By Heike Jurzik
Wall calendars are pretty, and PDAs are handy, but there is nothing like Linux to help you track the time. Linux gives a quick overview of the date and time with the cal and date command line tools.
You can use cal to draw a calendar sheet or an overview for a full year in a terminal window, and date not only outputs the date and time in various formats, but can also adjust the system time, assuming you have administrative privileges.
Command Line |
Although GUIs such as KDE or GNOME are useful for various tasks, if you intend to get the most out of your Linux machine, you will need to revert to the good old command line from time to time. Apart from that, you will probably be confronted with various scenarios where some working knowledge will be extremely useful in finding your way through the command line jungle. |
The cal tool outputs a calendar in the command line. Entering cal without any additional parameters gives you a neatly-formated overview of the current month. If you want to output an overview for the whole year, simply add the -y option. And you can set the -3 option (Figure 1) to display the current month, along with the previous and following months.
cal shows you a specific month if you add a one or two-digit number (such as 6 or 06) and a four-digit year (e.g. 2005) to the command. For example, to get cal to show you June 2005, you would enter:
cal 06 2005
As cal goes back to January 1, 0001, you can't get away with typing a two-digit year. For example,
cal 06 05
would give you June in the 5 year AD.
By default cal starts the week with a Sunday on some Linux versions - if you prefer to start the week on a Monday, just add -m to the cal-command.
The -j parameter tells cal to count the days from 1 365 (or 366 in leap years):
$ cal -j June 2005 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 ...
This tells you that June 19 is the 170th day in the year, for example.
The date program not only has a calendar function, it tells you more about the time. Typing the command at the Shell prompt without specifying any options gives you the current date and time:
$ date Sun Jun 19 18:38:15 EDT 2005
If the output is in a language you don't understand, you can use the echo command to check the value of the LC_TIME environmental variable, and set the variable to an appropriate value (typing locale -a shows you the locale-specific settings available for your system).
$ echo $LC_TIME $ export LC_TIME=en_US $ date Sun Jun 19 19:00:15 EDT 2005
You can use date with the environmental variable TZ (for "time zone") to display the current date and time in a different country. The /usr/share/zoneinfo directory lists all the timezones in the world (some of them in subdirectories.) If you want to know what time it is in New Zealand, for example, you could temporarily set the TZ variable, just for one call to date:
$ TZ=NZ date Mon Jun 20 11:00:44NZST 2005
If you have friends or relatives abroad, and you want to keep from waking them up in the middle of the night, you can avoid all that typing by defining an alias for the complete command. To define an alias, add something like the following command to your ~/.bashrc:
alias nz='TZ=NZ date'
Then reparse the configuration file as follows,
source ~/.bashrc
or just log off and back on again. The next time you need to know what time it is in New Zealand, you can just type nz to find out.
The date program has a few useful output formatting parameters. Preceded by a plus sign (+) various combinations of percent and letters will give you the format you need:
$ date '+Today is day %d in the month of %B of the year %Y.' Today is day 19 inthe month of June of the year 2005.
%d gives you a two-digit format for the day, %B writes out the name of the month in full, and %Y gives you the year (as a four-digit number.) Table 1 shows an overview of the most important formatting wildcards.
It always makes sense to use these options when you need part of the current date and time. For example, you could use these parameters in combination with tar and date to create backups automatically named for the day, month, and year they were created:
$ tar cvfj backup_-_$(date +'%d')_$(date +'%m')_$(date +'%y').tar.bz2 *
You can use the -d option to specify the date output. The parameter introduces a whole bunch of keywords and numbers, allowing you to use keywords such as tomorrow and yesterday, for example:
$ date -d tomorrow Mon Jun 20 18:37:10 EDT 2005 $ date -d yesterday Sat Jun 18 18:37:55 EDT 2005
There are more keywords that support relative references (next, ago, etc.), fixed dates (09 June 1973, 09 Jun 73 etc.), weekdays (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) and periods of time (day, year, week, month, fortnight, etc.), so if you really wanted to, you could output yesterday's date by entering
date -d '1 day ago'
If you use multiple keywords, like in our example, you must use either single (``) or double quotes (""). In combination with the output formating options you could output last month
$ date -d '1 month ago' +'Last month: %B' Last month: May
or find out what weekday January 3 was:
$ date -d 'thirdJanuary'+%A Monday
Those of you who need to keep to deadlines can work out how many days you have left to complete your current project with a single command. This means leveraging Bash's legendary arithmetic skills; the expression we want to calculate is in two sets of parentheses, e.g.,
$ echo $((1-1)) 0
To discover the number of days to your deadline, you need two date expressions in the parentheses: the date of the deadline and today's date, which will be subtracted:
$ echo $((`date -d '29 September 2005' +%j`-`date +%j`)) 102
The +%j formating option tells date to count the days; I'll leave it up to you to work out today's date!
This syntax only works if both days are in the same year, but there is a workaround. Just replace the day counter (%j) with the Unix time (%s), which counts the number of seconds since 01.01.1970 (0:00 hours). Then divide the difference in seconds by 60*60*24 = 86400 to convert the result to days:
$ echo "$((`date -d '19 June 2006' +%s`-`date +%s`))/ 86400" | bc -l 364.21625000000000000000
As an administrator, you can use date to give you a convenient approach to setting the system time. You can simply type the date and time as a single large number following the date command (without a plus sign.) The rules for writing the date and time are quite strict: first, you need the month (two digits), then the day (two digits), the hour (two digits), and optionally the first two digits of the year (e.g., 19), the last two digits of the year (e.g. 73), and the seconds (two digits). To set the time to June 9, 1973, 08:13, you would first enter su - to become root, and then type the following:
# date 060908131973 Sat Jun 09 08:13:00 EDT 1973
As an alternative, you could set the -s parameter and use the keywords and numbers described in the previous section titled Tomorrow Never Comes.... For example, the following command would put the clock two minutes forward:
date -s '+2 minutes'
It is just as easy to put the calendar back one day:
date -s 'yesterday'
Note that changing the time does not affect your CMOS clock. PCs have a battery-powered clock that keeps the time and date even when the computer isn't running. As this clock is located on the same chip as the CMOS RAM, it is referred to as the CMOS clock. The CMOS clock is also called the hardware clock, RTC (Real Time Clock), or BIOS clock. To change the hardware clock to the current system time, again working as root, enter the following command:
hwclock -w
Some programs do not take kindly to big time jumps, for example, the xchat IRC tool. If you want to experiment with date, you might discover that you need to restart some programs.
Heike Jurzik studied German, Computer Science and English at the University of Cologne, Germany. She discovered Linux in 1996 and has been fascinated with the scope of the Linux command line ever since. In her leisure time you might find Heike hanging out at Irish folk sessions or visiting Ireland. |