Managing reminders and microblogs in OpenOffice

Creature Comforts

If you spend a lot of time in OpenOffice, you can use it to remind you of deadlines or to update your microblog.

By Dmitri Popov

Although OpenOffice Basic is not the most powerful and flexible programming language out there, you can still create some nifty solutions with it. For example, with a simple macro and a database, you can add a reminder feature to help you keep tabs on your deadlines. How about a macro that lets you update your or Twitter status directly from within OpenOffice? If this sound good, then read on.

Adding a Simple Reminder Feature

As a busy professional, you might already have a calendaring solution that helps you keep tabs on your tasks. However, if you spend most of your time in OpenOffice, you might want to add a simple reminder feature that alerts you to upcoming events and overdue tasks every time you launch the productivity suite. To do this, you need two things: a simple database for storing tasks and a macro that pulls the data from the database and displays it in a window.

To start, create a new OpenOffice Base database called TaskDB. When you create the database, make sure that the Yes, register the database for me option is selected. Once the database is created, switch to the Tables section and create a new table in the design view. Now add at least three fields: ID (INTEGER primary key), Task (VARCHAR to store task descriptions), Date (DATE to store deadlines), and Done (BOOLEAN to mark tasks as done). Then save the table under the tasks name (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Tasks table.

Once the database is in place, you can start working on the macro. In OpenOffice, choose Tools | Macros | Organize Macros | OpenOffice Basic, press the Organizer button, and switch to the Dialogs section. Now select an existing library (Standard is a good choice), press New, give the dialog a name (e.g., "Dialog1"), and press the Edit button to open the created dialog for editing. To add a list box to the dialog window, use the List box control.

Now switch to the BASIC module and enter the macro in Listing 1. First, the macro establishes a connection to the TaskDB database (lines 3--5). The macro then initiates the Dialog1 dialog window and the ListBox1 field (lines 7--12). Next, the macro pulls data from the tasks table with the SQL query (line 13).

Listing 1: ShowTasks Macro
01 Sub ShowTasks()
02 Dim RowSetObj, SQLStatement As Object
03 DBContext=createUnoService("")
04 DataSource=DBContext.getByName("TaskDB")
05 ConnectToDB=DataSource.GetConnection ("","")
08 DialogLibraries.LoadLibrary("Standard")
09 Library=DialogLibraries.GetByName("Standard")
10 TheDialog=Library.GetByName("Dialog1")
11 ShowTasksDlg=CreateUnoDialog(TheDialog)
12 DialogField1=ShowTasksDlg.GetControl("ListBox1")
13 SQLQuery= "SELECT ""Task"", ""Date"", CASEWHEN( ""Date"" > CURRENT_DATE, '', 'OVERDUE' ) AS ""Status"" FROM ""tasks"" WHERE ""Done""='No' ORDER BY ""Date"" ASC"
14 SQLStatement=ConnectToDB.createStatement
15 RowSetObj=SQLStatement.executeQuery (SQLQuery)
16   While
17     ListBox1Item=RowSetObj.getString(1) & " [" & RowSetObj.getString(2) & "]" & " " & RowSetObj.getString(3)
18     DialogField1.additem(ListBox1Item, DialogField1.ItemCount)
19   Wend
20 ShowTasksDlg.Execute()
21 End Sub

This query selects the Task and Date (SELECT ""Task"", ""Date"") columns and obtains records that are not marked as Done (WHERE ""Done""=`No'). For each record, the query compares the value of the Date field with the current date. If the value is higher than the current date, the Status field remains blank, but if the value is lower than the current date, then the Status field is set to OVERDUE. Finally, the query sorts the data by date in ascending order (ORDER BY ""Date"" ASC). Next, the macro executes the SQL query and populates the list box with the fetched data (lines 14--19).

To run the macro every time you launch OpenOffice, choose Tools | Customize, click on the Events tab, and select OpenOffice from the Save in drop-down list. Select the Open Document event, press the Macro button, and select the ShowTasks macro. Press OK to save the settings and close the window.

That's all there is to it. Now you can view the list of upcoming events and overdue tasks every time you launch OpenOffice.

Microblogging with OpenOffice

Microblogging services like Twitter and its open source alternative,, are all the rage these days, and a slew of high-quality clients are available for both services. However, leaving the convenience of OpenOffice every time you want to update your status can become an annoyance. A simple microblogging tool within OpenOffice provides a solution to this problem.

Both and Twitter statuses can be updated with the use of a specific API (Application Programming Interface) call. Although you can't do this directly from OpenOffice Basic, cURL [1], which comes with almost every Linux distribution, is a perfect tool for the job. cURL can submit status messages to or Twitter with the following command:

curl -u username:password -d status="Status message goes here" http: //

Using cURL, you can create an OpenOffice Basic macro to obtain the required data from the user. Then you can construct a command string and pass it to cURL with the Shell routine. First you have to create a dialog containing three text boxes for entering a status message, username, and password (Figure 2). Also, you need a button that triggers the rest of the macro. When adding the button to the dialog, make sure to set its type to OK in the Properties panel. Now use an existing module or create a new one and enter the macro in Listing 2.

Figure 2: Creating the microblogging dialog.
Listing 2: UpdateStatus Macro
01 Sub UpdateStatus()
02 Dim Username, Password as String
03 ServiceURL=""
05 DialogLibraries.LoadLibrary("Standard")
06 Library=DialogLibraries.GetByName("Standard")
07 TheDialog=Library.GetByName("Dialog1")
08 Dlg=CreateUnoDialog(TheDialog)
09   If Dlg.Execute=exitOK Then
10     DialogField1=Dlg.getControl("TextField1")
11     MessageTxt=DialogField1.Text
12     StatusMsg=Join((Split((Join((Split((Join((Split((Join((Split((Join((Split((Join(Split(MessageTxt, " "), "%20")), "'")), "%27")), "@")), "%40")), "+")), "%2B")), """")), "%22")), "&")), "%26")
13     DialogField2=Dlg.GetControl("TextField2")
14     Username=DialogField2.Text
15     DialogField3=Dlg.GetControl("TextField3")
16     Password=DialogField3.Text
17     StatusUpdate=" -u " + Username + ":" & Password + " -d status=" + "" & StatusMsg + "" + " " + ServiceURL
18     Dlg.dispose
19     Shell("curl",1, StatusUpdate)
20   Else :End
21   End If
22 End Sub

Similar to the previous example, the macro starts by initializing and displaying the dialog. Once the user has entered the data and pressed the OK button, the macro obtains the content of the dialog fields. The interesting part here is the StatusMsg statement (line 12).

This statement creates a URL-encoded version of the status message so that cURL can submit any message containing special characters, such as &, +, @, and spaces. The statement uses a series of Split and Join routines to replace these characters with their URL-encoded equivalents. To better understand how this works, I'll look at how the Split and Join routines are used to replace spaces with the %20 string. First, the Split routine chops the string into an array using the space as a delimiter:

SplitStr= Split(MessageTxt, " ")

For example, the Split command above would turn the "Weather is good today" string into the following SplitStr array:


The Join routine does the exact opposite of Split: It glues pieces in the array into a string with the use of a specified delimiter. So, the StatusMsg = Join(SplitStr, "%20") statement turns the SplitStr array into the following string: "Weather%20is%20good%20today". Similarly, the statement converts other special characters into their URL-encoded versions. The macro then puts all the pieces together and constructs the StatusUpdate string that is then passed to cURL by the Shell routine (line 19).

Your microblogging tool is ready to go, but you can still improve a few things. For example, you can tweak the macro so that it saves your status messages and dates in a OpenOffice Base database. This effectively turns your microblogging macro into a simple backup tool. Start by creating a simple database called MicroblogDB that contains a table with three fields: ID (INTEGER, primary key), Status (VARCHAR to store status messages), and Date (DATE to store the current date). The Date field should use the YYYY-MM-DD format (the ISO format). Now save the table under the file name microblog. Next, modify the macro (Listing 3) so that it now consists of three additional steps.

Listing 3: Improved Version of the UpdateStatus Macro
01 Sub UpdateStatus()
02 Dim Username, Password as String
03 Dim SQLStatement As Object
04 ServiceURL=""
06 DialogLibraries.LoadLibrary("Standard")
07 Library=DialogLibraries.GetByName("Standard")
08 TheDialog=Library.GetByName("Dialog1")
09 Dlg=CreateUnoDialog(TheDialog)
10   If Dlg.Execute=exitOK Then
11     CurrentItemPos=DialogField.SelectedItemPos.
12     DialogField1=Dlg.getControl("TextField1")
13     MessageTxt=DialogField1.Text
14     StatusMsg=Join((Split((Join((Split((Join((Split((Join((Split((Join((Split((Join(Split(MessageTxt, " "), "%20")), "'")), "%27")), "@")), "%40")), "+")), "%2B")), """")), "%22")), "&")), "%26")
15     DialogField2=Dlg.GetControl("TextField2")
16     Username=DialogField2.Text
17     DialogField3=Dlg.GetControl("TextField3")
18     Password=DialogField3.Text
19     StatusUpdate=" -u " + Username + ":" & Password + " -d status=" + "" & StatusMsg + "" + " " + ServiceURL
20     DateToday=Format(Year(Now), "0000") & "-" & Format(Month(Now), "00") & "-"  & Format(Day(Now),"00")
21     DBContext=createUnoService("")
22     DataSource=DBContext.getByName("MicroblogDB")
23     Database=DataSource.GetConnection ("","")
24     SQLQuery="INSERT INTO ""microblog"" " + "(""Status"", ""Date"") VALUES " + "('" + StatusMsg + "','" + DateToday + "')"
25     SQLStatement=Database.createStatement
26     Result=SQLStatement.executeQuery (SQLQuery)
27     Database.close
28     Database.dispose()
29   Else :End
30   End If
31 Dlg.dispose
32 Shell("curl",1, StatusUpdate)
33 End Sub

First, it converts the current date value into the YYYY-MM-DD format (line 20). Next, the macro establishes a connection to the registered MicroblogDB database (line 23). Finally, it constructs an INSERT SQL query that inserts the status message and the formatted date in the database (line 24).

[1] cURL tool:

Dmitri Popov holds a degree in Russian language and computer linguistics. He has been writing exclusively about Linux and open source software for several years, and his articles have appeared in Danish, British, North American, German, and Russian magazines and websites.