LJ Archive CD

Listing 6. get-news.comp

%# -*- mmm-classes: mason -*-
# Connect to the database, if we haven't
# already done so
$dbh = $m->comp("database-connect.comp");
# Get the news items in this category
my $sql = "SELECT headline, body, posting_date ";
  $sql .= "FROM Articles ";
  $sql .= "WHERE category_id = ? ";
  $sql .= "ORDER BY posting_date DESC ";
  $sql .= "LIMIT $how_many ";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) || die "Error:
$sth->execute($category_id) || die "Error:
my @articles;
my $row_ref;
# Put the list of articles into @articles
while ($row_ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref)
    my ($headline, $body, $posting_date) =
    push @articles, {headline => $headline,
         body => $body,
         posting_date => $posting_date};
return @articles;
my $dbh;
$how_many => 5
LJ Archive CD