LJ Archive CD


“ATM on Linux, User's Guide”, W. Almsberger, available at http://lrcwww.epfl.ch/linux-atm/.

“Netperf: A Network Performance Benchmark (Revision 2.0)” , available at http://www.cup.hp.com/netperf/NetperfPage.html.

The device driver for the Fore PCA-200E ATM adapter is available at ftp://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/pub/pca200e/.

ForeRunner ATM Switch Configuration Manual, FORE Systems, Inc., March 1996.

ATM Theory and Application, McDysan, David E. and Darren L. Spohn, McGraw-Hill, 1995.

All listings referred to in this article are available by anonymous download in the file ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lj/listings/issue58/3005.tgz.

LJ Archive CD