Monitoring LAN devices with Perl

Light into the Darkness

They say darkness is the friend of thieves, but the Perl daemon in this month's column illuminates dastardly deeds, exposing hidden activities and alerting the admin when things seem to be going awry.

By Michael Schilli

Users normally don't get to see what's going on under the covers of a LAN. One hidden activity is packet addressing on the last hop of a route, which includes discovering a device's unique MAC address to match an IP address. This activity is the domain of the ARP protocol.

Watching all MAC addresses currently in use can lead to interesting conclusions about who is using or abusing a local network.

You may recall my fellow columnist Charly Kühnast talked about arpalert [4] previously [2]. The daemon monitors ARP requests and com-pares their MAC addresses with a whitelist.

Unknown MAC addresses trigger an alert. However, duplicate alerts can occur for the same incident, and the accompanying documentation leaves much to be desired.

Luckily, the Net::Pcap and NetPacket::Ethernet modules from CPAN make it fairly easy to craft a Perl script to extract the MAC address from the packets whizzing around on your LAN.

Rose, the object-oriented database mapper, provides an easy way to store the data you harvest in a MySQL database, which you can review later when you have time. If you need to determine which devices have been active on your LAN in, say, the last 24 hours, you can simply call the script lastaccess (shown later in Listing 6), which produces the output shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The lastaccess script reveals which devices have been active on your LAN in the past 24 hours.

Sniffing as Root

Just like the graphical network sniffer, capture, which I discussed in issue 49 ([3]), the arpcollect script in Listing 1 first switches the network card in your computer to promiscuous mode. In this mode, the card not only picks up packets addressed to it, but passes any packets it finds to the sniffing script.

Listing 1: arpcollect
01 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
02 use strict;
03 use Net::Pcap;
04 use NetPacket::IP;
05 use NetPacket::Ethernet;
06 use Socket;
07 use WatchLAN;
09 die "You need to be root ",
10     "to run this.\n"
11   if $> != 0;
13 my($err, $netaddr, $netmask);
15 my $dev =
16  Net::Pcap::lookupdev(\$err);
18 Net::Pcap::lookupnet($dev,
19  \$netaddr, \$netmask, \$err)
20   and die
21 "lookupnet $dev failed ($!)";
23 my $object =
24   Net::Pcap::open_live($dev,
25          128, 1, -1, \$err);
27 my $db = WatchLAN->new();
29 Net::Pcap::loop($object, -1,
30  \&callback,
31  [ $netaddr, $netmask ]);
33 #############################
34 sub callback {
35 #############################
36  my ($user_data, $hdr,
37      $raw_packet)      = @_;
39  my ($netaddr, $netmask) =
40    @$user_data;
42  my $packet =
43    NetPacket::Ethernet
44    ->decode($raw_packet);
46  my $src_mac =
47    $packet->{src_mac};
49  # Add separating colons
50  $src_mac =~
51    s/(..)(?!$)/$1:/g;
53  my $edata =
54    NetPacket::Ethernet::strip
55    ($raw_packet);
57  my $ip =
58    NetPacket::IP->decode(
59   $edata);
61    # Coming from local network?
62  if (
63   ( inet_aton($ip->{src_ip}) &
64     pack('N', $netmask)
65   ) eq pack('N', $netaddr)
66    ) {
67   $db->event_add($src_mac,
68               $ip->{src_ip});
69  }
70 }

Root privileges are required for this, and line 11 checks for them. If you do not have root privileges, the script simply quits with an error message.

The lookupdev() function called in line 16 returns the name of the first available network device. If you only have one NIC, this will be "eth0".

The following call to open_live() enters an infinite loop (the timeout has been disabled with a value of -1), which reads the first 128 bytes of every incoming packet, and then immediately calls the callback function.

The function is passed both to the local network address and mask in $user_data, and the raw data for the packet in $raw_packet.

The NetPacket::Ethernet module decodes the Ethernet frame, and it reveals the hex-formatted MAC source address in the src_mac hash key.

As the address does not yet include the typical colon separators after every second digit, line 50 uses a regular expression to insert the separators.

In lines 62 through 65, arpcollect references the packet's IP address to check whether the packet originated with a device on the local network.

It discovers the IP address by reading the Ethernet packet payload, which is extracted by the NetPacket::Ethernet module's strip() function. The resulting raw IP packet is unpacked by the NetPacket::IP module's decode() function and the IP source address is revealed by the src_ip hash key.

If a bitwise AND of the IP address and the network address returns the network address, we can then assume the packet was sent by a device on the local network and that it is relevant for further processing.

The event_add() method of the WatchLAN database object accepts the IP address and the MAC address and drops them into the database for later analysis.

One Minute Buffer

The module implements the storage layer. It would be impractical to write each packet to the database straight away; this would involve multiple write operations per second, even on a low-activity network. Additionally, a table with millions of lines would consume valuable disk space and computational resources.

This is the reason why (see Listing 3) first stores the incoming packet addresses in a temporary hash, which is then transferred to the database once every minute.

A counter is incremented for each IP/MAC combination and stored in the counter column of the activity database table by the cache_flush() method. The flush_interval parameter in the WatchLAN constructor determines how often the cache is flushed.

The future date of the next flush operation is calculated by adding flush_interval to the current time and stored in the instance variable next_update.

Listing 2 shows the shell commands that are needed in order to create a new MySQL database.

Listing 2: New database
01 #!/bin/sh
02 DBNAME=watchlan
03 mysqladmin -f -uroot drop U $DBNAME
04 mysqladmin -uroot create U $DBNAME
05 mysql -uroot $DBNAME <sql.txt

The SQL commands to set up all used tables (Figure 2) are in a separate file sql.txt, shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2: The three tables in the database schema.

Figure 3: These SQL commands create the required MySQL database.

As shown in Figure 3, foreign keys are used to link the main activity table to the device and ip_address tables.

device stores the MAC addresses along with the device data; ip_address simply stores IP addresses and assigns them a sequence number.

Storing the addresses in the main table would not only waste storage space, but also generate redundant data.

Listing 3:
001 #############################
002 package WatchLAN;
003 #############################
004 use strict;
005   # share a single DB conn
006 use Apache::DBI;
007 use Rose::DB::Object::Loader;
008 use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
009 use DateTime;
011 my $loader =
012   Rose::DB::Object::Loader
013   ->new(
014    db_dsn =>
015  'dbi:mysql:dbname=watchlan',
016    db_username => 'root',
017    db_password => undef,
018    db_options  => {
019      AutoCommit => 1,
020      RaiseError => 1
021    },
022    class_prefix =>
023      'WatchLAN'
024   );
026 $loader->make_classes();
028 #############################
029 sub new {
030 #############################
031  my ($class) = @_;
033  my $self = {
034   cache          => {},
035   flush_interval => 60,
036   next_update    => undef,
037  };
039  bless $self, $class;
040  $self->cache_flush();
042  return $self;
043 }
045 #############################
046 sub event_add {
047 #############################
048  my ($self, $mac, $ip) = @_;
050  $self->{cache}->
051   {"$mac,$ip"}++;
053  $self->cache_flush()
054    if time() >
055      $self->{next_update};
056 }
058 #############################
059 sub cache_flush {
060 #############################
061  my ($self) = @_;
063  for my $key (
064   keys %{ $self->{cache} })
065  {
066   my ($mac, $ip) =
067     split /,/, $key;
069   my $counter =
070     $self->{cache}->{$key};
072   my $minute =
073     DateTime->from_epoch(
074    epoch =>
075      $self->{next_update} -
076      $self->{flush_interval},
077    time_zone => "local",
078     );
080   my $activity =
081     WatchLAN::Activity->new(
082    minute => $minute);
084   $activity->device({
085     mac_address => $mac });
087   $activity->ip_address({
088     string => $ip });
090   $activity->counter(
091    $counter);
093   $activity->save();
094  }
096  $self->{cache}       = {};
097  $self->{next_update} =
098    time() - (
099   time() %
100     $self->{flush_interval})
101    + $self->{flush_interval};
102 }
104 #############################
105 sub device_add {
106 #############################
107  my ($self, $name,
108      $mac_address) = @_;
110  my $device =
111    WatchLAN::Device->new(
112   mac_address =>
113     $mac_address);
114  $device->load(
115   speculative => 1);
117  $device->name($name);
118  $device->save();
119 }
121 1;

Special Treatment for MySQL

MySQL doesn't make it easy for the Rose::DB loader to detect these relations automatically. According to Rose::DB author John Siracusa, you need to provide correct REFERENCES clauses for foreign key declarations and also define an index on both the referencing and referenced columns.

Once the SQL definition has been established as shown, simply needs to call the make_classes method to have Rose::DB contact the database and autonomously define the complete object wrapper for all the tables and columns, including those referenced from separate tables.

Listing 4: namedev
01 #!/usr/bin/perl
02 use strict;
03 use warnings;
04 use WatchLAN;
06 my $db = WatchLAN->new();
08 while (<DATA>) {
09  if (/^#\s+(.*)/) {
10   my $name     = $1;
11   my $nextline = <DATA>;
12   chomp $nextline;
13   my ($mac, $ip, $ip_change)
14     = split ' ', $nextline;
15   $db->device_add($name,
16    $mac);
17  }
18 }
20 __DATA__
22 # Slimbox
23 00:04:20:03:00:0d ip_change
25 # Laptop Wireless
26 00:16:6f:8d:58:db ip_change
28 # Laptop Wired
29 00:15:60:c3:44:10 ip_change
31 # Mike's Linux Box
32 00:11:11:5b:ed:46
34 ...

What Do I Know?

The WatchLAN module calls the Rose loader whenever an application calls use WatchLAN. WatchLAN stores the database schema as an object-oriented abstraction in the Perl namespace below WatchLAN::.

When the cache_flush() method needs to save temporary hash data in the database, WatchLAN responds by creating a new $activity object of the WatchLAN::Activity class.

This not only facilitates updates in the activity table but also in referenced tables like devices and ip_addresses. The innocent-looking construct:

 mac_address => $mac });

causes two things to happen later, when the object's save() method gets called. If the devices table does not have an entry for the device with the given MAC address yet, it creates a new record there. In the main table activity, it adds the newly created device C<id> as a foreign key in the device_id column.

In contrast to the method call above, curly braces are not required to create a new entry in the activity table that does not reach out to referenced tables.

A call to $activity->counter($counter) sets the counter column value $counter in the current activity record to the value of $counter. After a call to save() in line 93, it gets flushed to the database. By the time this is done, cache_flush() is finished and can clear its cache in line 96. It then calculates the next cache flush interval, and returns to the calling function. device_add() performs similar functions, it either inserts a new device along with a MAC address, or modifies the entry for an existing device.

The call to $device->load(speculative => 1); loads a record from the devices table to match the MAC address that was specified previously in the WatchLAN::Device constructor.

The load method works in this case because we defined the mac_address column as the unique key, using UNIQUE(mac_address) when creating the database.

Rose detects this and then allows us to load the record based on this criterion. If this were not so, it would then be necessary to formulate a query to search for the record.

The speculative parameter specifies that it is ok for a record not to exist. If so, a subsequent call to save() will create the record.

Avoiding Waste

Rose has a fairly wasteful approach to database connections. Each new WatchLAN::Activity class object calls the DBI module's connect() function, and Rose drops the connection when it is done with the object. This avoids undesirable side-effects when working with database transactions, but it is obviously a waste of time if you are working without them, as in our case.

Simply loading the Apache::DBI module causes it to interfere with how Perl's DBI module handles connections and ensures that only a single persistent database connection behind the scenes is being used.

The devices table not only holds the MAC addresses, but it also assigns expressive device names. Thus, 00:11:11:5b:ed:46 becomes "Mike's Linux Box". At the same time, the entry proves that this is a trusted device on the local network.

On the other hand, if your neighbor tries to steal bandwidth off your wireless LAN, arpcollect will detect the intrusion and enter the MAC address in the devices table but leave the name empty.

The monitoring script arpemail, which we will be looking at later, notices this irregularity and notifies the admin by email. To enter MAC addresses for known devices on the LAN, the script namedev reads the entries in its DATA section line by line. The format used here is exactly what the original arpalert script [4] expects in its configuration file.

Alarm in Sector B

After running namedev, only unknown devices on the LAN will have a name value of NULL in the device table. To determine all activity entries referencing device entries with a NULL name field, we must JOIN the two tables. If we also need the IP address for the entry, no less than three tables are involved. Rose handles this behind the scenes. The arpemail script (see Listing 5) notifies the system administrator whenever a previously unknown MAC address is detected in the device table. arpemail uses the WatchLAN::Activity::Manager class to search for records by running an SQL query. The get_activity() method in line 14 queries the activity table, and the with_objects parameter ensures that the data referenced in the device and ip_address tables are also extracted. Rose enumerates the tables as t1 (activity), t2 (device), and t3 (ip_address); thus the abstracted SQL query:

query => [ "" =>undef ]

in line 19 refers to the device table and checks for entries with a value of NULL in the name column. The result of this query is a reference to an array of matching database entries, each of which is a WatchLAN::Activity-type object, which provides methods for querying its own column values and the values in the referenced tables.

Listing 5: arpemail
01 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
02 use strict;
03 use WatchLAN;
04 use Mail::Mailer;
05 use Cache::File;
06 use Template;
07 my $cache =
08   Cache::File->new(
09  cache_root =>
10    "$ENV{HOME}/.arpemail");
12 my $events =
13   WatchLAN::Activity::Manager
14   ->get_activity(
15  with_objects => [
16   'device', 'ip_address'
17  ],
18  query =>
19    [ "" => undef ],
20  sort_by => ['minute'],
21   );
23 $events = [
24  grep {
25   my $mac =
26     $_->device()
27       ->mac_address();
28   !$cache->get($mac)
29     && ($cache->set($mac, 0)
30    || 1);
31    } @$events
32 ];
34 exit 0 unless @$events;
36 my $mailer =
37   new Mail::Mailer;
38 $mailer->open(
39  {
40   'From' => '',
41   'To' => '',
42   'Subject' =>
43   "*** New MAC detected ***",
44  }
45 );
47 my $t = Template->new();
48 $t->process(\*DATA,
49  { events => $events },
50  $mailer)
51   or die $t->error();
53 close($mailer);
55 __DATA__
56 [% FOREACH e = events %]
57  When: [% e.minute %]
58  IP: [% e.ip_address.string %]
59  MAC: [% e.device.mac_address %]
61 [% END %]

arpemail "remembers" devices it has tagged as being suspicious in a file-based Cache::File-type cache to avoid issuing repeat messages with the same warning. If a cache entry exists for the MAC address $mac, then the following construct returns a false value:

!$cache->get($mac) &&
($cache->set($mac, 0) || 1);

If $mac is unknown, the cache's get method will return false, which will then get negated to true, which causes the statement following the logical AND to be executed.

The subsequent set method is used to add the new value to the cache, and the following ||1 always makes it return a true value, no matter what the actual return value of set is.

The enclosing grep command in line 24 ff. uses this twisted logic and filters MAC addresses stored in the cache from the list of potential bandwidth thieves stored in $events.

If the array referenced by $events appears to be empty, then the arpemail surveillance script, which is called as a regular Cronjob, will simply terminate.

In case there are new devices to be reported, the alert message is formatted by the template toolkit. The template that is stored in the DATA section at the end of the script is passed a reference to the $events array and uses a FOREACH loop to iterate over the entries. The template toolkit's quirky but very practical syntax enables us to call the $e->ip_address ()->string() method chain as e.ip_address.string.

arpemail then uses the CPAN Mail::Mailer module to connect to the local mailer. It then mails the message to the system administrator listed in the To field in line 41.

Listing 6: lastaccess
01 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
02 use strict;
03 use WatchLAN;
05 my $reachback =
06   DateTime->now(
07  time_zone => "local")
08   ->subtract(
09  minutes => 60 * 24);
11 my $events =
12   WatchLAN::Activity::Manager
13   ->get_activity(
14  query => [
15   minute =>
16     { gt => $reachback },
17  ],
18  sort_by => ['minute'],
19   );
21 my %latest = ();
23 for my $event (@$events) {
24  $latest{ $event->device_id()
25    } = $event;
26 }
28 for my $id (keys %latest) {
29  my $event = $latest{$id};
30  my $name  =
31    $event->device()->name();
32  $name ||=
33    "unknown (id=$id)";
34  printf "%23s: %s ago\n",
35    $name, time_diff(
36   $event->minute());
37 }
39 #############################
40 sub time_diff {
41 #############################
42  my ($dt) = @_;
44  my $duration =
45    DateTime->now(
46   time_zone => "local") -
47    $dt;
49  for (
50   qw(hours minutes seconds))
51  {
52   if (my $n =
53    $duration->in_units($_))
54   {
55    my $unit = $_;
56    $unit =~ s/s$//
57      if $n == 1;
58    return "$n $unit";
59   }
60  }
61 }

What's Been Going On?

To see which devices have visited your LAN over the past 24 hours, the lastaccess script uses the CPAN DateTime module to specify a point in time that was exactly 24 hours ago.

The Rose manager then fires off an SQL query that will return every single event that has occurred since this point, sorted by the event time rounded to minutes as stored in the minute column in the database.

The %latest hash only stores the last events for various MAC addresses; lastaccess continually overwrites the same MAC addresses with the latest values. It would be preferable to leave calculations of this kind to the database, however, the Rose object wrapper does not support aggregation functions such as MAX() with GROUP BY yet. Judging by the current pace of development, however, this feature might well have been implemented by the time this issue hits the news stands.

listaccess defines a time_diff function in line 40 in order to calculate the human-readable time difference between the second values.

The text substitution in line 56 transforms the plural time units to singular units if the result is a single unit. The output from lastaccess looks much like Figure 1. You could extend the arpemail script to set static IPs for specific devices in the device table, following arpalert`s example ([4]), and send an alert whether a device with a static IP is suddenly using a different address.

As always, there simply are no bounds to the developer's ingenuity now that the framework has been well established, and fortunately, you will be able to access the data in the database to your heart's content.

[1] Listings for this article:
[2] "Arp Watch" by Charly Kühnast Linux Pro Magazine, December 2006, pg. 55
[3] "Perl: Traffic Control" by Michael Schilli, Linux Pro Magazine, December 2004,
[4] The original Arpalert script:

Michael Schilli works as a Software Developer at Yahoo!, Sunnyvale, California. He wrote "Perl Power" for Addison-Wesley and can be contacted at His homepage is at