Write Access

C Libraries

I'm currently learning to program in C using GCC, however, I'm having problems with libraries. How do I know which library contains the function for the code I want to use?

I was looking for the answer to this query in Steven Goodwin's series, but I haven't been able to see it.

If you cannot answer this query yourselves, could you please pass it onto Steven for him to answer at his leisure.



Author Steven Goodwin writes:

Unfortunately, there's no simple answer to the question. That is because there's no convention for tying the header filename with the library name. math.h, for example, uses a library called just m. Ideally, you'd hope the documentation would mention the connection, or (at least) that it would be referenced in the header file itself as a comment.

There is a #pragma instruction that headers can use to indicate the associated library, but that's compiler-specific and not supported under GCC. So, it's determined on a case-by-case basis. Sorry!

Distro DVDs

Having recently converted to Linux, I have started to purchase your magazine and have found it most helpful. I found the copy of Fedora 5 on your cover DVD made the installation of Fedora very easy. However, one reason stopping me from subscribing to the magazine is the content of the DVD.

Each month your DVD only contains a distribution. For example, this month Suse 10.1 and no other software. I accept that most Linux software is in the Public Domain, however, some programs are quite large and it would save bandwidth and time if they were on your DVD. I note that at the end of articles the URL for the software is provided. Could the program not be included on the DVD?

As a newbie I may be covering old ground, or maybe there is an obvious answer why other software is not included. Again, thank you for the copy of Fedora 5.

D McCalden


Thank you for your thoughts.

According to various reader surveys we've taken over the years, most readers prefer full new distros on the monthly DVD. Every reader may not install a new distro every month, but by delivering new versions of all major distros, we're able to cater to every reader's taste. Some readers do install our distro every month on a test system or in a multi-boot configuration just to play around with the latest tools and experiment with new technologies that are making their way into Linux.

As for your question about including more applications, each of the Linux distros included on a Linux Magazine DVD comes with hundreds of software applications. And in many cases, even if the specific application you're looking for isn't on the DVD, the package management system included with the DVD makes it even easier to download the application from online sources.

If you're not persuaded, keep in mind that there is a Linux Magazine subscription option that does not include the monthly DVD: https://www.linux-magazine.com/CustomerService/Subscribe/Subscribe

Please send your comments and suggestions to letters@linux-magazine.com