media; my $cluster = $zone->cluster; my $temp_zone_def = "/tmp/${zname}.cfg"; my $temp_sysidcfg = "/tmp/${zname}.sysidcfg"; my $temp_build = "/tmp/zcrea.$pid"; # Option sanity check ################################################## # Non Native zone creation must provide installation media # or clone from existing installed zone if( defined $zone->clone and $zone->media ) { print " ERR -- Clone operation selected and media path defined. Could not\n"; print " determine proper installation type. Clone and media options\n"; print " are exclusive. Aborting run.\n"; exit 0; } if( ! $zone->is_native && ! ( defined $zone->media || defined $zone->clone )|| ! $zone->is_native && defined $zone->media && ! -d $zone->media ) { printf("\n"); print(" Option error: Creation and Installation of Non Native BrandZ zones\n"); print(" require installation media. Please define the path of the ISO\n"); print(" installation media of a supported brand or use the clone option.\n"); print("\n"); exit(1); } # Collect Root password if we dont have one ################################################## unless( defined $zone->password ) { my @SHADOW=(); # Elements of the root shadow entry if( open(SHAD,"/etc/shadow")) { while($line=) { if ($line =~ /^root:/) { @SHADOW=split(/:/,$line); last; } } close(SHAD); } else { print(" ERR - Could get get root's encrypted passwd to place in non-global zone\n"); print(" using [ changeme ] as the password."); @SHADOW = ( '', 'ir9Ru048IlDPs' ); } $zone->password( $SHADOW[1] ); } # Create the zone config file ################################################## if(open(A,"> ${temp_zone_def}")) { my $zconfig = $zone->zone_definition; foreach my $l ( @$zconfig ) { printf(A "%s\n", $l ); } close(A); } # Create the sysidcfg ################################################## if( $zone->is_native and open(C,"> ${temp_sysidcfg}")) { my $sysidcfg = $zone->sysidcfg; foreach my $line ( @$sysidcfg ) { printf( C "%s\n", $line ); } close(C); } # Script Build ################################################## if( open(B,"> ${temp_build}")) { my $zoneroot = $zone->zonepath . '/' . $zname; printf( B "#!/bin/ksh\n"); printf( B "# Define the zone\n" ); printf( B "echo \"(/usr/sbin/zonecfg -z %s -f %s)\"\n", $zname, $temp_zone_def ); printf( B " /usr/sbin/zonecfg -z %s -f %s\n", $zname, $temp_zone_def ); printf( B "\n" ); my $install_t = 'install'; if( $zone->clone ) { print " INFO - The defined source zone clone was not verified. Cloning will\n"; print " fail unless the source zone is in the \"installed\" state.\n"; $install_t = sprintf("clone %s", $zone->clone ); } if( $zone->is_native ) { printf( B "# Install/Build the zone\n" ); printf( B "echo \"(/usr/sbin/zoneadm -z %s %s)\"\n", $zname, $install_t ); printf( B " /usr/sbin/zoneadm -z %s %s\n", $zname, $install_t ); printf( B "\n" ); printf( B "# Prep the zone before first boot\n" ); printf( B "/bin/cp %s %s/root/etc/sysidcfg\n", $temp_sysidcfg, $zoneroot ); printf( B "/bin/touch %s/root/etc/.NFS4inst_state.domain\n", $zoneroot ); # printf( B "/bin/ls -al %s %s/root/etc/sysidcfg\n", $temp_sysidcfg, $zoneroot ); printf( B "\n" ); } else { $cluster = '' unless( defined $cluster ); $cluster = ' ' . $cluster unless( length( $cluster ) == 0 ); if( $zone->clone ) { $install_t = sprintf("clone %s", $zone->clone ); } else { $install_t = sprintf("install -d %s%s", $media, $cluster ); } printf( B "# Install/Build the zone\n" ); printf( B "echo \"(/usr/sbin/zoneadm -z %s %s)\"\n", $zname, $install_t ); printf( B " /usr/sbin/zoneadm -z %s %s\n", $zname, $install_t ); printf( B "\n" ); } printf( B "# Boot the zone\n" ); printf( B "echo \"(/usr/sbin/zoneadm -z %s boot)\"\n", $zname ); printf( B " /usr/sbin/zoneadm -z %s boot\n", $zname ); close(B); if( defined $opts->{debug} ) { print "\n"; print "INFO -- Debug mode\n"; print "\n"; print "The following script would have been executed using the data that follows.\n"; print "# -- $temp_build\n"; system("cat $temp_build"); print "\n"; print "# -- $temp_zone_def\n"; system("cat $temp_zone_def"); print "\n"; if( $zone->is_native ) { print "# -- $temp_sysidcfg\n"; system("cat $temp_sysidcfg"); print "\n"; } } else { system("sh $temp_build"); } } unlink $temp_zone_def if -f $temp_zone_def; unlink $temp_sysidcfg if -f $temp_sysidcfg; unlink $temp_build if -f $temp_build; exit 0; } ############################################################################### ### DELETE ############################################################################### if( defined $opts->{delete} and $opts->{delete} ) { printf "Delete operation not yet supported - remove it yourself\n"; exit 0; } ############################################################################### ### No valid option provided ############################################################################### printf "No valid operation selected. (exiting)\n"; exit 0; ## Packages ## ## PACKAGE Property( ) ## ## Implements a simple property Object. ## Any unique property may be saved or restored ## using the set and get methods. All properties ## are stored under the {PROPS} hash. ## ## Other classes should inherit property behaviors ## from this class. ## package Property; use Carp; ## ## new( ) ## ## Create empty set of properties ## ## post: result = set{ } ## sub new { my $package = shift(@_); my $self = { }; $self->{PROPS} = { }; bless( $self, $package ); return( $self ); } sub DESTROY { } ## ## getPropertyList( ) ## getPropertyListSorted( ) ## ## Create and return a sequence (array) of property ## names. ## ## post: result == sequence{ properties } ## sub getPropertyList { my $self = shift(@_); return( [ keys %{$self->{PROPS}} ] ); } sub getPropertyListSorted { my $self = shift(@_); return( [ sort keys %{$self->{PROPS}} ] ); } ## ## getProperty( $prop ) ## ## Return the value of a given property. ## ## post: result == if set->includes( $prop ) then value ## else undef ## sub getProperty { my $self = shift(@_); my $prop = shift(@_); return( defined $self->{PROPS}{$prop} ? $self->{PROPS}{$prop} : undef ); } ## ## setProperty( $prop, $valu ) ## ## Save the property and value pair. Existing matching ## property is replaced with new value. ## ## pre: $prop defined ## post: set->including( $prop => $valu ) ## sub setProperty { my $self = shift(@_); my $prop = shift(@_); my $valu = shift(@_); if( defined( $prop ) ) { $self->{PROPS}{$prop} = $valu; } return( undef ); } ## ## delProperty( $prop ) ## ## Delete the property if it exists ## ## pre: $prop defined ## post: set = set@pre->excluding( $prop ) ## sub delProperty { my $self = shift(@_); my $prop = shift(@_); if( defined( $prop ) && defined $self->{PROPS}{$prop} ) { delete $self->{PROPS}{$prop}; } return( undef ); } ## ## toString( ) ## ## Creates a string description of this object. ## ## post: result = string description ## sub toString { my $self = shift; my $props = $self->getPropertyListSorted(); my $prop; my $result; foreach $prop ( @$props ) { $result .= sprintf(" %-15s : %s\n", $prop, $self->{PROPS}{$prop} ); } return $result; } sub _setget { my( $self, $prop, $val ) = @_; $self->setProperty( $prop, $val ) if( defined $val ); return $self->getProperty( $prop ); } ## ## PACKAGE solaris::zone; ## ## Implements simplified zone creation and deletion interface ## package Solaris::zone; use strict; use Data::Dumper; use Carp; ## Inherit from Property Class use base qw{Property}; sub new { my $package = shift(@_); my $zonename = shift(@_); my $self = $package->SUPER::new(); unless( defined $zonename ) { croak "no defined zone-name"; } $self->zonename( $zonename ); $self->autoboot( 'false' ); ## TimeZone Default to local if( -f '/etc/TIMEZONE' and open(TZ,"< /etc/TIMEZONE" )) { my $tz = (grep(/^TZ=/,))[0]; $tz =~ s/^TZ=//; chomp( $tz ); $self->timezone( $tz ); ## print " INFO: Default TZ = $tz\n"; close(TZ); } return $self; } sub zonename { $_[0]->_setget('ZONE___', $_[1] );} sub clone { $_[0]->_setget('CLONE__', $_[1] );} sub media { $_[0]->_setget('MEDIA__', $_[1] );} sub _hostname { $_[0]->_setget('HOST___', $_[1] );} sub zonepath { $_[0]->_setget('ZPTH___', $_[1] );} sub _autoboot { $_[0]->_setget('ABOOT__', $_[1] );} sub _network { $_[0]->_setget('NETS___', $_[1] );} sub _paths { $_[0]->_setget('DIRS_WR', $_[1] );} sub _inherit { $_[0]->_setget('DIRS_RO', $_[1] );} sub timezone { $_[0]->_setget('TZ_____', $_[1] );} sub password { $_[0]->_setget('PW_____', $_[1] );} sub timeserv { $_[0]->_setget('NTP____', $_[1] );} sub nameserv { $_[0]->_setget('NAMSRV_', $_[1] );} sub _brandz { $_[0]->_setget('BRANDZ_', $_[1] );} sub cluster { $_[0]->_setget('CLUSTR_', $_[1] );} sub brand { my $self = shift(@_); my $info = shift(@_); return $self->_brandz unless( defined $info ); my( $brand, $cluster ) = split( ',', $info ); $self->cluster( $cluster ); $self->_brandz( $brand ); } sub hostname { my $self = shift(@_); my $name = shift(@_); $self->_hostname( $name ) if( defined $name ); $name = $self->_hostname; $name = $self->zonename unless defined $name; return $name; } sub paths { my $self = shift(@_); my $dirs = shift(@_); return $self->_paths unless( defined $dirs ); ## Define Dirs my $dirpaths = [ split(',', $dirs ) ]; $self->_paths( $dirpaths ); } sub is_native { my $self = shift(@_); return ( ! defined $self->brand ) unless defined $self->brand; return ( defined $self->brand and lc($self->brand) eq 'native' ); } sub inherit { my $self = shift(@_); my $dirs = shift(@_); return $self->_inherit unless( defined $dirs ); ## Define Dirs my $dirpaths = [ split(',', $dirs ) ]; $self->_inherit( $dirpaths ); } sub network { my $self = shift(@_); my $netw = shift(@_); return $self->_network unless( defined $netw ); ## Define Networks my $networks = []; my $netdata = [ split(',', $netw ) ]; foreach my $ent ( @$netdata ) { my( $interface, $network ) = split('=', $ent, 2 ); ## Should test sanaty of this information (but we dont) ## does /dev/${interface} exist? ## does $network "look like" xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx ## zonecfg will do some checking for us push @$networks, [ $interface, $network ]; # $networks->{$interface} = $network; } $self->_network( $networks ); } sub autoboot { my $self = shift(@_); my $auto = shift(@_); $auto = lc($auto) if( defined $auto ); if( defined $auto and $auto =~ /^(true|false)$/ ) { $self->_autoboot( $auto ); } return $self->_autoboot; } sub zone_definition { my $self = shift(@_); my $rslt = []; if( $self->is_native ) { push( @$rslt, "create -F" ); } else { push( @$rslt, sprintf("create -F -t %s", $self->brand )); } push( @$rslt, sprintf("set zonepath=%s/%s", $self->zonepath, $self->zonename )); push( @$rslt, sprintf("set autoboot=%s", $self->autoboot )); ## Read-Write Filesystems ## (assumption: (global):/export/home -> (non-global):/export/home my $readwrite= $self->paths; foreach my $dir ( @$readwrite ) { push( @$rslt, "add fs" ); push( @$rslt, sprintf("set dir=%s", $dir )); push( @$rslt, sprintf("set special=%s", $dir )); push( @$rslt, 'set type=lofs' ); push( @$rslt, 'add options [rw,nodevices]' ); push( @$rslt, "end" ); } ## Inherited Readonly-paths my $inherited= $self->inherit; foreach my $dir ( @$inherited ) { push( @$rslt, "add inherit-pkg-dir" ); push( @$rslt, sprintf("set dir=%s", $dir )); push( @$rslt, "end" ); } ## Network interfaces my $networks = $self->network; # foreach my $net ( sort keys %$networks ) foreach my $net ( 0..$#$networks ) { push( @$rslt, "add net" ); push( @$rslt, sprintf("set physical=%s", $networks->[$net][0] )); push( @$rslt, sprintf("set address=%s", $networks->[$net][1] )); push( @$rslt, "end" ); } # ## Debug - can /dev/ip be used in non-global-zone? # ## (it appears that /dev/ip is prohibited from use in a non-global-zone) # push( @$rslt, "add device" ); # push( @$rslt, "set match=/dev/ip" ); # push( @$rslt, "end" ); return $rslt; } sub sysidcfg { my $self = shift(@_); my $conf = []; push( @$conf, sprintf("timezone=%s", $self->timezone )); push( @$conf, "system_locale=C" ); push( @$conf, sprintf("root_password=%s", $self->password )); push( @$conf, "name_service=NONE" ) unless defined $self->nameserv; push( @$conf, $self->nameserv ) if defined $self->nameserv; push( @$conf, sprintf("network_interface=primary {hostname=%s}", $self->hostname )); push( @$conf, "security_policy=NONE" ); push( @$conf, "terminal=vt100" ); push( @$conf, sprintf("timeserver=%s", $self->timeserv )) if defined $self->timeserv; push( @$conf, "nfs4_domain=dynamic" ); return $conf; } __END__ ## ## Documentation ## =pod =head1 NAME zonetool.pl - A Solaris zone building tool =head1 SYNOPSYS The zonetool.pl controls and configures many aspects of the zone building process from a single command line operation. =head1 USAGE (native Solaris example) $ zonetool.pl -c [ -b native ] -z zonename \ -h myhost.company.dom.com -p /zones \ -n 'ce0=,ce1=' \ -a ( true | false ) [ -i '/opt,/example/blah' ] \ [ -f '/export/home,/export/disk0' ] -t US/Central \ -r timeserver -s 'name_service=NONE' (Linux lx branded example) note: options not shown in example are ignored for lx brand $ zonetool.pl -c -b SUNWlx[,development] -z zonename -p /zones \ -m /zone/compatable/installation/media \ -n 'ce0=,ce1=' \ -a ( true | false ) (Zone Removal Unsupported) $ ./zonetool -d -z zonename (unsupported) =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item -c | --create This option designates a create zone operation. By default a native Solaris zone is created. The "brand" of the zone can be explicitly defined as an argument to the brand option. =item -d | --delete The automatic removal of a zone is unsupported at this time. I am currently not sure that automatic removal of a zone is a good idea. =item -b | --brand [ native | SUNWlx[,cluster] ] By default a native Solaris zone is created. The "brand" of the zone is explicitly defined as an argument to the brand option. When the brand option is used an argument is required. The argument must be "native" or a currently known BrandZ template of the zonecfg tool. There was some confusion about the keywords to be used to select an installation cluster for lx brand zones. Most documented lists include [ core, server, desktop, developer, all ]; however during testing the "developer" cluster was selected by using the "development" keyword. =item -z | --zonename Defines the name of the zone. =item -e | --clone The installation of the new zone will take place by cloning an exiting, installed, non-running zone. The zones *MUST* be the same BrandZ. No checking is done by zonetool.pl. The operator is expected to ensure that both zones are the same type, the source zone exists and is in the "installed" state. =item -h | --hostname Defines the primary hostname of this zone. =item -n | --network Define one or more interfaces. The form for each interface is 'interface=IP'. Do not be concerned with the final alias name to be assigned this is automatic. Provide an interface name that is plumed and working in the global zone and an IP that is intended for the private use of this zone. =item -p | --zonepath Define the path where the zone will be created. The final path used will be the combination of ( -p )/( -z ). When the options '-z myzone1' and '-p /zones' are used the zone will be created at the path /zones/myzone1. =item -a | --autoboot Define if the zone should autoboot. true=autoboot false=no-autoboot. To turn on autobooting the option is specified as "-a true". Example: -a true =item -i | --inherit Define one or more paths that will be mounted read-only and defined as zone inherit-pkg-dir from the global zone. Example: -i '/opt' =item -f | --filesystem Define one or more paths that will be read-write file-systems to be mounted in this zone from the global. Example -f '/export/home,/export/disk1' =item -t | --timezone Define the timezone this zone should be configured to use. Example: -t US/Central =item -r | --timeserv Define the IP address of the time server. Used in the sysidcfg file. =item -s | --nameserv Define the name_service configuration entry to place in the sysidcfg file. The argument is not tested or checked. The value provided is placed in the sysidcfg as-is and must include the complete and full syntax expected by the Solaris system configuration startup activity. The default value when this option is not used is "name_service=NONE". =item -m | --media Define the path that contains installation media for a non native zone. =item --debug Run without actually building the zone. The zone building files are created and available for review. =item --help Display this documentation. =back =head1 AUTHOR Victor M. Burns (v-burns@ti.com) =head1 BUGS None Known (Okay many, but who's looking) =head1 SEE ALSO N/A =head1 COPYRIGHT LICENSE 2009, Released by permission to Linux Journal for inclusion in publication and/or electronic downloading by the public from LINUX Journal servers. The end-user takes full responsibility for the use of this script/tool/utility. Texas Instruments and the Author take no responsibility for its use. Copyright 2007-2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved as an unpublished work. =cut ## END