LJ Archive CD

Listing 1. Example Configuration File for Icecast

# icecast.conf
# Read this file carefully, so that you
# don't do anything silly.
##### Server Location and Responsible Person#######
# Server meta info, please fill out these.
# They get displayed when listing directories,
# streams, and if the client supports it, among
# the other stream headers.
# You can put anything here, it's just for show.
location Just west of Mars
rp_email dj@opensourceradio.com
server_url http://www.opensourceradio.com/
################ Server Limits ####################
# These describe the maximum number of simultaneous
# connections allowed.
# When mat reached, the server refuses access.
max_clients 100
max_clients_per_source 100
max_sources 10
max_admins 5
throttle 1.0
################# Stream Meta Data ################
# This is a experimental feature, at best.
# When it does not work, it will put the whole
# stream out of sync on the client
# side, and you get a big mess.
use_meta_data 0
streamurllock 0
streamtitletemplate %s
#streamurl http://yp.icecast.org
streamurl http://www.opensourceradio.com:8000
nametemplate %s
desctemplate %s
############# Server passwords ####################
# Unless you've compiled icecast with crypt
# support, we used the default, but will not show
# this for purposes of the article.
############### Directory Servers#################
# A directory server is a "meta-server" where you,
# for free, can list your own icecast server. This
# is a great way of getting more listeners. The
# touch_freq is how often to "update" the directory
# server with information from your server.
# (e.g number of listeners, stream info, etc.)
icydir yp.shoutcast.com
icydir yp.breakfree.com
icydir yp.musicseek.net
icydir yp.van-pelt.com
icydir yp.radiostation.de
directory yp.icecast.org
directory yp.mp3.de
touch_freq 5
#### Server IP/port configuration (IMPORTANT) #####
# If no hostname is specified, icecast listens
# on all available interfaces, i.e INADDR_ANY. This
# is probably what you want. If you want icecast to
# _only_ listen on a specified IP, then change the
# "hostname" parameter. The "port" parameter is
# rather self-explanatory. As of Icecast 1.3, all
# connections use port 8000. Admins, encoders,
# clients, the whole thing. So no more messing with
# 3 different ports in the firewall rules.
port 8000
port 8001
port 8002
server_name www.opensourceradio.com
############# Main Server Logfile #################
# This is the file where Icecast prints all the
# information about
# connections, warnings, errors, etc.
logfile icecast.log
accessfile access.log
usagefile usage.log
logfiledebuglevel 0
consoledebuglevel 0
############# Reverse Lookups #####################
# Set this to 1 if you want ip:s to be looked up
#(using reverse lookup) or 0 if you just want the
#ip:s (which is slightly faster)
reverse_lookups 1
#The rest of this file is default--be sure to read
#it carefully to understand
#the aspects you want to have for your server.
LJ Archive CD