Perl script runs a digital recorder backward


A graphical Perl interface plays microphone recordings backward.

By Michael Schilli

Edyta Pawlowska, 123RF

A conspiracy theory says that "Revolution 9" by the Beatles played backward contains a message from the band. Just recently, I was listening to "Work It" by Missy Elliot on web radio, and noticed that, despite hearing the song many times since it was released in 2002, I couldn't understand part of the chorus. Although this happens frequently to non-native speakers like myself, this time, Wikipedia [1] solved the puzzle by revealing that Missie had played her vocals backward!

Play it Again ...

What music aficionados now refer to as backmasking [2] was a popular pastime in the days of my youth. At the time, there were no ego-shooters and, as I started to get bored with politically correct wooden toys, the only thing left was to mix the chemicals that my doting parents had brought back from the drugstore and see how loud an explosion I could create. I also had a cassette recorder with a hacked drive that played recordings backward. I would speak the magic words "Redro Kertesack!" into the microphone; when I played it back, the loudspeakers would say "Kkkassettrekorrdeeer!" in an accent somewhere between Eastern European and Martian: hours of fun for the whole family!

Fast-forward to 2010: When you run the script flipit in Listing 1 at the command line, it displays the footer line shown in Figure 1 and prompts you to press the R (for Record) key to record a message via the microphone [3]. While you are recording, the menu in Figure 2 tells you that pressing S (for Stop) will stop the recording and that P (for Play) will play pack the resulting Ogg file backward. During playback, the text in Figure 3 appears; it is immediately replaced by the menu in Figure 1 when they player runs out of sound data.

Figure 1: The R key starts the recording.

Figure 2: During recording: S stops recording and P plays it back, backward.

Figure 3: The flipit script uses the Sox tool to reverse the recording.
Listing 1: flipit
001 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
002 use strict;
003 use POE;
004 use POE::Wheel::Run;
005 use Curses::UI::POE;
006 use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
007 use Sysadm::Install qw(:all);
008 use POSIX;
010 our $HEAP;
012 my $CUI =
013   Curses::UI::POE->new(
014    -color_support => 1,
015    inline_states  => {
016     _start => sub {
017      $HEAP = $_[HEAP];
018     },
019    play_ended =>
020     \&footer_update,
021  }
022 );
024 my $WIN =
025   $CUI->add("win_id",
026             "Window");
028 my $FOOT = $WIN->add(
029  qw( bottom Label
030     -y -1 -paddingspaces 1
031     -fg white -bg blue)
032 );
034 footer_update();
036 $CUI->set_binding(
037  sub { exit 0; }, "q");
038 $CUI->set_binding(
039  \&play_flipped, "p");
040 $CUI->set_binding(\&record,
041  "r");
042 $CUI->set_binding(
043  \&record_stop, "s");
045 $CUI->mainloop;
047 #############################
048 sub record {
049 #############################
050  if ( defined
051      $HEAP->{recorder}->{wheel})
052  {
053   return;   # Still recording
054  }
056  my ($fh, $tempfile) =
057    tempfile(
058     SUFFIX => ".ogg",
059     UNLINK => 1
060    );
062  my $wheel =
063    POE::Wheel::Run->new(
064     Program     => "rec",
065     ProgramArgs => [$tempfile],
066     StderrEvent => 'ignore',
067    );
069  $HEAP->{recorder} = {
070   wheel => $wheel,
071   file  => $tempfile,
072  };
074  $FOOT->text("Recording ... "
075     . "([s] to stop, "
076     . "[p] to play)");
077  $FOOT->draw();
078 }
080 #############################
081 sub record_stop {
082 #############################
083  my $wheel =
084    $HEAP->{recorder}
085    ->{wheel};
087  return if !defined $wheel;
089  $wheel->kill(SIGTERM);
090  delete $HEAP->{recorder}
091    ->{wheel};
092  footer_update();
093 }
095 #############################
096 sub footer_update {
097 #############################
098  my $text = "[r] to record";
100  if ( defined
101      $HEAP->{recorder}->{file}){
102      $text .= ", [p] to play";
103  }
105  $text .= ", [q] to quit";
107  $FOOT->text($text);
108  $FOOT->draw();
109 }
111 #############################
112 sub play_flipped {
113 #############################
114  if ( defined
115      $HEAP->{recorder}->{wheel})
116  {
117     # Recording active? Stop.
118   record_stop($HEAP);
119  }
121  $FOOT->text("Playing ...");
122  $FOOT->draw();
124  my $recorded =
125    $HEAP->{recorder}->{file};
127  return
128    if !defined $recorded;
130  my $wheel =
131    POE::Wheel::Run->new(
132     Program     => \&sox_play,
133     ProgramArgs => [$recorded],
134     StderrEvent => 'ignore',
135     CloseEvent => 'play_ended',
136    );
138  $HEAP->{players}
139    ->{ $wheel->ID } = $wheel;
140 }
142 #############################
143 sub sox_play {
144 #############################
145  my ($recording) = @_;
147  my ($fh, $tmpfile) =
148    tempfile(
149     SUFFIX => ".ogg");
151  tap "sox", $recording,
152    $tmpfile, "reverse";
153  tap "play", $tmpfile;
155  unlink $tmpfile;
156 }

Curses Dancing with POE

The minimalist graphical interface comes courtesy of the Curses::UI::POE module, which combines the graphic routines of the Curses library with the POE multitasking environment. Although the script has to handle lengthy tasks, such as recording a sound file, reversing it, or playing it back, I want the GUI to respond to user input without delay. Experienced followers of this column will recall that POE can handle this. The cooperative multitasking environment uses an asynchronous approach that can cause newcomers difficulty. But once you've gotten the hang of it, you can quickly build robust applications.

The call to the constructor in line 13 sets the color_support option to enable color at the console and defines two states that are typical for POE. POE enters the first of these, _start, immediately after starting the so-called POE kernel; for all intents and purposes, this is the mother of all states in POE's state machine. Line 17 saves a typical POE data structure, the session heap, in the global $HEAP variable to allow access to session data from parts of the script called by event handlers of the graphical interface. POE enters the second state, play_ended, after successfully playing a recorded sound backward. For this case, line 20 defines the footer_update() handler, which modifies the text showing the recording status in the footer bar.

Widgets on Screen!

The GUI comprises a main window, $WIN, and a footer line, $FOOT. The main window is brought to life by the Curses::UI::POE module's add() method in line 25, which simply passes things on to Curses::UI or, to be more precise, Curses::UI::Container. The first parameter is the ID for the window (set to "win_id" in the script), and the second parameter, "Window", defines the class of the widget to create.

The second widget, the footer with the instructions concerning permitted user actions, is created in line 28. In a typically GUI style, the parent widget, $WIN, calls the add() method to create the footer widget it includes. The -fg white and -bg blue values define white foreground type against a blue background. The first parameter, the string bottom, is the ID of the new window we created; the second, Label, is the widget class. The value of -1 for the -y parameter puts the label right down at the bottom of the window. The -paddingspaces option extends the label to the horizontal margin of the surrounding main window.

The label has a text() method that deletes and sets the text in the footer bar. The footer_update() function called in line 34 refreshes the newly defined, and temporarily empty, footer with the details of the user commands permitted after program started.

Ready to Rumble

Lines 36-43 define what happens if the user presses the Q (Quit), P (Play), R (Record), or S (Stop Recording) buttons. If Q is pressed, flipit calls the exit() function, which quits the program. The GUI cleans itself up and neatly collapses.

The handler functions assigned here, play_flipped() (play the audio file backward), record() (start recording), and record_stop() (stop recording) are defined later in the script. To keep things simple, all of these functions access the global $HEAP and global widget variables, although this occurs indirectly via the footer_update() function.

In typical GUI style, the program then enters the main event loop in line 45. It stays in the loop and keeps processing user input until somebody presses Q. If the user presses R, the GUI jumps to the record() function in line 48. It first checks if a recording is in progress, and if so, it simply cancels by calling return, thus ignoring the keypress.

Sox Audio Tool

If no recording is in progress, the tempfile() function from the File::Temp module creates a temporary file with an .ogg suffix. Perl's automatic wrecker's ball will automatically destroy this when the program terminates, thanks to the UNLINK option that was set.

The .ogg suffix is important because the sox tool that uses it determines the encoding method for the audio file that way. POE uses a POE::Wheel::Run object to launch external programs, so the GUI can continue without interruption and even trigger actions if the spawned child program terminates. The wheel in line 62 simply ignores any events that occur as Stderr output, (StderrEvent). Only the user can stop the recorder.

The program called here, rec, is included with the sox package (as is the play utility I will use later), and I only need to pass it the name of the audio file to create. The rec program will use an internal laptop microphone or an external mic plugged into the sound card for recording. Note that POE::Wheel::Run expects two separate parameters for the program to be called and the parameter list for the program: Program and ProgramArgs, respectively.

The code as of line 63 will not delay the GUI at all, by the way; any required actions happen in the background. To avoid losing the wheel's last reference when the record function exits, thus falling victim to Perl's garbage collector, line 69 stores a reference to it as recorder in the POE-specific $HEAP. It also stores the name of the temporary file to allow the play function to access it later on. Finally, record() updates the footer to tell the user that they can press S to stop and P to play.


When the S key is pressed, it's the record_stop() function's turn; it first checks that a wheel is running. If not, somebody must have pressed S without a recording actually being in progress. Otherwise, line 89 shoots down the recording program that's running by sending a SIGTERM signal gleaned from the POSIX module. Line 90 then removes the reference to the abruptly terminated wheel from the $HEAP.

The footer_update() function uses the text() method to update the footer line and then calls draw() to redraw the widget onscreen.

The play_flipped play handler first stops any recordings that are in progress and, in line 131, calls the play wheel. The wheel defines a CloseEvent, which enters the play_ended POE state defined in line 19 when the sox_play() function (lines 143-156) called by the wheel returns. POE doesn't waste time here either, but runs sox_play() asynchronously and communicates with its output, error, and end events.

To avoid this wheel collapsing when the script exits the scope of the play_flipped function (which happens before the wheel starts the external function because of the asynchronous call), line 138 stores a reference to it in the $HEAP. Each wheel has a unique ID within a POE session, and because play_flipped() stores the reference under this ID, users could launch multiple playbacks in parallel. If you want to try this out, you can press the P three or four times in succession.


The sox_play function creates another temporary, and initially empty, .ogg file and passes it to the sox utility by calling the CPAN Sysadm::Install module's tap() function with:

sox input.ogg output.ogg reverse

The reverse option tells sox not simply to copy the output into another file but to reverse it while doing so. The sox play utility gets the results in line 153 and outputs the file via the sound card. Line 155 then deletes the flipped file because calling sox_play again will create a new file next time.

Activating the Mic

For rec to use the correct microphone, I called the alsamixer audio utility for my machine. The start page shows the Playback parameters, which relate to data output (Figure 4). F4 switches to Capture mode to adjust microphone settings (Figure 5). For an external, pluggable microphone, set the entry in Input So to Mic. If your laptop mic is good enough, you can use the arrow keys to set Front Mic in Alsamixer. The Digital slider sets the sensitivity. Pressing Esc quits Alsamixer and keeps your changes.

Figure 4: Playback configuration mode after starting Alsamixer.

Figure 5: F4 switches to Capture mode. The left "Input So" must read "Front Mic" if you will be using the laptop's built-in microphone. The "Digital" slider sets the record volume.


The POE, POE::Wheel::Run, Curses::UI::POE, and Sysadm::Install modules and their dependencies are included with some recent Linux distributions, or you can run a CPAN shell to install them. As a special service, you can watch my training video [4] to learn how to say Linux Magazine backward and enjoy flipit's rendering.

[1] "Work It" by Missy Elliott:
[2] Backmasking:
[3] Listings for this article:
[4] Michael Schilli's guide to recording with the flipit script: