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Incomplete Mandriva DVD

I've just received the #55 / June issue with the Mandriva DVD. I've used Mandrake for some time, and I looked forward to installing Mandriva with upgraded Gnome. I started installing Mandriva, only to find the DVD does not contain needed libraries and programs for Gnome to function correctly.

Gnome-panel is missing, as is gnome-applets, so I set up KDE desktop, and using a script I devised for network connections, I tried to use gftp and found it was also not on the DVD. I ended up with Gnome but no panel.

I have just spent some time downloading these files to get Gnome working. I thought this list might be useful to you:

Gnome now appears to work correctly. I used the previous version of gftp from my previous Mandrake 10.1 disks, and it set up correctly.

I have no way of knowing how many more programs are not on the DVD. Is this an error in the Linux Mag compile of the DVD? How many more programs are missing?

In spite of this problematic experience, I'm still happy with the overall content of your magazine articles and will retain my subscription.

Mike Birchley, by email


We're sorry for the trouble you had with installing the Mandriva DVD. Thank for your suggestions and detailed error report. We appreciate your willingness to share these links with our other readers.

You are correct that the Gnome package list included with the DVD was incomplete. This was most likely due to complications within Mandriva. The DVD images of large distros are compiled by the companies' development departments and are put through extensive checks by the vendor. Even though we do some additional testing, it is difficult to find mistakes that have already made it through the distributor's own more elaborate internal checks before.

We've forwarded your report to Mandriva. If we hear more from them, we'll let you know.

References as Hyperlinks?

Most of the articles in Linux Magazine are very well documented; the box at the end of the article typically contains at least five links to more information. That's good, because the links give readers the opportunity to find out more or to download some important software.

A lot of those links, however, tend to be long and complicated. Like, for instance, those in the apt4rpm article in Linux Magazine issue #54 / May, p52.

Wouldn't it be a good idea to put those links on the site? You already have a downloads section for scripts featured in the magazine; putting clickable links somewhere in there would be a great service.

Boi Janssen, by email


Thanks for your suggestion! In the near future, we'll post articles to the Linux Magazine Website as .html files - all references in our articles' Info boxouts will then function as hyperlinks. Watch out for this in the Linux Magazine Archive, http://www.linux-magazine.com/Archive.

Figure 1: The Linux Magazine Archive at http://www.linux-magazine.com/Archive provides over 4,000 pages of Linux know-how free of charge.

News from Bluefish

There are two minor errors in the article on Bluefish in Linux Magazine #54 / May, p44: The Gnome requirements as stated by the article are incorrect. For example, the Gnome libraries are not required, they are optional, detected during compile time, and only used if available.

The segfault, resulting in crashes as mentioned in the article on p45, is fixed. A maintenance release is available from http://bluefish.openoffice.nl.

Olivier Sessink, by email

Please send your comments and suggestions to letters@linux-magazine.com