LJ Archive CD

Corel's NetWinder

The newest and cutest network computer, Corel's NetWinder was my choice for Best New Hardware of 1998 and is featured on our cover. With Linux pre-installed, it represents a major step forward for Linux. This review gives you all the details of this great little computer; see page 42.
by Marcel Gagné

Using Linux with Network Computers

The network computer in this article is built by NeoWare using their proprietary operating system, but all the work is done by servers running Linux. Here's how to get Linux to work for your network; see page 50.
by Brian Vincent

Network Administration with AWK

AWK is an easy-to-use scripting language that can help you get your tasks done quickly and efficiently. In this article, you will find out how accessing your network services can be made easy using AWK scripts; see page 54.
by Juergen Kahrs

FlowNet: An Inexpensive High-Performance Network

Having problems with a slow network? Here's an application that may provide you with a solution. FlowNet is the world's fastest computer network, and it is compatible with Ethernet protocols. This article gives us a quick look at network protocols and quality of service; see page 46.
by Erann Gat and Mike Ciholas

LJ Archive CD