LJ Archive CD


“Charming Python: Iterators and simple generators” by David Mertz, PhD, September 2001: www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-pycon.html?n-l-9271

Core Python Programming by Wesley J. Chun. Prentice Hall 2001.

Core Python Programming Supplemental Web Site: starship.python.net/crew/wesc/cpp

Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs): www.python.org/peps/pep-0000.html

Python Language Home Page: www.python.org

“Unifying types and classes in Python 2.2” by Guido van Rossum, April 2002: www.python.org/2.2.1/descrintro.html

“What's New in Python 2.2” by Andrew Kuchlin, December 2001: www.amk.ca/python/2.2

“What's New in Python 2.2” (ZPUG-DC Talk) by Guido van Rossum, September 2001: zpug.org/Resources/Documents/1001616285.02/python22new.ppt

LJ Archive CD