Setting up a Bluetooth wireless network

Wireless Blue

You can even use Bluetooth as an alternative form of wireless networking. We'll show you how.

By Klaus Knopper

Nathalie Diaz, Fotolia

A single Bluetooth adapter supports up to seven simultaneous connections. You can connect a Bluetooth printer, cell phone, and keyboard to a single adapter. You can even use the Bluetooth adapter as an additional wireless network device. As a networking device, Bluetooth delivers a decent throughput of up to 2Mb (for EDR-capable devices - otherwise about 700kb) with a range of up to 100 meters between the access point and client (with no walls in between).

This article describes a technique for creating an access point that allows clients to connect to a local network and access the Internet. This configuration is similar to a Wifi access point, only I'll use Bluetooth instead of a wifi adapter. This configuration also requires

On the computer acting as the access point, you will also need

This procedure assumes the classic text-based approach to Linux configuration. Keep in mind that most Linux distributions provide some means for setting up network interfaces through their own GUIs. These GUI tools often interfere with configuration files such as the files described in this article.

If you experience unexpected effects like wrong IP addresses or sudden changes in your network configuration, check for KDE or GNOME services that might "automagically" change the Bluetooth settings. Try to configure the GUI to avoid any changes to Bluetooth. On the other hand, stopping all network configuration services will probably also kill the Internet connection on the computer that's supposed to become the access point. Don't despair if your configuration does not work exactly as specified in this article. It is probably not your fault. You may have to tailor the approach to your own environment.

For my Bluetooth network, I will use the personal area network (PAN) specification. The alternative dialup networking (DUN) method is much slower because the protocol has a lot of overhead that is not needed for this configuration. Note that, because I am working at the network setup level, almost all commands in this article must be issued as root.

Debian Note

In Debian, you will have to check /etc/default/bluetooth for BLUETOOTH_ENABLED=1; otherwise, the Bluetooth (or bluez-utils) init startscript won't do anything useful. If PAND_ENABLED is set to 1 there, a pand process might already be running. Either kill it, or modify the PAND_OPTIONS before restarting Bluetooth to match the settings described in this article.

Setting Up a Bluetooth Access Point

Before you start to set up your computer as a Bluetooth access point, make sure the Bluetooth adapter is working. If the command hcitool dev reports something that looks like

   hci0 00:04:0E:92:0E:6A

your Bluetooth adapter should be operational. Some adapters, like those from AVM, require special firmware in /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware. A good hint is to check the output of dmesg shortly after the adapter has been plugged in.

The next step is to configure the hcid.conf file. The HCI daemon hcid needs to know which way to set up adapters, which services to present, and which features to support. For a Bluetooth access point, the HCI configuration section shown in Listing 1 should be present in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf.

Listing 1: HCI Configuration
01 #
02 # /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf - HCI daemon configuration file.
03 #
05 # HCId options
06 options {
07         # Automatically initialize new devices
08         autoinit yes;
10         # Security Manager mode
11         #   none - Security manager disabled
12         #   auto - Use local PIN for incoming connections
13         #   user - Always ask user for a PIN
14         #
15         security auto;
17         # Pairing mode
18         #   none  - Pairing disabled
19         #   multi - Allow pairing with already paired devices
20         #   once  - Pair once and deny successive attempts
21         pairing multi;
23         # Default PIN code for incoming connections
24         # Please change this!
25         passkey "1234";
26 }
28 # Default settings for HCI devices
29 device {
30         # Local device name
31         #   %d - device id
32         #   %h - host name
33         name "%h-%d";
35         # Local device class, see "man hcid.conf"
36         # This class example matches (almost) everything,
37         # including PAN.
38         class 0x3e0100;
40         # Default packet type
41         # pkt_type DH1,DM1,HV1;
43         # Inquiry and Page scan
44         iscan enable; pscan enable;
46         # Default link mode
47         #   none   - no specific policy
48         #   accept - always accept incoming connections
49         #   master - become master on incoming connections,
50         #            deny role switch on outgoing connections
51         lm accept, master;
53         # Default link policy
54         #   none    - no specific policy
55         #   rswitch - allow role switch
56         #   hold    - allow hold mode
57         #   sniff   - allow sniff mode
58         #   park    - allow park mode
59         lp rswitch,hold,sniff,park;
60 }

The example in Listing 1 uses the shared PIN "1234" for the pairing procedure on incoming connections. That way, you don't have to set up individual passwords for clients. See the article on Bluetooth security elsewhere in this issue for more on Bluetooth PINs.

For PAN, I need to load some kernel modules. Usually, the Bluetooth startscripts take care of loading the necessary modules, but to make sure:

modprobe bnep

loads the required module for Bluetooth networking. After you enter:

/etc/init.d/bluetooth restart

(or bluez-utils restart, depending on your distribution), new clients that connect to the Bluetooth access point will get a new bnep* device: one for each client. (The first client will be visible as bnep0, the second as bnep1, and so on, and you can set individual addresses and routes for each of these devices.)

Of course, from the viewpoint of the network administrator, unpredictable network device names that each require an IP address are very uncomfortable. Luckily, two mechanisms make the handling of these devices easier.

First, I create a "bridge" device that will join all bnep* interfaces into a single device with only one IP address on the computer acting as an access point. You need bridge-utils for this. I will use a private Class C type network 192.168. 192.* in this example:

brctl addbr pan0
brctl setfd pan0 0
brctl stp pan0 off
ifconfig pan0

The setfd and stp lines are optional optimizations that disable some Ethernet bridging features I won't be using.

To make this address configuration permanent, you could (after successful tests) add the entry shown in Listing 2 to the file called (in Debian) /etc/network/interfaces.

Listing 2: /etc/network/interfaces excerpt
01 [...]
03 auto pan0
04 iface pan0 inet manual
05         up   echo     "Adding ethernet bridge between LAN and PAN"
06         up   brctl    addbr pan0
07         up   brctl    setfd pan0 0
08         up   brctl    stp pan0 off
09         up   ifconfig pan0 netmask up
10         down echo     "Removing ethernet bridge between LAN and PAN"
11         down ifconfig pan0 down
12         down brctl    delbr pan0
14 [...]

You are probably wondering where the Bluetooth network device bnep* is actually used. Actually, I have no Bluetooth connections yet, so no bnep* devices have been added to the bridge. Adding the Bluetooth devices on demand is something that has to be done right after a client connects.

I must make sure every client is associated with the bridge on the access point server. For on-connect tasks like this, the pand server (which I did not start yet) offers a mechanism through a script that's called every time a new Bluetooth network device comes up:

  ifconfig $1
  brctl addif pan0 $1

Although the pand man page says that /etc/bluetooth/pan/dev-up is called with the new per-connect bnep network device as an argument, in my tests, it turns out that this is not the case in bluez-utils 3.7 under Debian. You need to tell the pand server to explicitly start the script instead (see below). The seemingly odd line ifconfig $1 just makes sure the device is functional. (The script uses the IP address of the bridge device pan0 when sending packets to a different network.)

Now, I am ready to start the real Bluetooth PAN server, pand, on the server acting as access point:

pand --listen --role NAP --devup /etc/bluetooth/pan/dev-up

The option --role NAP tells pand that I run in Network Access Point mode, which sets up a network, as shown in Figure 1. Another option would be acting as a Group Network Controller (--role GN), a kind of Bluetooth network bridge that can add more clients to an existing network or just work as a repeater for client-to-client connections, thus extending the range of operation. But I'll stay with NAP for now.

Figure 1: Configure one computer to act as an Internet access point for other devices.

The preceding command will look for a local Bluetooth adapter, start the access point server in listen mode, and fork itself to the background. You can watch its operation in the system log. Alternatively, you can run pand in debug mode by adding the --nodetach option.

If you have not done this before, enable ipv4 forwarding to share your Internet connection and enable masquerading so that the Internet-side router does not see any private IP networks (Listing 3).

Listing 3: Configuring IP Forwarding
01 echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
02 iptables -I FORWARD -i pan0 -j ACCEPT
03 iptables -I FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
04 iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o ippp+ -j MASQUERADE

The last iptables line in Listing 3 uses the ISDN line(s) as an Internet gateway. Change ippp+ to the name of the outgoing interface. Of course, Listing 2 is nowhere near a complete firewall; it will let all outbound connections through that are initiated by Bluetooth clients. If you have a direct and permanent Internet connection, you should make sure that either you are not running any vulnerable services on your server or that all incoming connections except the necessary ones are filtered. For some distributions, connection sharing is already enabled for local interfaces, and you won't need some or all of the lines in Listing 3.

An alternative method is to add the external interface to the pan0 bridge with brctl addif pan0 interfacename. Unfortunately, this approach offers less control over forwarding between local interfaces. Still, it is worth a try if the forwarding option doesn't work.

Now the setup is complete on the server, and the pand NAP service is ready to be contacted by clients. For convenience, I will also set up a DHCP server so clients don't have to set IP parameters manually. Add the section shown in Listing 4 to the DHCP server config file (/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf in Debian).

Listing 4: /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf section
01 [...]
03 # Bluetooth network/pan0
04 subnet netmask {
05     option domain-name-servers;
06     option broadcast-address;
07     option subnet-mask;
08     option routers;
09     range;
10 }
12 [...]

And don't forget to add pan0 to the list of devices that dhcpd serves in /etc/default/dhcpd3-server; just add pan0 to the INTERFACES variable there (space-separated). After you enter the command:

/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart

dhcpd listens on the Bluetooth bridge pan0 for DHCP requests from clients and tells the clients which configuration to use. Of course, you should change at least the name server option to match your network setup. When running your own name server cache, you can just use an IP address that the name server listens on. Otherwise, the setting should match the name server given in /etc/resolv.conf.

Starting pand at Bootup

To start pand automatically at bootup via the /etc/init.d/bluetooth init script, check /etc/defaults/bluetooth for PAND_ENABLED=1 and PAND_OPTIONS="--listen --role NAP --devup /etc/bluetooth/pan/dev-up" (Debian).

Setting up a Bluetooth Network Client

The setup on the client side is much easier because all the routing and managing is now running on the server. For the first pairing of Bluetooth devices, you might have to start a Bluetooth dbus authentication client, as described in the article on Bluetooth with GPRS:

passkey-agent --default /usr/local/bin/ &

/usr/local/bin/ is the shell script that enters a pairing PIN on demand.

The Bluetooth server hcid will call this script over dbus whenever a PIN is needed to establish a connection. Because an identification key is saved after the initial handshake for devices that have been successfully paired, you usually won't be asked for a PIN when connecting later.

If an application (such as kdebluetooth services in KDE) is already listening on dbus for a pairing pin request, you can skip this command.

Now let the client search for a Bluetooth access point and initialize a connection with

pand --role PANU --search --service NAP --persist --nodetach

If you are confident that everything is set up right and you don't want to leave the shell open, you can just omit the --nodetach option. However, without it, you will have to check syslog for problems because pand forks itself into the background immediately and won't show any errors in this shell.

At this point, the client pand scans the network for a Bluetooth device that offer a NAP service. Once a device is found, the client pand connects to the server pand, and both computers get a new bnep device for this connection.

Sometimes, the client does not find the server. This problem can be related to different Bluetooth adapter capabilities, too much wireless noise, or simply bad luck.

In such cases, try to connect directly to the Bluetooth address of the server's adapter. In this example, the adapter address shown on the server by hcitool dev was 00:04:0E:92:0E:6A, so the command line would be:

pand --role PANU --service NAP -c 00:04:0E:92:0E:6A --persist --nodetach

If this command still does not give you a "connected" message, recheck your configuration. Unless you run the server and client in secure mode with an additional -E and -S option for pand, chances are that you are not being asked for a pairing PIN. In general, it is better not to rely on Bluetooth's own encryption and authentication. You should instead use SSH or other encrypted channels for accessing external services.

As soon as you see a bnep0 device on the client, you can request an IP address and default route automatically with

pump -i bnep0

or a different dhcp client of your choice.

Alternatively, if you do not want to use DHCP, you can set an IP address for bnep0 manually (which should match the network associated with pan0 on the server) and set the default gateway to, which is the pan0 bridge address in this example:

ifconfig bnep0
route add default gw

and also set a valid name server in /etc/resolv.conf.

Adding these commands to the file /etc/bluetooth/pan/dev-up (and adding a --devup option to the pand command) saves you the work of setting up the bnep0 IP parameters, so it is sufficient to just start pand to get connected.


Many distributions offer GUI configuration for Bluetooth networking. If your system supports the GUI alternative, much of what I did in this article is possible with just a few mouse clicks. Still, it helps to know the underlying technology.

Consider Bluetooth networking when no Wifi access point is in reach or when Wifi simply does not work because of traffic pollution, as is often the case at large expos.

[1] BlueZ project:
[2] Bluetooth information: