LJ Archive CD

News Flash!

Corel and Corel Computer Corporation have announced their official position on Linux and Open Source Software. At the May Ottawa Carleton Linux Users Group meeting, Corel announced that they will port all of their commercial applications to Linux, including a $99 version of Corel Word Perfect Suite 8. Corel Computer will open the source code for the development of their NetWinder NC.

1998 Readers' Choice Awards

Each year we give our readers a chance to vote on their favorite Linux distributions and products. Voting dates this year will be August 1 through September 30. All voting is done via a form on our web site, http://www.linuxjournal.com/. Results will be printed in our January 1999 issue.

Don't miss out on the chance to vote for your favorites. In the immortal words of James Hoffa, “Vote early and vote often.”

LJ Archive CD