Securing programs with SELinux Sandbox

Safe Sand

It is hard to keep your browser away from untrusted web scripts and applications. The SELinux Sandbox locks those untrusted apps into a safe place where they can't do mischief.

By Thorsten Scherf

joseasreyes, 123RF

Firefox is commonly regarded as very secure, but popularity is no protection against software bugs. In July 2009, the Mozilla Foundation disclosed several bugs in Firefox 3.5, including an error in the Just-in-time (JIT) JavaScript compiler. If a user surfed to a website with the exploit code using a vulnerable version of the browser, an attacker could run arbitrary code on the client system, which poses a huge risk for users who store credit card numbers, passwords, and other sensitive information in their browser.

The SELinux [1] mandatory access control system is designed to prevent an intruder who has gained a foothold on the system from escalating privileges. The original intent of SELinux was to protect system services, but some time ago, the SELinux developers team set their sights on protecting the web browser and other desktop applications. The goal is to provide an isolated sandbox to let the browser execute untrusted code in a more secure manner. But a browser-oriented SELinux ruleset is not as easy as it sounds. For example, most applications on a Gnome desktop want to have complete control of the user's home directory. Also, the application needs to communicate with the computer's messaging system (D-Bus), and the X server on which Firefox is running needs access to the tmp directory. One of SELinux's mainstays, the least privilege principle, is thus difficult to implement because of the complex relationships of the interdependent components.

The SELinux developer team at Red Hat decided to create a kind of virtual cage in which you can lock up graphical applications such as Firefox. The resulting solution is both intelligent and elegant. Instead of allowing the application direct access to tmp and the user's home directory, the sandbox utility presents the application with different folders mapped to the required targets.

To lock an application away in a jail, you just enter the following:

sandbox -X evince

How It Works

The sandbox tool creates a virtual cage made up of two new directories: one in the user's home directory and the other in tmp. Each folder is assigned its own SELinux context. Different applications are placed in different jails, making it impossible for, say, the PDF viewer running in one sandbox to access the web browser's password file, which is running in a different sandbox. The seunshare module then bind-mounts the new directories. Each time the application launches, it sees new, and thus empty, home and tmp directories. seunshare then launches the user's shell, again using the sandbox's SELinux context, sandbox_x_t:MCS, and a random MCS (Multi-Category Security) label.

Client applications inside the jail are assigned the sandbox_x_client_t label. A highly granular policy exists for this domain to specify what access is permitted - the sandbox policy module (e.g., the Evince PDF viewer will need an X server and a Window manager). The X server can't access the host system. The application itself runs in full-screen mode in the sandbox's dedicated window manager, and this prevents access to the window manager's other functions. Access to the network is also initially impossible from inside the sandbox. The files have to be labeled sandbox_x_file_t; otherwise, the policy will prevent access to them (Figures 1 and 2).

Figure 1: The sandbox policy permits access to sandbox_x_file_t types of files, but not to tmp_t file types.

Figure 2: The sandbox only permits access to specific resources.

To allow an application to access the network from within the sandbox, you can launch it with a different label, instead of the default sandbox_x_client_t. For example, to allow Firefox to visit the outside world, you could launch it with the label sandbox_web_t:

sandbox -X -t sandbox_web_t firefox

The sandbox_net_t label permits unrestricted network access (see Figure 3), but some caution is advisable. The idea of a sandbox is to support granular access, and if an application running with the sandbox_net_t label happens to be buggy, the application could transport sensitive user or system data out of the sandbox, despite the precautions. For this reason, each application should only access the network protocol that it needs to work properly.

Figure 3: Launching an application with the sandbox_net_t label gives the application full network access.

The SELinux developers provide a number of macros to help you do this, and these macros are really useful for developing custom policies. To create a ruleset for arbitrary applications, you can use sandbox_x_domain_template. For example, if you want an application to use smtp from within the sandbox, you can call the macro inside your own policy, as follows:


A glance at the macro definition source code (Listing 1) quickly reveals what happens when you call the macro. On accessing the macro, you receive a basic framework for a new SELinux domain in which the application will run. If you then add your own rules, you can call semodule to add the newly compiled policy module to the system.

Listing 1: Excerpt from sandbox.if
01 type $1_t, sandbox_x_domain;
02 domain_type($1_t)
04 type $1_file_t, sandbox_file_type;
05 files_type($1_file_t)
07 type $1_client_t, sandbox_x_domain;
08 domain_type($1_client_t)
10 can_exec($1_client_t, $1_file_t)
11 ...


Additionally, a sandbox is handy if you want to run new or unknown scripts and non-GUI applications safely [2]. This technique is particularly useful if you download a script and aren't sure whether the source is trustworthy. Launching the unknown application in a sandbox applies the predefined ruleset, which specifies the kind of access the script is permitted. The syntax is similar to that for graphical applications, but you can leave out the -X option.

# ls -lZ /etc/passwd
-rw-r--r--. root root system_u:object_r:etc_t:s0 /etc/passwd
# sandbox cat /etc/passwd|cut -d: -f1
/bin/cat: /etc/passwd: Permission denied

Listing 2 would normally output a list of existing user accounts, but the policy does not define an open permission for etc_t types of files, which effectively prevents applications running in the sandbox from opening them (Listing 2)

Listing 2: Opening Prohibited
01 # sesearch --allow -s sandbox_t -t etc_t -c file
02 Found 2 semantic av rules:
03    allow sandbox_domain etc_t : file { read write getattr lock append } ;
04    allow sandbox_domain file_type : file entrypoint ;

This rule might appear confusing at first glance because it does specify the read and write permissions. Of course, you need to pass the file descriptors into the sandbox for this kind of access. If you change the script as shown in the following code snippet, you will have the kind of access restrictions you need:

cat /etc/passwd|sandbox cut -d: -f1

Again, it makes sense to check the policy to discover the details of permitted access (Listing 3).

Listing 3: sesearch Displays the Policy
01 $ sesearch --allow -s sandbox_t -c file -p open -d
02 Found 1 semantic av rules:
03    allow sandbox_t sandbox_file_t : file { ioctl read write create getattr setattr lock append
04    unlink link rename execute execute_no_trans open } ;

If you want an application to open a file autonomously from within the sandbox, the file must be of the sandbox_file_t type; otherwise, this access is not permitted. Network access is generally prohibited for scripts in the sandbox_t domain (Listing 4); to change this, you need a ruleset for the sandbox_t domain.

Listing 4: Ping Prohibited
01 type=AVC msg=audit(1256541838.863:183): avc:  denied  { create } for  pid=5474
02 comm="ping" scontext=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:sandbox_t:s0:c313,c341
03 tcontext=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:sandbox_t:s0:c313,c341 tclass=rawip_socket

Because development of the sandbox functions has only just begun, they are only available in the Fedora 12 beta version right now [3]. Some functions, such as copy and paste between the sandbox and the host system or the ability to store files inside the sandbox have not been implemented as of this writing, although they are likely to be available in the near future.

Kiosk System

If you like what you have heard thus far and are interested in restricting access for all the applications running on a system, you might like to check out the guest/xguest account on an SELinux system. This account lets you confine a complete user account inside a terminal (guest) or desktop session (xguest) and only permit access defined in a ruleset (guest/xguest policy module).

Whereas Sandbox mainly uses the SELinux Type Enforcement (TE) implementation for restricting access to resources, a guest/xguest account also relies on Role Based Access Control (RBAC). After the merge between the targeted and strict policies is accomplished, a single ruleset is available.

If you log on to a system with an xguest account, the user shell is launched in the protected SELinux xguest domain. The user is assigned to the SELinux xguest role, which only allows access to specific domains:

# id -Z

The xguest policy module again controls access to the individual resources. All of the user's applications run in the xguest domain. The applications are not permitted unrestricted access to the network, the only exception being the Firefox web browser, which is allowed unrestricted access via HTTP. The policy also prevents the execution of files in the user's tmp or home directories. If a user were to download a malicious program using Firefox, the xguest policy would still stop the program and thus prevent further damage. But if you really want to grant an xguest user permission to run arbitrary files, you can use a Boolean:

setsebool -P allow_xguest_exec_content=1

To allow access to other network services from within the xguest domain, you again need a separate policy module. Say you want to let an xguest user send mail; in this case, the domain needs access to the SMTP port. Without a rule allowing this, access to SMTP would be prohibited, as you can see from the audit.log excerpt in Listing 5. A separate module will grant SMTP access (Listing 6).

Listing 5: Excerpt from audit.log
01 type=AVC msg=audit(1256575191.000:861): avc:  denied  { name_connect }
02 for pid=15663 comm="telnet" dest=25 scontext=xguest_u:xguest_r:xguest_t:s0
03 tcontext=system_u:object_r:smtp_port_t:s0 tclass=tcp_socket
Listing 6: xguest Policy for SMTP
01 # mkdir ~/policy
02 # cat > xguest_smtp.te <<eof
04 policy_module(xguest_smtp,1.0.0)
06 require {
07         type xguest_t;
08 }
10 #============= xguest_t ==============
11 corenet_tcp_connect_smtp_port(xguest_t)
13 # make -f /usr/share/selinux/devel/Makefile
14 Compiling targeted xguest_smtp module
15 /usr/bin/checkmodule:  loading policy configuration from tmp/xguest_smtp.tmp
16 /usr/bin/checkmodule:  policy configuration loaded
17 /usr/bin/checkmodule:  writing binary representation (version 10) to
18 tmp/xguest_smtp.mod
19 Creating targeted xguest_smtp.pp policy package
20 rm tmp/xguest_smtp.mod.fc tmp/xguest_smtp.mod
22 # semodule -i xguest_smtp.pp
23 # semodule -l |grep xguest_smtp
24 xguest_smtpt  1.0.0

After adding the new policy module to the system, SMTP-based access should now work. If you want to extend the policy, check audit.log for more deny messages and then add instructions to the policy module to change the access types. One remaining question is how to add a user account to the xguest domain. The simplest case would be to use the usermod tool for existing accounts or useradd for new accounts (Listing 7). When a user logs in to a desktop, the whole user session runs in the protected SELinux xguest domain:

$ id -Z
Listing 7: New Accounts for xguest
01 # usermod -Z xguest_u foobar
02 # semanage login -l
04 Login Name                SELinux User              MLS/MCS Range
06 __default__               unconfined_u              s0-s0:c0.c1023
07 foobar                    xguest_u                  s0
08 root                      unconfined_u              s0-s0:c0.c1023
09 system_u                  system_u                  s0-s0:c0.c1023
10 xguest                    xguest_u                  s0


The new SELinux Sandbox technology makes it easy to place an application in the protective hands of SELinux. The SELinux rulesets were designed to protect individual system services, and Mandatory Access Control protection is now extended to normal users. Thanks to xguest, new types of applications are on the SELinux radar screen.

[1] SELinux:
[2] Introducing the SELinux sandbox:
[3] SELinux with Fedora: