Using tr and dos2unixThe TranslatorHeike Jurzik |
The tr command replaces characters in text files. The command reads the standard input and sends the results to standard output. But of course, you can use the familiar operators to redirect both streams. In fact, tr really shines in combination with other shell commands.
The tr command expects two strings as arguments and replaces all the occurrences of the first argument in a text with the second argument. This may sound complicated, but let’s look at a simple example. The following command replaces the “e“s in “Petronella” with “a“s:
$ echo Petronella | tr 'e' 'a'U Patronalla
Of course you can specify the strings you want to replace within a file. tr '1' '2' < test.txt will replace any occurrences of “1” in the file test.txt with “2” and send the result to standard output. Note that the characters within the arguments you pass to the utility are handled as though they were in separate fields. Each character in the first argument is replaced by its counterpart in the second argument. For example, tr ‘abc’ ‘xyz’ will replace “a” with “x”, “b” with “y”, and “c” with “z.. If the second string is shorter than the first string, tr fills the gap with the last character in the second string.
For example, you can enter tr 'abc' 'z' < test.txt without fazing tr. The utility simply replaces all occurrences of “a,” “b,” and “c” with “z.” However, tr fails if you try to replace, “ä” with “ae.” The fields are not the same length, and “ä” is just replaced with “a.” You might prefer to use sed for these more complex replacement tasks
tr can be extremely useful if you need to swap lower- and uppercase letters. The best approach is two define both arguments as arrays of lower and capital letters, for example:
tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' < test.txt
If you prefer, you can simply reference the cases as follows:
tr [:lower:] [:upper:] U < test.txt
The tr command has a few parameters that give you more granular control. For example, you can use the -d option to delete things, as in,
tr -d '0-9' < test.txt
which sends all the numbers in a text to the happy hunting grounds. A combination of this option and -c gives you an even neater way of removing superfluous content. Let’s assume you want to remove everything apart from space characters, uppercase characters, and lowercase letters; you can use -c to tell tr what not to delete:
tr -c -d 'A-Z a-z' < test.txt
In combination with -s, tr allows you to reduce the volume of a file – a useful ability if you have, say, a logfile full of whitespace. The -s option expects either one or two arguments. For example, tr -s ' ' < test.txt removes all the whitespace from a file. But if you simply need to remove double spaces, or tabs, and insert a simple blank instead, you can supply tr -s with two arguments:
tr -s [:blank:] ' ' < test.txt
In this case, tr will replace contiguous blanks or tabs with simple blanks.
If you often have to exchange files between Windows and Linux systems, you will note that strange characters can occur at ends of lines. For example, if you try to open an ASCII created in Windows with the Vim editor, you will notice a weird looking bunch of ^M characters. The reason for this is quite simple: the two systems use different symbols for the end-of-line character. Whereas Windows uses \r\n to denote a line break, Linux leaves off the \r and simply keeps the \n.
tr can help you exchange ASCII files between these two systems. Calling
tr -d '\r' < wintext > linuxtext
will remove the extra \r at the end of each line and convert the text file. The -d flag tells tr to remove the unwanted character. The < operator then tells the command to parse wintext, and > sends the “clean” results to an output file called linuxtext.
The dos2unix and unix2dos tools are also useful if you need to convert back and forth between Linux and Windows. To convert a Windows text file to the right format for Linux, simply enter:
$ dos2unix -n wintext U linuxtext dos2unix: converting file U wintext to file linuxtext U in UNIX format ...
This command uses the -n option, which allows you to specify both an input file and a new output file. The manpage has details on other useful tips and tricks. The -k flag keeps the original timestamp, and -o writes the changes directly to the original file. unix2dos does the same thing, but in the other direction:
unix2dos -n linuxtext wintext
On some systems, these utilities are symbolic links to the fromdos and todos programs, respectively. These programs have a slightly different syntax and different parameters. You should use the -b option to create a backup of the original file, even if you are not creating a new file. And you might like to note the -a flag, which removes all carriage returns when stipulated with fromdos (and not only those preceded by a line feed). If you specify -a with the todos command, it will convert any line feeds into CR-LF pairs. The default behavior in this case would be to convert only those line feeds that are not preceded by a carriage return.
The two examples of dos2unix and unix2dos shown previously could thus look like the following:
cat wintext | fromdos -a U > linuxtext cat linuxtext | todos -a U > wintext
tr really shines when you use it in combination with other shell commands. For example, imagine you discover a large number of files with blanks in their filenames on your disk, and you want to replace the blanks with underscores. A for loop, the mv command, and tr will help you change the underscores to blanks:
$ for i in *; do mv -v "$i" U `echo $i | tr ' ' '_'`; done 'file with blank' -> U 'file_with_blank' 'file with blank 2' -> U 'file_with_blank_2'
If we translate the preceding command into plain English, the command would be: for all the files in the current directory do the following: move the files visibly for the user to files whose names are the results of the tr replacement operations.
Glossary |
Line break: The syntax for line breaks on computers was based on the way typewriters work. There is a control character for the line feed, and another for the carriage return. Different operating systems have different approaches to handling line breaks. Whereas Linux uses a simple line feed (\n = “new line”), DOS/Windows adds a carriage return (\r = “return”). |