Using the Yahoo Search API with Perl

Tapping in

Following in the footsteps of Google, Amazon, and eBay, Yahoo recently introduced a web service API to its search engine. In this month's column, we look at three Perl scripts that can help you correct typos, view other people's vacation pictures, and track those long lost pals from school.

By Michael Schilli

It is quite common for an Internet service to provide a Web API. Developers use the Web API to integrate the Internet service with their own applications. Yahoo just released a REST (Representational State Transfer) interface to its search infrastructure. REST basically lets an application send a URL and get XML back. Of course, there is also a new Yahoo::Search Perl module to match; the module is available from CPAN and was developed by regex guru Jeffrey Friedl.

Yahoo::Search makes it easy to search for documents, images, videos, and many other things. HTTP access and XML extraction are hidden behind simple calls to methods. If you intend to write an application, you need to register to get your own application ID. You will be allowed to issue 5,000 calls per day to the services mentioned in this article. To register at [2], you will need your own Yahoo ID, which you can get in exchange for a valid email address. You'll also have to agree to Yahoo's Privacy Statement; make sure to read it carefully.

Did you Mean...?

If you are not sure how a word is spelled, you can always grab a copy of a dictionary, although it may be missing some of the latest buzzwords, pop culture terms, or proper nouns. The Internet is a big help in this case. Most search engines offer you a "Did you mean?" function; that is, they suggest a sane alternative if you have typed something that they can't follow.

For example, the typo script (see Listing 1) uses the Web API's Term() method to call the Yahoo web spellchecker with a word or phrase handed to it:

$ typo foo foughters
Corrected: foo fighters

The spellchecker does not just correct words found in a dictionary. You can spell check nearly any term people write about on the Web. Even well-known politicians:

$ typo tonie blayre
Corrected:tony blair

Listing 1 shows the implementation. The use command in line 11 loads the Yahoo::Search module, which you installed previously using the CPAN shell, and passes the application ID that you obtained from [2] to it. You need to modify the details of the script to reflect your credentials at this point.

Listing 1: typo
01 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
02 #############################
03 use strict;
05 my $term = "@ARGV";
07 die
08 "usage: $0 word/phrase ..."
09 unless length $term;
11 use Yahoo::Search AppId =>
14 my ($suggestion) =
15 Yahoo::Search->Terms(
16 Spell => $term );
18 if (defined $suggestion) {
19 print "Corrected: ",
20 "$suggestion\n";
21 } else {
22 print "No suggestions\n";
23 }

The Terms() method's Spell parameter expects a word or phrase, sends it to the Yahoo service, investigates the XML returned in the response, and extracts the answer if an answer exists. Line 14 stores the response in the $suggestion variable. The if-else construct that follows either outputs the response or No corrections, if the search engine failed to come up with the goods. Although the service is making progress with internationalization, you may not get the results you expect for searches in foreign languages, especially with search terms that include accented letters.

Remembrance of Things Past

Search engine crawlers relentlessly wander through the known Internet looking for new sources of information. This means that search results can and will change. If you search for an old school pal's name once a day, you will immediately notice the changes if he or she starts setting up a new homepage or becomes famous overnight. Of course, nobody has the time to perform that kind of search manually, and it might be difficult to keep track of the results.

Search Service

To make things easier for you, the buddy script (Listing 2) is launched once a day by a cronjob. buddy retrieves the first 25 results for a list of names stored in the ~/.buddy configuration file. buddy sends any previously unknown URLs, along with an extract from the website content, to a preconfigured email address. This keeps you up to date by letting you know if one of the buddies on your buddy list turns up as, say, a Nobel prize nominee.

Listing 2: buddy
001 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
002 #############################
003 # buddy - Track search result
004 # changes over time.
005 # 2005,
006 #############################
007 use strict;
009 my $BUDDY_FILE =
010 "$ENV{HOME}/.buddy";
011 my $EMAIL_TO =
012 '';
014 use Sysadm::Install qw(:all);
015 use Yahoo::Search;
016 use Text::Wrap;
017 use Cache::FileCache;
018 use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
019 use Getopt::Std;
020 use Mail::Send;
022 getopts( "v", \my %o );
024 Log::Log4perl->easy_init(
025 $o{v} ? $DEBUG : $WARN );
026 sub mailadd;
028 my @buddies = ();
030 plough sub {
031 return if /^\s*#/;
032 chomp;
033 push @buddies, $_;
034 }, $BUDDY_FILE;
036 my $cache =
037 Cache::FileCache->new({
038 namespace => "Buddy",
039 default_expires_in =>
040 3600 * 24 * 30,
041 });
043 my $search =
044 Yahoo::Search->new(
045 AppId => "YOUR_APP_ID",
046 Count => 25,
047 );
049 for my $buddy (@buddies) {
050 DEBUG "Search request ",
051 "for '$buddy'";
052 my @results =
053 $search->Results(
054 Doc => qq{"$buddy"} );
056 my $buddy_listed = 0;
058 DEBUG scalar @results,
059 " results";
061 for my $result (@results) {
062 if($cache->get(
063 $result->Url()
064 )) {
065 DEBUG "Found cached: ",
066 $result->Url();
068 # Refresh if found
069 $cache->set(
070 $result->Url(), 1);
071 next;
072 }
074 mailadd
075 "\n\n### $buddy ###"
076 unless $buddy_listed++;
078 mailadd $result->Url();
080 $cache->set(
081 $result->Url(), 1);
083 mailadd fill( " ",
084 " ",
085 $result->Summary() ),
086 "";
087 }
088 }
090 mailsend();
092 #############################
093 sub mailadd {
094 #############################
095 our $maildata;
096 $maildata .= "$_\n" for @_;
097 }
099 #############################
100 sub mailsend {
101 #############################
102 our $maildata;
104 return
105 unless defined $maildata;
107 DEBUG "Sending email: ",
108 "$maildata";
110 my $msg =
111 Mail::Send->new();
113 $msg->to($EMAIL_TO);
114 $msg->subject(
115 "Buddy Watch News");
116 my $fh = $msg->open;
117 print $fh $maildata;
118 close $fh;
119 }

Buddy keeps any URLs it finds in a cache for a period of one month. Every time it finds a cached name again, the caching period gets extended. Names that have been missing for a month will be rediscovered as if they were new, thus simulating a bad memory and cheering you up occasionally.

Line 12 of the script expects the email address to which it should send the updates. If you launch buddy at the command line and specify the -v (for verbose) option, line 24 initializes the Log4perl framework with a log level of $DEBUG, making the log more informative. By default, you will only see log messages with WARN or higher priority.

Line 26 declares the mailadd function (which is defined later on) to tell Perl that this is a new function, allowing any calls that precede the definition to do so without needing parentheses. mailadd, which starts at line 93, holds the accumulated mailtext in an our variable called $maildata. The mailsend function in line 100 shares the same variable. Calls to mailadd simply append text to $maildata. The call to close() in line 118 then sends the completed message to the address you supplied (Figure 1) using the Mail::Send module from CPAN.

Figure 1: Old school pals have popped up on the Web. The script mails you a summary of the hit list.

The plough function, which was exported by the Sysadm::Install module, expects a callback function and a filename in line 30. The function parses the buddy configuration file ~/.buddy, calls the callback function after each line it has read, and passes the content of the line to the $_ variable. Line 31 discards lines commented with #, and the chomp command bites off the newline. Line 33 pushes any buddies the process has found to the end of the continually expanding @buddies array.

Line 53 then uses the Results() method to contact the Yahoo service, wrapping your buddy's name from the configuration file in double quotes, and then passing it as a quoted string qq{"$buddy"} with the Doc parameter, as this is a search for a Web document.

The list of resulting objects returned in the response uses the Url() and Summary() methods to output the URL and an extract for any hits. The file cache (line 37) is set up behind the scenes by Cache::FileCache in /tmp/FileCache. The cache keeps any entries for 30 days, as specified by default in the default_expires_in para-meter.

As the web service strictly requires UTF-8, the names in ~/.buddy have to be UTF-8 encoded. This is irrelevant if the names are in plain English, but accented characters are a different story. If you have a recent Linux distribution, your editor will store accented characters in UTF-8 by default. If you still use Latin 1, you can run a tool such as toutf8 with a command line such as toutf8 buddy.latin1 >~/.buddy to quickly convert the file:

# toutf8
use Text::Iconv;
my $conv = Text::Iconv->new("Latin1","UTF-8");
print $conv->convert(join '', <>);

You only need to modify the email address in line 12 of the script to match your own needs. A cron entry such as 0 5 * * * $HOME/bin/buddy will call the script every morning, query the search engine, update the cache, and send you an email message with all changes since the last search. It works best with uncommon names; tracking "John Doe" will generate too much noise.

Figure 2: A query for "San Francisco" in the input mask returned a slide show with a view of the city.

Picture This

The new service also supports searching for images. The search engine will retrieve a number of image URLs that match your search key, passing them to the slideshow script (see Listing 3 ), which will display them at 5 second intervals in your browser window.

The script first displays a simple search form (Figure 3). When a user enters a search key into the form (for example, San Francisco) and clicks the Search button, the CGI parameter q is set, and line 68 calls the Results() method of the Yahoo::Search package. The Image parameter passes the search key, Count limits the results to 50 hits, and a setting of AllowAdult with a value of 0 at least tries to prevent adult content from suddenly popping up on your screen.

As the text in the image captions is again UTF-8, the header() method in line 26 tells your browser that the dynamically generated web page is UTF-8 encoded.

Figure 3: The image search in Listing 3 gives you an exciting slide show, mainly containing private vacation snapshots.
Listing 3: slideshow
001 #!/usr/bin/perl -wT
002 #############################
003 # slideshow - Yahoo image
004 # search as slideshow CGI
005 # 2005,
006 #############################
007 use strict;
009 use CGI qw(:all);
010 use Yahoo::Search AppId =>
011 "YOUR_APP_ID";
012 use Cache::FileCache;
013 use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
015 my $cache =
016 Cache::FileCache->new({
017 namespace => 'slideshow',
018 default_expires_in =>
019 3600,
020 auto_purge_on_set => 1,
021 });
023 my $data;
025 print header(
026 -charset => "utf-8");
028 if(param('q')
029 and defined param('s')) {
031 $data = thaw $cache->get(
032 param('q'));
034 my $seq = param('s');
035 $seq %= scalar @$data;
036 print refresh(5);
037 print center(
038 a(
039 { href => url() },
040 "Stop"
041 ),
042 a(
043 { href => next_url() },
044 "Next"
045 ),
046 p(),
047 b( param('q') ),
048 ":",
049 i( $data->[$seq]->[1] ),
050 p(),
051 img(
052 { src =>
053 $data->[$seq]->[0]
054 }
055 ),
056 p(),
057 a(
058 { href =>
059 $data->[$seq]->[0]
060 },
061 $data->[$seq]->[0]
062 ),
063 );
065 } elsif(param('q')) {
067 my @results =
068 Yahoo::Search->Results(
069 Image => param('q'),
070 Count => 50,
071 AllowAdult => 0,
072 );
074 if (@results) {
075 for (@results) {
076 push @$data,
077 [
078 $_->Url(),
079 $_->Summary()
080 ];
081 }
082 print refresh(0);
083 $cache->set(
084 param('q'),
085 freeze($data)
086 );
087 } else {
088 print refresh( 0, 1 );
089 }
090 } else {
091 print h2(
092 "Slideshow Search"),
093 start_form(),
094 textfield(
095 -name => 'q' ),
096 submit(
097 -value => "Search" ),
098 end_form(),
099 font(
100 { size => 1 },
101 "Powered by " .
102 "Yahoo Search"
103 );
104 }
106 #############################
107 sub refresh {
108 #############################
109 my ($sleep, $reset) = @_;
111 return start_html(
112 -title => "Slideshow",
113 -head => meta({
114 -http_equiv =>
115 "Refresh",
116 -content =>
117 "$sleep, URL=" . (
118 $reset ?
119 url() :
120 next_url())}));
121 }
123 #############################
124 sub next_url {
125 #############################
126 my $s = param('s');
127 $s ||= 0;
129 return
130 sprintf "%s?q=%s&s=%d",
131 url(), param('q'),
132 $s + 1;
133 }

Cache Memory

The slideshow CGI script stores the results of your search. In other words, slideshow stores the image URLs and summary texts stored as an array of arrays in a persistent file cache. This technique ensures that the slide show projector does not need to query the search engine each time the projector moves on to the next image.

The Cache::FileCache module stores key-value pairs where the values are simple scalars, but there is no support for nested structures. The Storable module can help you work around this lack of support for nested structures. The Storable module's freeze() function can serialize a data structure before placing it in the cache. If the serialized data needs to be retrieved from the cache, the de-serializer thaw() is called to convert the data back to the original nested Perl data structure.


To prevent the CGI script from inadvertently using unchecked and insecure incoming data for system calls (i.e., to avoid the possibility of tearing a gaping security hole in the application), the -T - for taint mode - option is enabled right at the start of the script in the Shebang line following the call to the Perl interpreter.

The first if block (line 28) is enabled if the script is called both with the query string, and with the serial number of the current image. In this case, the cache will hold a sequence of image URLs with matching captions from a previous call. Line 31 thaws the array of arrays, and the modulo operator in line 35 ensures that the incremented serial number will always point to a position within the array and not to somewhere out of bounds.

The refresh() function called in line 36 using the parameter 5 is defined in line 107. This refresh() function returns HTML sequences, which pass meta tags to the browser to tell the browser to load the next image after waiting for the number of seconds specified with the interval parameter passed to it.

The optional second parameter for the refresh() function specifies whether the next URL to be loaded by the script will display the next image (next_url simply increments the numeric parameter s), or whether the script should go back to the starting page with the original URL. Line 88 uses this second parameter if no search results are found.


To install the script, simply put it in the cgi-bin directory of your web server, type in a search query, sit back, and relax while watching other people's vacation pictures!

[1] Listings for this article:
[2] Yahoo Developer API Homepage:

Michael Schilli works as a Software Developer at Yahoo!, Sunnyvale, California. He wrote "Perl Power" for Addison-Wesley and can be contacted at His homepage is at