Multifunctional tool for PDF files

PDF to the Max

To manage the mountains of paper that cross our desks every day, we need to file, retrieve, copy, stamp, investigate, and classify documents. A special tool can help users keep on top of their electronic paperwork: pdftk - the PDF toolkit.

By Stefan Lagotzki

Native Linux PDF utilities such as GhostScript are very useful if you're willing to click through the menus. But if you're looking for something faster, or if you would like to automate a recurring task, try pdftk (the PDF Toolkit). pdftk is a convenient command-line program for processing PDF files. According to creator Sid Steward, "If PDF is electronic paper, then pdftk is an electronic staple-remover, hole-punch, binder, secret-decoder-ring, and X-Ray-glasses."

Installation and Use

You can download the latest version of the PDF toolkit from one of the Sid Steward's [1] websites. The GPL program is available for Linux, Mac OS X (Panther), FreeBSD, Solaris, and Windows. The platform-specific install proved to be quite simple on the platforms we tested (including Debian and SuSE Linux).

After completing the install, you can run pdftk from a shell. The pdftk --help command gives you a list of commands and options with short help texts. Table 1 lists and explains the major operations. The generic syntax for processing PDF files with the program is:

pdftk inputfile(s) operation [option] output outputfile [passwords] [userpermissions]

Input files have to be in PDF format. The tool additionally needs text files in a special format for some operations. pdftk outputs one or more PDF files and also the text files in special cases.

In the following sections, I have put together a few examples that demonstrate a few of pdftk's more interesting uses. These examples by no means explore the program's limits.

Adding Attachments to PDF Files

You can add an attachment to a PDF file just as you can add an attachment to an email message. Adobe Reader (version 6 or newer) stores the attachments at the recipient. pdftk allows users to attach files to PDF documents and also to save the attachments. Before the release of Adobe Reader 7, this was the only way Linux users could save attachments.

Attachments can be used to add source code or excerpts from literature databases to PDF files. The following example shows how to forward a PDF file and the accompanying source code. To add a source code file to a PDF document using pdftk, type the following commands:

pdftk form.pdf attach_files form.tex output new.pdf

Alternatively, you could use pdfLaTeX and attachfile to add the source code to the finished PDF file. The recipient would then use pdftk to unpack the source code file and other attachments using in any directory:

pdftk example_attachment.pdf unpack_files output Source

In this example, pdftk saves the attachments in a directory named Source. Adding the directory name always makes sense if you are handling multiple attachments.

Watermarks and Background Colors

pdftk uses a similar approach to the LaTeX eso-pic package to add a watermark to a document. The background option handles this and also allows the user to assign a PDF background color.

The image you will be using as your watermark must be a PDF file. You could create the image with a vector graphics tool or write a PostScript program. If the watermark is not the same size as the document, pdftk will scale the watermark. Let's assume you want to stamp the word "DRAFT" on a document. The first step would be to create a PDF with the right page size, before going on to call pdftk as follows:

pdftk example.pdf background draft.pdf output draft1.pdf

The watermark looks like a stamp on any part of the document without content. You can create a small EPS file with a background color of your choice. The PostScript commands for an A4 size page look like this:

%%BoundingBox: 0 0 595 842
0.95 0.95 0.90 setrgbcolor
0 0 moveto 595 0 rlineto 0 842 rlineto -595 0 rlineto
closepath fill

It is easy to change the background color in the EPS code. You can then convert the EPS file to a PDF using epstopdf and then run pdftk to use the file as a background:

pdftk example.pdf background Bg.pdf output eg_color.pdf

Splitting and Assembling PDF Files

The burst operation allows you to split a PDF file into its component pages. To do so, you need to provide a generic name for the pages and specify the numbering format:

pdftk example.pdf burst output Page%03d.pdf
pdftk example.pdf burst output ./Pages/Page%03d.pdf

In both examples a three-digit page number will be added to the page names. In the second example, pdftk will store the PDF files in an existing subdirectory.

The cat operation tells pdftk to concatenate multiple PDF files to create a new document. You can use wildcards to specify the filenames of the individual source files.

pdftk example.pdf form.pdf attachment.pdf cat output example_concat.pdf
pdftk D=coversheet.pdf B=example.pdf cat D B1-4 output example_coversheet.pdf

As the second example demonstrates, you can use cat to rearrange documents by linking part of a PDF file with parts of other PDFs to create a new document.

Querying and Updating Meta-Information

Most PDF files co ntain meta-information with details of the author, the topic, or the software used to create the document. Pdftk allows you to send this data to standard output or to redirect it into a file:

pdftk example.pdf dump_data output info.txt

This command saves the meta-information from the PDF document to a file titled info.txt. The information comprises a key field and the matching value (see Listing 1). Before forwarding or archiving PDF documents, it often makes sense to update the meta-data. Pdftk allows you to do so without having to recreate or translate the PDF file.

Listing 1: Typical PDF Meta-Data
01 InfoKey: Title
02 InfoValue: Working with pdftk
03 InfoKey: Subject
04 InfoValue: Practical pdftk examples
05 InfoKey: Keywords
06 InfoValue: pdftk, iText, OpenSource applications
07 InfoKey: Author
08 InfoValue: Stefan Lagotzki
09 InfoKey: City
10 InfoValue: Dresden

To update the meta-information, first create a text file with the meta-data; the file should look something like this (shortened for the sake of brevity):

InfoKey: Creator
InfoValue: TeX
InfoKey: Corporation
InfoValue: Sample and Sons

This file does not need to contain all the information that a PDF file can store. Fields that already contain values are not touched by the update if the text file does not specify them. You can even add new key fields (Corporation in our example) and assign values to them. The following call updates the meta-information:

pdftk example.pdf update_info info.txt output eg_meta.pdf

The input and output files are not permitted to have the same name. In other words, you either need to manually rename the output file, or use a shell script to do so.

Filling Out PDF Forms

PDF files can contain forms with known form fields. Adobe developed the proprietary but open FDF format for PDF form data. Listing 2 shows an example of a short FDF file.

In Listing 2, T is the title, and V is the form field value. You can now merge the PDF file with the FDF file and decide whether the form data should remain editable or be indelibly merged with the document:

pdftk form.pdf fill_form eg.fdf output edit.pdf
pdftk form.pdf fill_form eg.fdf output end.pdf flatten

The first example gives you editable results; whereas the flatten option in the second file indicates that the form fields should be indelibly merged with the PDF file.

The form feature allows you to use pdftk to create completed PDF forms on an Internet or Intranet server. The user fills out the form fields in his or her browser. Then a PHP or Perl script running in the background creates the FDF file; finally, pdftk combines the two parts. The completed PDF file can then be mailed.

Listing 2: Example FDF File
01 %FDF-1.2
02 1 0 obj <<
03 /FDF << /Fields [
04 << /V (Dresden)/T (city) >>
05 << /V (Stefan Lagotzki)/T (author)>>
06 ]/F (form.pdf) >>
07 >>
08 endobj
09 trailer
10 <<
11 /Root 1 0 R
12 >>
13 %%EOF

Passwords and User Permissions in PDFs

PDF files can be protected by user and owner passwords. pdftk allows you to set both the passwords and the permissions for a PDF file. The following example sets both passwords:

pdftk file.pdf output file_new.pdf owner_pw Lie5quai user_pw phupaefu

The passwords in this example were generated using the pwgen tool. You must choose different strings for the user and owner passwords.

The owner of a PDF file can assign specific permissions. Table 2 has a list of permissions that you can set with pdftk. The following example first creates a PDF file that can only be printed. The second line creates a PDF file that can be printed and also copied.

pdftk example.pdf output file_new.pdf owner_pw Lie5quai user_pw phupaefu allow printing
pdftk example.pdf output file_new.pdf owner_pw Lie5quai user_pw phupaefu allow printing CopyContents

PDF files can be encrypted with different levels of encryption. To encrypt a file with pdftk, add one of the following as the final option: encrypt_40bit or encrypt_128bit. You also need to supply a password for a password-protected PDF file. If you are processing multiple files, you can bind variables to the filenames and then assign a password to each file. In the following example, only file A is password protected:

pdftk A=file_new.pdf B=eg_color.pdf input_pw A=Lie5quai cat output egl_pw.pdf user_pw Abraxas

As the previous example does not allow you to concatenate the PDF file for file_new.pdf, you need to supply the owner password.


If you are looking for a quick, simple, and efficient tool for editing PDF files from the command line, try the PDF Toolkit. pdftk is a versatile, multifunctional PDF manipulation tool without the burden of a GUI. If you want to dig deeper into the subject of manipulating PDF files, see Sid Steward's book on PDF Hacks [2].

pdftk is written in C++ and based on the iText library [3], which in turn was written in Java. The whole program was complied and linked with tools from the free GNU Compiler Collection [4], This makes pdftk easily portable and extensible. The pdftk website has links to ports.

Development work on the pdftk program still continues. The program's author, Sid Steward, will answer queries on pdftk and PDF programming posted in the comp.text.pdf newsgroup and in his own PDF forum [1].

[1] Sid Steward: pdftk; Version 1.12 (Nov. 2004):
[2] Sid Steward, PDF Hacks; O'Reilly, 2004.
[3] Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares: iText-Library; Version 1.1 (Nov. 2004):
[4] GNU Compiler Collection, Version 3.4.3 (Nov. 2004):