Emulating Shell Functions in Perl

Perl Shell Scripts

Michael Schilli

Perl gives you better shell scripts. Sysadm::Install, a new module from CPAN, helps shell addicts let go of Bash.

System administration shell scripts are easily put together using just a few shell commands. An installation routine might use cp, mv, and chmod; a query script might depend upon grep, awk, or sed. If you need more, however, a shell script can start to become complex, or even ugly; and more times than not, you come to a dead end. The shell takes a very roundabout route to get to some places, and there are other places a shell script just can't go.

Creative programmers will always find an (admittedly obscure) way to work around the obstacles, and shells such as Bash, Ksh, and Tcsh have many features found in genuine programming languages. Also, if you prefer to avoid typing, standard Perl is not recommended for simple shell tasks. After all, who wants to have to enter something like the following:

open FILE, "<filename" or
  die "Cannot open filename

when a simple cat filename would open a file for processing in a subsequent pipe? Enter Sysadm::Install, a new CPAN module that exports functions such as cp, mv, untar, mkd, rmf (rm -f), and cd to help shell scripters feel more at home with Perl.

The module also has features for user interaction, file manipulation, and downloads, as well as a collection of simplified interfaces for calling external programs.


topng in Listing 1 is a script that calls the convert tool to convert a group of JPG images to PNG. It uses use Sysadm::Install qw(:all) to import all available functions into the current namespace before going on to use two of them: sysrun() to call an external program, and rmf(), which is the Sysadm::Install version of rm -f. If the call to

topng *.jpg

Listing 1: topng

01 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
02 #############################
03 # topng -- convert jpgs->png
04 #############################
05 use Sysadm::Install qw(:all);
07 for $jpg (@ARGV) {
08   ($png = $jpg) =~
09                  s/jpg$/png/;
10   sysrun "convert",
11          $jpg, $png;
12   rmf $jpg;
13 }

in a directory full of JPGs returns quietly, all PNG files are done. Need more information? No problem: as Sysadm::Install supports the Log::Log4perl system, we can simply add

use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);

to the start of the script to make it more talkative:

2004/12/03 23:25:20 sysrun:U
convert 1.jpg 1.png
2004/12/03 23:25:32 rmf 1.jpg
2004/12/03 23:25:32 sysrun:U
convert 2.jpg 2.png
2004/12/03 23:25:44 rmf 2.jpg

But this is not the only reason why the script uses sysrun() and rmf() from the Sysadm::Install treasure trove, rather than the equivalent standard Perl functions system() and unlink(). Sysrun() and rmf() automatically use run-or-die mode, as do all Sysadm::Install functions. Under the hood, the results are carefully checked, and in case of error, a call to die() automatically interrupts the script. Shell programmers who previously needed to type in something like the following:

cp a b || exit 1
mv c d || exit 1

can now relax. topng doesn't even make use of perl's strict mode, which is otherwise used religiously in the world of Perl. This is a quick-and-dirty script that does not try to deny its heritage.

Elegantly Unpacked

If you do not use tar on a daily basis, you may not always be able to recall the correct syntax for a specific tar command. This memory lapse could be fatal. Imagine, for instance, using the cf option instead of xf. This unfortunate mistake would overwrite the archive instead of unpacking it. Also, some packagers forget to add a top-level directory. If this happens, the tar archive will contain a whole bundle of files that will clutter up your directory when you unpack them. untar() prevents these problems from happening. The untar() script expects the name of a tar file, discovers whether the file needs to be decompressed, and then unpacks the contents of the archive. If the archive is the free-for-all type that does not give you a top-level directory, the tool creates a directory and stores the archive content in that directory.

Listing 2: untar

01 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
02 #############################
03 # untar -- Untar tarballs
04 #############################
05 use strict;
07 use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
08 use Getopt::Std;
09 use Sysadm::Install 'untar';
11 getopts('v', \my %opts);
13 Log::Log4perl->easy_init(
14  $opts{v} ? $DEBUG : $ERROR);
16 for my $tar (@ARGV) {
17    untar($tar);
18 }

The sample untar script in Listing 2 is simply called with the name of the tar archive:

untar pari-2.1.4.tgz

Since pari-2.1.4.tgz properly contains a top directory, this will just unpack the contents into pari-2.1.4. But it's comforting to know that we'd be covered in either case!

If you prefer information on the proceedings rather than silence, you can set the -v<$> flag for more details on what is going on under the hood.

Listing 3: mkperl

01 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
02 #############################
03 # mkperl - Download the
04 #   latest stable perl,
05 #   configure and install it.
06 #############################
07 use strict;
09 use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
10 Log::Log4perl->easy_init(
11                      $DEBUG);
13 use Sysadm::Install qw(
14   download hammer untar
15   cd sysrun);
17 download
18   "http://www.perl.com/" .
19   "CPAN/src/stable.tar.gz";
21 untar "stable.tar.gz";
22 cd "stable";
24 hammer("./Configure", "-d",
25  "-D", "prefix=/home/" .
26        "mschilli/PERL-test");
28 sysrun("make install");

If I had a Hammer: Perl on Your Coffee Break

Some install scripts prompt users for interactive input. In most cases you simply need to press the Enter key, and this is exactly what the hammer() function does. Perl-Build is a typical example. You download the tarball from perl.com, unpack the archive, go to the top directory, launch ./Configure, and you are bombarded with a plethora of questions. If you are sure that the defaults will be fine for your machine, you can either set the -d<$> flag or keep pressing enter.

The mkperl script in Listing 3 download()s the current stable Perl tarball from perl.com, runs untar() to unpack it, configures the release, and launches into the build. It uses the -d<$> option of Configure to cut down on the noise, but runs hammer() on the last prompt to brush off the configurator's last question on editing the configuration file manually.

User Input

Some scripts need the user to confirm that he or she is happy with the default, or to select one of the five options on display. Sysadm::Install gives you the ask and pick functions for this task. ask prompts the user to accept the default text or enter another. pick shows the user an enumerated list of options and prompts the user to select the number corresponding with a specific option.

The script in Listing 4 input first gets a text string from the user then gives the user a choice of three options:

Name U
[No-Name-Entered]> Bill Gates
  Name: Bill Gates

[1] 0-100K
[2] 100K-200K
[3] 300K-
Salary [1]> 3
  Salary: 300K-

The values returned by ask and pick correspond to the entry or the selected value. In this case, the values are "Bill Gates" and 300K-.

Figure 2: The results of the macro from Figure 1. Script authors can press [!]+[P] and get down to writing their scrips without further ado.

Figure 2: The results of the macro from Figure 1. Script authors can press [!]+[P] and get down to writing their scrips without further ado.


If you make frequent use of Perl one-liners, you may be familiar with the problem of escaping Perl code in the command line to prevent the shell from eating it up. For example,

perl -e "print "Hi!\n""

will not work, as the shell will mangle the internal quotes and the backslash, and the exclamation mark will dig up a command from the history list. However, you could escape the endangered characters using a backslash (not forgetting to escape the backslash with yet another backslash, of course):

perl -e "print

Single quotes are an alternative, but then this stops the shell from substituting variables, and single quotes again need to be escaped in the code. This gets worse if you need to run the command on a remote machine, rather than locally, using the ssh -t host command. This means escaping any non-standard characters (including the special characters and escape characters you escaped previously!) This can lead to a severe attack of backslashitis:

ssh -t somehost "perl -e U
\"print \\\"Hi\\\!\\\\n\\\"\""

Confused? Thought so. But there is a way of avoiding this using the qquote() function that Sysadm::Install exports to add double quotes to your string and escape any quotes and backslashes contained in the string. If the second parameter you specify is :shell, qquote() extends this protection to the dangerous dollar sign, the explosive exclamation mark, and the big bad backquote.

Listing 4: input

01 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
02 #############################
03 # input -- ask() and pick()
04 #############################
05 use strict;
07 use Sysadm::Install qw(:all);
09 my $name = ask "Name",
10            "No-Name-Entered";
12 print "  Name: $name\n";
14 my $salary = pick "Salary",
15    ["0-100K", "100K-200K",
16     "300K-"], 1;
18 print "  Salary: $salary\n";

Listing 5: fixinittab

01 #!/usr/bin/perl
02 #############################
03 # fixinittab
04 #############################
05 use Sysadm::Install qw(:all);
07 $file = "/etc/inittab";
08 $data = slurp $file;
09 $data =~ s/id:5:initdefault:/
10          id:3:initdefault:/x;
11 blurt $data, $file;

Machine Escapism

Starting in line 10, Listing 7 ips defines a script that runs the ifconfig command and extracts the IP addresses of all network interfaces. Line 18 strips the newlines and superfluous blanks out of the script text, and in line 21 the qquote() function formulates a compact double-quoted string that the script then appends to perl -e.

Line 23 adds another round of quote() for the SSH command, before system() finally runs the following command to collect the IP addresses from somehost without you needing to install a script on that machine:

ssh -t somehost "perl -e \" U
\\\$data = \\\`ifconfig\\\`; U
while(\\\$data =~ /inet addr:U
(\\\\S+)/g) { print U
\\\"\\\$1\\\\n\\\"; } \""

Of course, you could just as easily return the ifconfig results to your local host and continue the process there, but a mobile script can be a more practical approach if you need to handle large amounts of data.

Listing 6: fixinittab-pie

01 #!/usr/bin/perl
02 #############################
03 # fixinittab-pie
04 #############################
05 use Sysadm::Install qw(:all);
07 pie(sub {
08   s/id:5:initdefault
09    /id:3:initdefault/gx; $_;
10   }, "/etc/inittab");

Listing 7: ips

01 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
02 #############################
03 # ips -- run a script on a
04 #        remote machine
05 #############################
06 use strict;
08 use Sysadm::Install 'qquote';
10 my $script = q{
11     $data = `ifconfig`;
12     while($data =~
13         /inet addr:(\S+)/g) {
14        print "$1\n";
15     }
16 };
18 $script =~ s/\s+/ /g;
20 my $cmd = "perl -e " .
21    qquote($script, ":shell");
23 $cmd = "ssh -t somehost " .
24       qquote($cmd, ":shell");
26 system($cmd);


Scripts often need the whole set of data from a file. Perl 6 will address this problem by providing a slurp() function. Sysadm::Install already has the useful slurp() function, along with the opposite function, blurt(), which has the effect of moving stored data back into a file in one fell swoop.

For example, if you wish to tell Linux not to enter the X GUI after booting but to display a text mode login for the user instead, you need to modify /etc/inittab by changing the 5 in the following line to a 3:


slurp() and blurt() make this change quite simple, as Listing 5 (fixinittab) shows.

You can make this even more compact, as Listing 6 demonstrates. In a similar way to Perl's inline edit mode (perl -p -i -e "..."), Sysadm::Install gives you a pie() function. The pie() function expects at least two arguments: a reference to user defined callback, and one or more file names. pie() parses the files specified with the command one by one, calls the callback for each line, and replaces the line with the value returned by the function. After completing these changes, pie() writes the results back to the original file(s).

If you use the substitution operator, remember that s/a/b/ does not return the resulting string but the number of replacements. If the callback is a simple substitution function, s/a/b/; $_; makes sure the resulting string is substituted back into the file.

Tired of Typing?

Finally, a tip for those who want to cut down on keyboard penetration. Instead of typing #!/usr/bin/perl and use Sysadm::Install qw(:all), you can simply define a vim macro, as shown in Figure 1. The vim macro assigns an insert command, followed by the first seven lines of a Sysadm::Install script, to the !P (P for Perl) key combination in vi's command mode: a Perl-Shebang line, some dressing, a template for the script name, what the script does, and your name. In .vimrc, the command has to be written in a single line. The newlines, which are represented by ^M later, are created by pressing the [CTRL]+[V] key combination, followed by [Return], in Vim input mode.

You can simply type vi test-script to start a new script. [!]+[P] adds the header and switches vi to insert mode.


[1] Listings for this article: http://www.linux-magazine.com/Magazine/Downloads/52/Perl

[2] Sysadm::Install: http://search.cpan.org/~mschilli/Sysadm-Install-0.09/


Michael Schilli works as a Software Developer at Yahoo!, Sunnyvale, California. He wrote "Perl Power" for Addison-Wesley and can be contacted at mschilli@perlmeister.com. His homepage is at http://perlmeister.com.