Ultimate Distro Sampler

This month's DVD includes a delectable collection of small Linux options. Choose a Linux distro from a convenient boot menu. The distros labeled "live start" will boot to a Live session that will not disturb the contents of your hard drive. Your choices include:

Slip the disc in the drive and start this stupendous sampler today to explore some excellent and often overlooked Linux alternatives.

Special Bonus ISOs

In addition to the bootable distros, this DVD also includes two bonus distributions in ISO format:

You'll find these ISO files in the /iso-images/ directory. Burn the ISO image to a CD or DVD and reboot to start the system. When you burn the disc, remember to specify that you are burning a disc image. (Don't just copy the file.) See the documentation for your burning application for more on handling ISO images.

Additional Resources

[1] PCLinuxOS:http://www.pclinuxos.com

[2] Linux Mint:http://www.linuxmint.com

[3] Slax http://www.slax.org

[4] Puppy Linux: http://puppylinux.org

[5] Parted Magic: http://partedmagic.com

[6] Tiny Core: http://www.tinycorelinux.com/

[7] IPFire: http://www.ipfire.org

[8] SystemRescueCd http://www.sysresccd.org

[9] Absolute Linux: http://www.absolutelinux.org

[10] CRUX: http://crux.nu

DVD Boot

Place this DVD in the drive and restart your system. If your computer doesn't start, make sure your BIOS is configured to boot from a DVD. Enter the BIOS setup menu (see your vendor documentation), make sure DVD boot is enabled, and make sure the DVD drive appears before the hard drive in the boot order.