50 and Beyond

Dear Linux Magazine Reader,

This month we celebrate the 50th issue of Linux Magazine. That makes this month a sort of golden anniversary or "jubilee," as we like to call it. If you're quick with math, you have probably already determined that 50 issues is four years and two months of Linux Magazine. If you do not work in publishing, you may be wondering if four years is really enough for a party.

Actually, emerging magazines compete fiercely in the jungle of reader expectations. Many startup magazines collapse within the first year due to the pressures of circulation quotas, budgets, and deadlines. Four years really is a long time for a new magazine. We at Linux Magazine are proud of the steady growth that has led to tens of thousands of readers in over a hundred countries. And we are proud to be part of a very interesting publishing experiment.

New Linux Magazine Cover

Notice something different about this month's cover? Based on feedback from readers and newsstand experts, we are changing our cover design. This design gives us more room to describe the contents of the issue. The new look also lets us feature our DVD a bit more.

We want our readers to understand that our DVD series is very unique, and the value of the DVD alone often exceeds the price of the magazine.

If you have any thoughts on covers, colors, or our Linux Magazine DVD, be sure to let us know:


You see, a magazine is usually published in a single language. The articles are sometimes licensed after the fact for translation to other languages, but the vision is bound to a single mother tongue. Linux Magazine is part of something different.

We and the other magazines of the Linux New Media group are an international community of independent but affiliated Linux publications who are attempting to erase the barriers of language that separate communities of Linux users. We each have our own markets and our own authors, but we also share authors, and we help each other with contacts, contracts, advice, and technical support. We each support a local community, but together we offer a means for authors and readers to reach other authors and readers all over the world.

Our German sister publication Linux-Magazin, http://www.linux-magazin.de, is Europe's oldest Linux magazine and the second oldest Linux publication in the world. Linux New Media's three German magazines are industry leaders for the German-speaking world, and our own magazine benefits from the contributions of authors and columnists from the German publications.

But the German magazines are only part of the picture. In addition to our own English-language Linux Magazine, other subsidiaries offer up local Linux editions in Poland, Romania, and Brazil, http://www.linux-magazine.pl, http://www.linux-magazin.ro, and http://www.linux-magazine.com.br. And by the time you read this, we will also have another Linux Magazine in the works for Spanish-language readers. All together, Linux New Media is the largest Linux publisher in the world. We have more Linux magazines, with more readers, more local editions, and more worldwide coverage than any other publisher.

But the best part of the system is that the local affiliates don't just borrow - they share. Our vision is not just to find new markets of readers, but to find new sources of authors, so that we can bring you the best Linux content from everywhere on the Earth.

Thanks to you, the reader, for your support of the Linux Magazine community. If you ever want to reach the world, send us a proposal. We're always looking for good authors: edit@linux-magazine.com.

Joe Casad
Editor in Chief