LJ Archive CD


Graphics Programming Black Book, Michael Abrash, Coriolis Group Books, July 1997.

OpenGL Programming Guide, Second Edition, a.k.a. the “Red Book”, Mason Woo, OpenGL ARB, et. al., Addison-Wesley Publishing, January 1997.

OpenGL Programming for the X Window System, a.k.a. the “Green Book”, Mark J. Kilgard, Addison-Wesley Developers Press, August 1996.

The Inventor Mentor, a.k.a. the “Orange Book”, Josie Wernecke, Addison-Wesley Publishing, March 1994.

The Inventor Toolmaker, a.k.a. the “Purple Book”, Josie Wernecke, Addison-Wesley Publishing, May 1994.

SGI Inventor page: http://www.sgi.com/Technology/Inventor/

Template Graphic Software: http://www.tgs.com/

Viewer/Converter: http://www.cam.org/~alex/

Mesa: ftp://iris.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/Mesa/Mesa.html

Viewkit: http://www.ics.com/

Open GL Programing for the X Window System, Mark J. Kilgard:

Varkon: http://www.microform.se/

Polyred: http://www.sim.no/

Note: Much of the information in this article can also be found in The Inventor Mentor, on-line sources from SGI and TGS and from the bundled documentation that comes with Inventor, including man pages.

The listing referred to in this article is available by anonymous download in the file ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lj/listings/issue53/2903.tgz.

LJ Archive CD