Perl script tunnels mail traffic on demand

Tunnel Vision

Instead of running a local mailserver, a Perl daemon listens to outgoing SMTP requests and drills a temporary SSH tunnel to a remote SMTP server on demand.

By Mike Schilli

alemba_arts, Fotolia

My Internet service provider normally handles the job of shoveling data packets around fairly well. But if something fails, I often get a script-reading ignoramus on the hotline who totally ignores elementary, logical principles. They attempt to put the blame on the user instead of telling the trained system administrators who work with them that the problem is obviously on their side. Once, when I called to complain about a slow DNS server, somebody actually asked if my DSL modem was on the floor or in the bookcase.

The Age of Spam

Just recently, I had a problem with their SMTP server and wanted to avoid the frustration of calling my provider. I don't send much in the line of email from my home desktop, but when I do, I expect it to reach its destination. For example, if there's a power failure, my UPS cuts in, a fact that is noticed by Nagios, which in turn quickly sends me an email.

Of course, I could turn to my hosting provider instead, a private company who doesn't operate as a government-protected quasi-monopoly. Their SMTP server is very reliable, but in the age of spam, they won't accept mail from unknown IPs. Because the provider offers SSH access, I could drill a tunnel like

ssh -L 1025:localhost:25

from my local port 1025 to the SMTP port (25) on the hosted computer. From the point of view of the computer in my hosting provider's farm, it would look like the request came from the leased shared host Web server.

Dynamic Drilling

Budget hosting providers will probably not want scrooges like myself keeping SSH tunnels open day and night without typing something into their leased websites; but, if I only drill the tunnel when I want to send out email and then tear it down afterward, they'll probably be okay with it. To implement this, the minimail daemon, written in Perl, listens for requests from local mail clients on the SMTP port (25). The clients are blissfully unaware of the complexity behind this, they'll be under the impression that they're talking to a local mailserver.

The daemon accepts the request, opens a tunnel on local port 1025 to port 25 of the hosting provider, then waits for the connection to come up. For the local mail client, this just looks like a fairly slow mail server. The daemon then shoves the request lines from the client (local port 25) to local port 1025. Packets are entering the tunnel and pushed through to port 25 on the provider's side (Figure 1). Return packets, arriving back through the tunnel are forwarded by the daemon to the local client, which completes the impression that it is indeed talking to the local SMTP server.

Figure 1: The mail client talking to port 25 on the forwarder, whose TCP client session talks to the tunnel.

If multiple requests to send mail occur in quick succession, it doesn't make sense to break down and build up the tunnel again; to handle this case, the daemon leaves the tunnel up for 10 seconds after the last client has bailed out. To keep this looking human in the host's logs, the script adds a random number between 0 and 25 seconds to the wait.

To Root or Not to Root?

To allow the daemon in Listing 1 to bind() the SMTP port (25), it must run as the root user; to mitigate the security risk this implies, the daemon drops these privileges later on. A program launched with sudo has the SUDO_USER environment variable set to the account that ran the sudo command. The script drops its privileges and changes the effective user ID to this non-privileged account. The sudo_me() command in line 15 from the CPAN Sysadm::Install module checks if root ran the script and, if not, uses sudo to change things.

The CPAN App::Daemon module exports the daemonize() function which lets the script act as a daemon and process the minimail start|stop commands. It will put itself into the background after running through the start sequence - only the logfile reveals what the daemon is currently doing. The Log4perl logfile is set by the -l option or, programmatically, via the App::Daemon::logfile variable, as shown in line 18. If the daemon is launched in the foreground with the -X option, the log output is sent to Stderr instead.

The BEGIN block in lines 14-23 makes sure that the POE module in line 25 is not loaded until the process has been daemonized (line 22). This is important, so a helpful soul from the POE mailing list told me; otherwise, POE won't clean up the child processes it creates later on.

Because App::Daemon also offers a feature for dropping root privileges, line 16 of the module assigns a value of root to the $as_user variable and thus leaves the security switch to the script, which handles it after binding the daemon to port 25 in the forwarder code, starting at line 48.

Listing 1: minimail
01 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
02 #############################
03 # minimail - SMTP daemon
04 #        auto-opening tunnels
05 # Mike Schilli, 2010
06 # (
07 #############################
08 use strict;
09 use Sysadm::Install qw(:all);
10 use App::Daemon
11   qw(daemonize);
12 use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
14 BEGIN {
15  sudo_me();
16  $App::Daemon::as_user =
17    "root";
18  $App::Daemon::logfile =
19    "/var/log/minimail.log";
20  $App::Daemon::loglevel =
21    $INFO;
22  daemonize();
23 }
25 use POE;
26 use PoCoForwarder;
27 use PoCoTimedProcess;
29 my $port_from   = 25;
30 my $port_to     = 25;
31 my $tunnel_port = 1025;
32 my $real_smtp_host =
33   '';
35 my $process =
36   PoCoTimedProcess->new(
37  heartbeat => 10,
38  timeout   => int(rand(25)) +
39    10,
40  command => [
41   "ssh", '-N', '-L',
42   "$tunnel_port:" .
43     "localhost:$port_to",
44   $real_smtp_host
45  ],
46   );
48 my $forwarder =
49   PoCoForwarder->new(
50  port_from  => $port_from,
51  port_to    => $tunnel_port,
52  port_bound => sub {
53   INFO "Dropping privileges";
54   $< = $> = getpwnam(
55    $ENV{SUDO_USER});
56  },
57  client_connect => sub {
58   $process->launch();
59  },
60   );
62 $process->spawn();
63 $poe_kernel->run();

POE to the Rescue

Writing your own network daemon normally costs plenty of blood, sweat, and tears, but, thankfully, CPAN offers a number of POE components you just need to glue together. For example, minimail creates the PoCoForwarder port forwarder from the POE::Component::Client::TCP and POE::Component::Server::TCP components. It binds with the local $port_from port and forwards anything that arrives there to the $tunnel_port - and vice versa. This is no trivial matter because multiple mail clients can use the local port at the same time and would need to be served in parallel.

The second component, that is, PoCoTimedProcess, uses the launch() method to start a process like the tunnel for a certain amount of time or extends its lifetime if it is already running. Every time the forwarder discovers a newly docked client, it calls the launch() method in the client_connect() callback (line 58). The method calls the ssh command in lines 41-44. The call to

ssh -N -L 1025:localhost:25

thus connects to the host at via the encrypted SSH protocol, logs in when it gets there, and, thanks to the -N option, doesn't start an interactive shell but just hangs around forwarding datastreams back and forth.

Port 1025 is the desktop-side end of the tunnel; however, localhost in the ssh command above refers to, because the SSH session is logged in there at this point. The 25 following the colon is the SMTP port on the hosted machine. If the username on the hosted machine is not the same as on the desktop, the call needs to add a valid account name like to tell SSH which to use.

Component Glue

What happens behind the scenes in the two POE components? Figure 1 shows the diagram with the server and client components and the port numbers they use. The port forwarder TCP server listening on port 25 winds up a TCP client session for each client to connect them to the tunnel independently.

The class expects the port_from port (the one on which the server is listening to client requests), the port_to port (the desktop end of the tunnel), and two callback routines as parameters. The component jumps to the subroutine reference stored in port_bound once the server has bound to port 25 and can thus drop its root privileges.

When dropping root privileges, it is important to do it in the right order for effective and real user IDs; otherwise, the daemon could reestablish its root privileges later [2]. With multiple parallel threads, PoCoTimedProcess internally would have to prevent a race condition launching the tunnel twice. In the one-process, one-thread environment that POE provides, a simple variable check without locking is fine - robust, easy to code, and easy to understand when you come back to the program years later!

The second forwarder callback, client_connect, is accessed whenever a mail client docks on port 25. The PoCoTimedProcess component's launch() method, which is executed in the callback, then sets up the tunnel if it doesn't exist. Internally, PoCoForwarder provides a PoCo::Client::TCP type POE component for each client connection, and each connects to the desktop tunnel port. In other words, although PoCo::Server::TCP can manage any number of clients, you need to deploy a separate PoCo::Client::TCP component for each.

Closures: Confusingly Elegant

Line 32 in Listing 2 shows how the component runs the port_bound callback. The POE TCP server created in line 24 enters the Started state after launching successfully. PoCoForwarder retrieves the subroutine reference defined by minimail from the $self object hash and calls it. The callback code defined in Minimail handles everything else.

Listing 2:
001 #############################
002 # POE Port Forwarder
003 # Mike Schilli, 2010
004 # (
005 #############################
006 package PoCoForwarder;
007 use strict;
008 use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
009 use
010   POE::Component::Server::TCP;
011 use
012   POE::Component::Client::TCP;
013 use POE;
015 #############################
016 sub new {
017 #############################
018  my ($class, %options) = @_;
020  my $self = {%options};
022  my $server_session =
023   POE::Component::Server::TCP
024    ->new(
025   ClientArgs => [$self],
026   Port => $self->{port_from},
027   ClientConnected =>
028     \&client_connect,
029   ClientInput =>
030     \&client_request,
031   Started => sub {
032    $self->{port_bound}->(@_)
033      if defined
034       $self->{port_bound};
035   },
036    );
038  return bless $self, $class;
039 }
041 #############################
042 sub client_connect {
043 #############################
044  my (
045   $kernel,  $heap,
046   $session, $self
047    )
048    = @_[
049    KERNEL,  HEAP,
050    SESSION, ARG0
051    ];
053  $self->{client_connect}
054    ->(@_)
055    if defined
056     $self->{client_connect};
058  my $client_session =
059   POE::Component::Client::TCP
060    ->new(
061   RemoteAddress =>
062     "localhost",
063   RemotePort =>
064     $self->{port_to},
065   ServerInput => sub {
066    my $input = $_[ARG0];
068      # $heap is the
069      # tcpserver's (!) heap
070    $heap->{client}
071      ->put($_[ARG0]);
072   },
073   Connected => sub {
074    $_[HEAP]->{connected} = 1;
075   },
076   Disconnected => sub {
077    $kernel->post($session,
078     "shutdown");
079   },
080   ConnectError => sub {
081    $_[HEAP]->{connected} = 0;
082    $kernel->delay(
083     'reconnect', 1);
084   },
085   ServerError => sub {
086    ERROR $_[ARG0]
087      if $_[ARG1];
088    $kernel->post($session,
089     "shutdown");
090   },
091    );
093  $heap->{client_heap} =
094    $kernel->ID_id_to_session(
095   $client_session)
096    ->get_heap();
097 }
099 #############################
100 sub client_request {
101 #############################
102  my ($kernel, $heap,
103   $request) =
104    @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0 ];
106  return if
107     # tunnel not up
108     # yet, discard
109   !$heap->{client_heap}
110     ->{connected};
112  $heap->{client_heap}
113    ->{server}->put($request);
114 }
116 1;

Note that $self is not in the scope of the handler assigned to the Started state. Instead, it comes courtesy of the PoCoForwarder class's new() constructor; however, the subroutine mutates to a closure that includes the lexical $self variable and thus remains valid after leaving the scope of the constructor (but only within the callback).

On the other hand, the Client-Args parameter in line 25 makes sure the server component provides the $self object hash as an argument, ARG0, if it enters the client_connect() callback function. In line 54, the component runs the client_connect callback set by the main script earlier, which launches the tunnel process. Note the timing problem that occurs here because it is difficult to predict how long the tunnel will take to come up. This means that our newly fired up TCP client might try to bind to a port later when no one is listening in.

In this case, it isn't an issue. The TCP client enters the ConnectError state (line 80), which schedules a reconnect event for one second later in POE's todo list with the delay() POE kernel function. This game can go on for a couple of rounds, but the tunnel will come up eventually. The TCP client then binds the port, which is now working, and can enter the Connected state as of line 73.

The Tunnel is Ready

If Minimail sends a command, the TCP server branches to the client_request state and thus to the handler (lines 100-114), which checks that the tunnel is already up and ignores the client command if the connection is down. The SMTP protocol stipulates the server has to start the communication with a greeting. A well-behaved client will not start to talk until the server says hello, which only happens if the tunnel is up. With other protocols (e.g., HTTP), it is different; in this case, the forwarder would have to buffer the client commands until the connection was up, then forward them in lieu of the client in a bundle.

If the tunnel is ready, the heap variable connected is 1 in the Connected state handler. To forward the message to the tunnel, line 112 retrieves the saved TCP client heap and pulls out its server entry, whose put method is then used to forward the request to the tunnel entry the client docked onto earlier. Note that client_request() is a server session callback that knows nothing about the client's heap or the client, which is running in another session. The client_heap heap variable, set in line 93 in the server session, solves this problem.

When messages come back out of the tunnel, the TCP client switches to the ServerInput state in line 65, which then uses put() on the client reference stored on the heap, to return text to Minimail. If Minimail disconnects from the TCP server, the server enters the Disconnected state, and the handler sends a shutdown event to the running session (line 77), finally interrupting the client server connection.

Processes with Countdown

Handlers in the component (Listing 3) set up and break down the tunnel. When minimail uses spawn (line 62) to launch the process timer's POE session, its first course of action is running the _start handler defined in (line 40). The handler in turn uses a closure to extract all the critical parameters, such as heartbeat (check frequency for a timeout), timeout (number of seconds until tunnel breakdown), and command (the SSH command for setting up the tunnel) from the self object hash and stores them on the session's own heap. It then sets two events for processing by the POE kernel at a later stage: keep_alive and heartbeat. The former resets the heap countdown variable to the maximum value in seconds to keep a tunnel open, which is defined in timeout. Additionally, POE calls the heartbeat event at regular intervals, thanks to the delay method in line 79, every time the number of seconds defined in the heap heartbeat variable has elapsed.

The tunnel is closed at first, but as soon as the launch() method triggers the up event and POE activates the matching up handler (line 103), a POE::Wheel::Run object (line 119) fires up the SSH tunnel process. The handlers for the Unix INT and TERM signals defined in lines 134 and 136 ensure that the minimail process will tear down an open tunnel if the main script is killed unexpectedly.

Once the tunnel has reached its maximum lifetime, line 96 triggers the down event and the matching handler (line 144) sends a kill signal to the ssh process. To let other handlers know that the tunnel no longer exists, down() sets the is_up variable to 0. This completes the processing of the triggering signal; the call to sig_handled() in line 159 prevents the POE kernel from acting on it as well, which would be undesirable because the kernel's default action on these signals is to terminate the daemon.

To prevent the killed process mutating into a zombie, joining a growing army of other zombies, and finally bringing the computer to its knees, line 131 defines a sig_child handler, which reaps the dying process and then enters the sig_child state of the POE session, defined in line 56. This helps POE give the dying tunnel its last rites (internally, via waitpid()) and prevents it from going to zombie hell. The handler finally deletes the last remaining reference to POE::Wheel. If POE figures out it has nothing left to do, it'll neatly fold up the kernel.

Listing 3:
001 #############################
002 # POE Timed Process
003 # Launcher Component
004 # Mike Schilli, 2010
005 # (
006 #############################
007 package PoCoTimedProcess;
008 use strict;
009 use warnings;
010 use POE;
011 use POE::Wheel::Run;
012 use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
014 #############################
015 sub new {
016 #############################
017  my ($class, %options) = @_;
019  my $self = {%options};
020  bless $self, $class;
021 }
023 #############################
024 sub launch {
025 #############################
026  my ($self) = @_;
028  $poe_kernel->post(
029   $self->{session}, 'up');
030 }
032 #############################
033 sub spawn {
034 #############################
035  my ($self) = @_;
037  $self->{session} =
038    POE::Session->create(
039   inline_states => {
040    _start => sub {
041     my ($h, $kernel) =
042       @_[ HEAP, KERNEL ];
044     $h->{is_up} = 0;
045     $h->{command} =
046       $self->{command};
047     $h->{timeout} =
048       $self->{timeout};
049     $h->{heartbeat} =
050       $self->{heartbeat};
051     $kernel->yield(
052      'keep_alive');
053     $kernel->yield(
054      'heartbeat');
055    },
056    sig_child => sub {
057     delete $_[HEAP]->{wheel};
058    },
059    heartbeat  => \&heartbeat,
060    up         => \&up,
061    down       => \&down,
062    keep_alive => sub {
063     $_[HEAP]->{countdown} =
064       $_[HEAP]->{timeout};
065    },
066    closing => sub {
067     $_[HEAP]->{is_up} = 0;
068    },
069   }
070    )->ID();
071 }
073 #############################
074 sub heartbeat {
075 #############################
076  my ($kernel, $heap) =
077    @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];
079  $kernel->delay("heartbeat",
080   $heap->{heartbeat});
082  if ($heap->{is_up}) {
083   INFO
084 "Process is up for another ",
085     $heap->{countdown},
086     " seconds";
088   $heap->{countdown} -=
089     $heap->{heartbeat};
091   if (
092    $heap->{countdown} <= 0)
093   {
094    INFO
095 "Time's up. Shutting down";
096    $kernel->yield("down");
097    return;
098   }
099  }
100 }
102 #############################
103 sub up {
104 #############################
105  my ($heap, $kernel) =
106    @_[ HEAP, KERNEL ];
108  if ($heap->{is_up}) {
109   INFO "Is already up";
110   $_[KERNEL]
111     ->yield('keep_alive');
112   return 1;
113  }
115  my ($prog, @args) =
116    @{ $heap->{command} };
118  $heap->{wheel} =
119    POE::Wheel::Run->new(
120   Program     => $prog,
121   ProgramArgs => [@args],
122   CloseEvent  => "closing",
123   ErrorEvent  => "closing",
124   StderrEvent => "ignore",
125    );
127  my $pid =
128    $heap->{wheel}->PID();
129  INFO "Started process $pid";
131  $kernel->sig_child($pid,
132   "sig_child");
133  $kernel->sig(
134   "INT" => "down");
135  $kernel->sig(
136   "TERM" => "down");
138  $_[KERNEL]
139    ->yield('keep_alive');
140  $heap->{is_up} = 1;
141 }
143 #############################
144 sub down {
145 #############################
146  my ($heap, $kernel) =
147    @_[ HEAP, KERNEL ];
149  if (!$heap->{is_up}) {
150   INFO
151     "Process already down";
152   return 1;
153  }
155  INFO "Killing pid ",
156    $heap->{wheel}->PID;
157  $heap->{wheel}->kill();
158  $heap->{is_up} = 0;
159  $kernel->sig_handled();
160 }
162 1;

Keys Instead of Passwords

Because a daemon can't use an interactive password dialog to identify itself, the ssh tunnel command requires the user to create a keypair:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

The keys will typically be stored in the id_rsa (Private Key) and (Public Key) files in the .ssh directory below the user's home directory.

To make sure the hosting service provider lets the daemon connect to it, the user has to push the public key created with the no passphrase option to the server. This involves appending the local content of the file to the .ssh/authorized_keys file on the hosting server. If you then enter the ssh tunnel command in Minimail manually (without the -N option), you should be logged in to the hosting server without being asked for your password.

Trial Run with Telnet

The Telnet command in Figure 2 with localhost and port 25 discovers whether the mail server that was launched by sudo minimail start really works. If the daemon tunnel is down, Minimail will delay the response by one or two seconds until the server provider-side responds and then patch through to the SMTP server on the other end (Figure 3).

Figure 2: When a message needs to be sent, Minimail needs to open the tunnel for the first request ...

Figure 3: ... then the SMTP server at the other end of the tunnel will respond within about one or two seconds ...

If you speak some SMTP, you can try out a couple of tricks (for test purposes only, of course - Figure 4). The daemon will busily take note of this in the /var/log/minimail.log logfile (Figure 5). It will not store the mail headers or text for data protection reasons.

While running tests with the telnet command, you can get out of a hung session caused by a server not releasing the client by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+], which takes Telnet down into a shell that you can terminate by pressing q.

Figure 4: ... and the client can then exchange SMTP commands as if connected directly. The server thinks it is talking to a local client.

Figure 5: The daemon logs critical events.

Waiting for a Power Failure

To launch the Minimail server automatically every time you boot your machine, you need to add

SUDO_USER=mschilli /path/to/minimail

on Ubuntu to the /etc/init.d/minimail file, which you might need to create, then make the file executable with chmod +x and finally call

sudo update-rc.d minimail defaults 80

to add the script to the boot process. When the power returns, the new mail server boots automatically and makes sure it is ready to take messages once Nagios reports that power has been restored and disaster averted.

[1] Listings for this article:
[2] Dropping privileges, but properly:

Mike Schilli works as a software engineer with Yahoo! in Sunnyvale, California. He is the author of Goto Perl 5 (German) and Perl Power (English), both published by Addison-Wesley, and he can be contacted at Mike's homepage can be found at