Get the news from with a Gaim plug-in

Seeking Wisdom

The Gaim project offers an instant messenger client that speaks a large number of protocols. We'll show you how to extend Gaim with Perl plugins.

By Michael Schilli

First-time visitors to are rubbing their eyes in disbelief: High-caliber Perl hackers are jumping to answer even the simplest of newbie questions. The reason for this is that the community assigns XP (experience) points for the best replies. And the more XP you have, the higher you climb in the ranking, from a novice, to a monk, and slowly to expert status.

Best of Class

Due to the community dynamics on, the first person to answer a question correctly typically gets the most XP. Instead of pulling the web page with the latest questions time and time again, it makes sense to script the process and have the script let you know when a new query arrives.

The script described in this issue fetches the page with the Newest Nodes at regular intervals, remembering older entries and sending out an instant message when it discovers new postings.

The script uses a topsy-turvy approach. Instead of calling an instant messaging client to forward a message, the script itself acts as a messenger plug-in. The parent application, Gaim, calls the script at regular intervals, handing control over to the plug-in, which gets the latest postings and sends instant messages to the user via Gaim's internal interface.

Figure 1: New Perlmonks postings are reported via instant messaging, giving you an opportunity to gain XP by being first to offer help.

Rush Job

Obviously, there's no time for the Gaim plug-in to dilly-dally. While it is running, the Gaim application can't process events and the pretty GUI freezes. To avoid this problem, the plug-in has to return control to Gaim quickly.

However, it can take a few seconds to download the content of a remote web page. Both DNS name resolution and the process of retrieving the content of the requested web page can take some time, during which the CPU should return to other tasks. The tried-and-trusted POE [3] framework provides exactly what we need. The POE kernel runs a single process (and only a single thread), but uses cooperative multitasking between concurrent tasks to ensure that each one is processed.

Typically, POE runs the show with its own kernel, the POE task manager. However, it can just as easily be integrated with other event loops, such as the ones provided by Gtk or Perl/Tk. In the Gaim scenario, however, with a plugin that gets called by the main application at regular intervals, we need to think differently: in plugin_load(), which Gaim calls during startup, the plug-in script defines the various tasks that it will be running later. Before plugin_load() hands the reins back to Gaim, it calls Gaim::timeout_add($plugin, $UPDATE,\&refresh);, and this guarantees that Gaim will call the refresh() plug-in function refresh() exactly $UPDATE seconds later. This is where POE cuts in to handle the most urgent tasks before handing control back to Gaim once more, but of course, not without scheduling another event to ensure that the main application will call refresh() after a specified interval, and thus entering an endless loop. stores the plug-in object passed to plugin_load() in the global $PLUGIN variable to allow refresh() to request a new timeout from Gaim.

Additionally, the calls to Gaim::signal_connect in lines 61 and 68 handle events from Gaim users logging on and off. When these events occur, Gaim jumps to the buddy_signed_on_callback and buddy_signed_off_callback functions defined in the plugin, which check if the username reported matches the name specified in line 25. If so, buddy_signed_on_callback stores the Gaim user structure in the global $BUDDY variable. The variable is referenced later when sending a message to the user.

buddy_signed_on_callback sets the $ACTIVE flag to 1 when this special user logs on; and buddy_signed_off_callback sets it to 0 when the user logs off. If $ACTIVE is set, the plugin will run a single POE timeslice; if it isn't, nothing will happen in the plugin's refresh method.

If refresh were to call the POE run() method, it would never return. Instead, line 162 calls run_one_timeslice(), which simply processes the most pressing task in the POE pipeline, but returns immediately afterwards instead of continuing or waiting for further events.

As each timeslice can process only a small part of a request, the whole HTTP request can take about 20 refresh() cycles, but this is not really an issue. The only important thing is that the CPU keeps on running at full speed during the callback and does not wait for external events such as HTTP response data rolling in. POE uses POE::Component::Client::HTTP to take care of the details involved in getting a page off the Web. If POE::Component::Client::DNS is installed, even the hostname will be resolved asyncronously instead of by using gethostbyname().

The initial POE state defined in line 83, _start does nothing but initiate the next state, http_start. The post method sends a request to the POE component POE::Component::Client::HTTP, which is already set up and running in the POE kernel; the spawn method call in line 76 takes care of this. The HTTP client component object (labeled ua) will change state to http_ready whenever HTTP response data trickles in. Before http_start hands control back to the POE kernel, it requests a POE timeout 10 minutes in the future; this again triggers an http_start state to get the Website again.

The http_ready state handler is passed a reference to an array in $_[ARG1]; the first element in the array is an object of type HTTP::Response with the results of the web request (for more details on POE's unusual approach to passing parameters, check out [3].)

Needle in a Haystack

To extract the links and text passages from the questions section of the downloaded Perlmonks page, the qparse function in line 237 implements an HTML parser. Not every link on the page will belong to a new query, because there are other sections associated with the page, such as Discussion or Meditations, that we want our script to ignore.

HTML::TreeBuilder creates a tree of HTML elements from an HTML document. qparse() navigates the tree built by HTML::TreeBuilder, first going to a known <A> element with toc-Questions in its name attribute.

From the HTML::Element type node that this finds, the parent() method takes us one level up the tree, where the while loop in line 269 looks for a <table> element by calling right() to move to the right at this level of the tree. The table has rows of links with the questions in the first column of the table and links to the posters in the second column.

This is why the first for loop in 274 goes to each <tr> element (the table rows), and why the inner loop searches for <a> links when it gets there. Starting at the current element, the look_down() method of a tree element searches downward for nodes with specific properties and hands matching elements back as a list. The _tag => $tagname condition searches for tags with the required names. attrname => $attrvalue checks if the tags that this finds have an attribute with the specified name.

The link text and href attribute value are extracted from the first link to be found, the latter is converted to an absolute URL, and finally, both values are added to the @questions array. The link in the second row (containing poster name and details) is squashed by a pair of for loops (lines 274 and 279) with a last instruction following the end of the inner loop. Another important thing is to delete() the tree after parsing to avoid wasting valuable memory.

Alternative parsers include XML::LibXML or XML::XSH, both of which use powerful XPath syntax. However, both take offense at poorly written HTML documents and ball out where a web browser would be more forgiving.

The script still needs to make a note of the questions it has already seen to disambiguate them from new queries. To do so, it leverages the fact that assigns a unique numeric node ID, which is hidden in the URL for the question. A regular expression extracts the ID from the URL and compares it with the last number saved in a persistent Cache::FileCache object. A question is new if it has a higher ID than the last known node. Then the last known node ID is cached for the following queries.

The latest_news() function returns an array of formatted IM messages for the user. If the array is empty, there is no news. If there is news, lines 179 and 180 reference the user's globally stored Gaim structure in $BUDDY to create a Gaim::Conversation::IM class object. Calling this object's send() method then makes the HTML-formatted message show up in the user's IM window, just as if an IM buddy had sent it.


If you do not have Gaim, it is a good idea to download the latest version 1.4.0 from The Perl interface,, is not available from CPAN, but it is included with the Gaim distribution. Enter the following to install the Perl module:

cd plugins/perl/common
perl Makefile.PL
make install

You need to manually create the plug-in directory in your home directory by entering mkdir ~/.gaim/plugins. Any Perl scripts located there and ending in .pl are picked up by Gaim`s Perl loader as Gaim plug-ins when the program launches. Just copy to the plugins directory, make it executable, and then launch Gaim. You can then select Tools->Preferences->Plugins (Figure 3) to enable the plug-in permanently by selecting the appropriate check box. Gaim takes the data shown in the dialog from the %PLUGIN_INFO hash, which is returned by plugin_init() (defined at line 51 in

Figure 2: Gaim communicates with the Perl plug-in, which in turn controls a POE state machine.

Figure 3: Enabling the new Perl plug-in.

The CPAN modules HTML::TreeBuilder, URI::URL, Cache::FileCache, POE, POE::Component::Client::HTTP POE::Component::Client::DNS and HTTP::Request::Common need to be installed using a CPAN shell.

In the script itself, you can set $FETCH_INTERVAL to define the interval between web requests. The default is ten minutes, and that should be fine to keep you up to date without annoying the people who run

You can launch Gaim with the -d (for debug) option to print log messages from the Gaim::debug_info function in the Perl script on standard output. One thing to keep in mind: Gaim's plug-in scripts will not run at the command line, where they quit after issuing an error message. They only run within Gaim.

Don't forget to set the $USER variable to your preferred username. Logging on will then trigger the plug-in actions. If the user is not logged on, the plug-in is called once a second, but without triggering any web requests.

Once this user logs on via Gaim (regardless of the service), web requests start fetching data from every 10 minutes, and the plug-in keeps the aspiring expert up to date with challenging questions, to help them on their path to greater wisdom.

Listing 1:
001 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
002 #############################
003 # pmwatcher - Gaim plugin to
004 # watch
005 #############################
006 use strict;
007 use Gaim;
008 use HTML::TreeBuilder;
009 use URI::URL;
010 use CGI qw(a);
011 use Cache::FileCache;
012 use POE
013 qw(Component::Client::HTTP);
014 use HTTP::Request::Common;
016 our $FETCH_INTERVAL = 600;
017 our $FETCH_URL =
018 ""
019 . "?node=Newest%20Nodes";
021 our $ACTIVE = 0;
023 # Call plugins every second
024 our $UPDATE = 1;
025 our $USER = "mikeschilli";
026 our $BUDDY = undef;
027 our $PLUGIN = undef;
029 our %PLUGIN_INFO = (
030 perl_api_version => 2,
031 name => "pmwatcher",
032 summary =>
033 "Perlmonks Watch Plugin",
034 version => "1.0",
035 description =>
036 "Reports latest postings "
037 . "on, "
038 . "Mike Schilli, 2005"
039 . "(m\",
040 load => "plugin_load",
041 );
043 our $cache =
044 new Cache::FileCache(
045 {
046 namespace => "pmwatcher",
047 }
048 );
050 #############################
051 sub plugin_init {
052 #############################
053 return %PLUGIN_INFO;
054 }
056 #############################
057 sub plugin_load {
058 #############################
059 my ($plugin) = @_;
061 Gaim::signal_connect(
062 Gaim::BuddyList::handle(),
063 "buddy-signed-on",
064 $plugin,
065 \&buddy_signed_on_callback,
066 );
068 Gaim::signal_connect(
069 Gaim::BuddyList::handle(),
070 "buddy-signed-off",
071 $plugin,
072 \&buddy_signed_off_callback,
073 );
075 POE::Component::Client::HTTP
076 ->spawn(
077 Alias => "ua",
078 Timeout => 60,
079 );
081 POE::Session->create(
082 inline_states => {
083 _start => sub {
084 $poe_kernel->yield(
085 'http_start');
086 },
088 http_start => sub {
089 Gaim::debug_info(
090 "pmwatcher",
091 "Fetching $FETCH_URL\n"
092 );
093 $poe_kernel->post(
094 "ua",
095 "request",
096 "http_ready",
098 $poe_kernel->delay(
099 'http_start',
101 );
102 },
104 http_ready => sub {
105 Gaim::debug_info(
106 "pmwatcher",
107 "http_ready $FETCH_URL\n"
108 );
109 my $resp = $_[ARG1]->[0];
110 if($resp->is_success()) {
111 pm_update(
112 $resp->content());
113 } else {
114 Gaim::debug_info(
115 "pmwatcher",
116 "Can't fetch " .
117 "$FETCH_URL: " .
118 $resp->message()
119 );
120 }
121 },
122 }
123 );
125 Gaim::timeout_add($plugin,
126 $UPDATE, \&refresh);
127 $PLUGIN = $plugin;
128 }
130 #############################
131 sub buddy_signed_on_callback{
132 #############################
133 my ($buddy, $data) = @_;
135 return if
136 $buddy->get_alias ne $USER;
137 $ACTIVE = 1;
138 $BUDDY = $buddy;
139 }
141 #############################
142 sub
143 buddy_signed_off_callback {
144 #############################
145 my ($buddy, $data) = @_;
147 return if
148 $buddy->get_alias ne $USER;
149 $ACTIVE = 0;
150 $BUDDY = undef;
151 }
153 #############################
154 sub refresh {
155 #############################
156 Gaim::debug_info(
157 "pmwatcher",
158 "Refresh (ACTIVE=$ACTIVE)\n"
159 );
160 if ($ACTIVE) {
161 $poe_kernel
162 ->run_one_timeslice();
163 }
165 Gaim::timeout_add($PLUGIN,
166 $UPDATE, \&refresh);
167 }
169 #############################
170 sub pm_update {
171 #############################
172 my ($html_text) = @_;
174 if (my @nws =
175 latest_news($html_text)) {
177 my $c =
178 Gaim::Conversation::IM::new
179 ($BUDDY->get_account(),
180 $BUDDY->get_name()
181 );
183 $c->send("$_\n") for @nws;
184 }
185 }
187 #############################
188 sub latest_news {
189 #############################
190 my ($html_string) = @_;
192 my $start_url =
193 URI::URL->new($FETCH_URL);
195 my $max_node;
197 my $saved =
198 $cache->get("max-node");
200 $saved = 0
201 unless defined $saved;
203 my @aimtext = ();
205 for my $entry (
206 @{ qparse($html_string) }){
208 my ($text, $url) = @$entry;
210 my ($node) =
211 $url =~ /(\d+)$/;
212 if ($node > $saved) {
213 Gaim::debug_info(
214 "pmwatcher",
215 "New node $text ($url)");
217 $url =
218 a({ href => $url }, $url);
220 push @aimtext,
221 "<b>$text</b>\n$url";
222 }
224 $max_node = $node
225 if !defined $max_node
226 or $max_node < $node;
227 }
229 $cache->set("max-node",
230 $max_node)
231 if $saved < $max_node;
233 return @aimtext;
234 }
236 #############################
237 sub qparse {
238 #############################
239 my ($html_string) = @_;
241 my $start_url =
242 URI::URL->new($FETCH_URL);
244 my @questions = ();
246 my $parser =
247 HTML::TreeBuilder->new();
249 my $tree =
250 $parser->parse(
251 $html_string);
253 my ($questions) =
254 $tree->look_down(
255 "_tag", "a",
256 "name", "toc-Questions");
258 if (!$questions) {
259 Gaim::debug_info(
260 "pmwatcher",
261 "No Questions section"
262 );
263 return undef;
264 }
266 my $node =
267 $questions->parent();
269 while($node->tag()
270 ne "table") {
271 $node = $node->right();
272 }
274 for my $tr (
275 $node->look_down(
276 "_tag", "tr"
277 )) {
279 for my $a (
280 $tr->look_down(
281 "_tag", "a"
282 )) {
283 my $href =
284 $a->attr('href');
285 my $text = $a->as_text();
286 my $url =
287 URI::URL->new($href,
288 $start_url);
290 push @questions,
291 [ $text, $url->abs() ];
293 # Process only the question
294 # not the author's node
295 last;
296 }
297 }
299 $tree->delete();
300 return \@questions;
301 }
[1] Listings for this article:
[2] Basic tutorial on the Gaim Perl interface:
[3] Michael Schilli, "DJ Training," Linux Magazine 08/2004,