LJ Archive CD


All the files for the DECnet for Linux project can be downloaded from our web site at http://linux.dreamtime.org/decnet/. Here you will find all the sources as well as pre-built binary packages in RPM format for Intel and Alpha processors.

Pre-built X servers with DECnet support are also available for most cards supported by XFree86 V3.3.2 at http://linux.dreamtime.org/decnet/Xservers.html.

The specifications for the DECnet protocol are available at http://ftp.digital.com/pub/DEC/DECnet/PhaseIV/.

The PPP linklayer for DECnet is described in rfc1762.txt available at many large FTP sites; use your closest mirror.

For more information about OpenVMS and DECnet, see Compaq's site at http://www.openvms.digital.com/.

LJ Archive CD