LJ Archive CD

Listing 6. cabin.rif: an Input File Telling the rad Utility What Options and Files Are Used to Generate Pictures

# The files that contain the scene
scene=materials cabin

# Which way is up

RESOLUTION=1596 1064  # Final rendered image size

# Where to store temporary ambient data

# Set these lower if you want an interactive render
QUALITY=M   # L M or H
PENUMBRAS=T # Penumbras on shadows? T or F
INDIRECT=1  # Indirect lighting calculation depth
DETAIL=M    # L M or H

# lighting variability in your scene L M or H

# List of views to render
# The first one is the default in interactive mode
view=exterior -vtv -vp 280 -200 100 \
     -vd -0.707107 0.707107 0 -vu 0 0 1 \
     -vh 100 -vv 90 -vo 0 -va 0 -vs 0 -vl 0
LJ Archive CD