Good performance and easy coding

In the Bottle

Vala and Genie yield the high performance of compiled languages with the ease and flexibility of scripts.

By Ankur Kumar

Mikhail Dudarev, 123RF

Every programmer wants maximum performance with minimal effort. Compiled languages like C and C++ offer high performance and a high degree of control, but they also require a high level of programming effort. On the other hand, scripting languages like Python and Ruby are easy and flexible, but often at the expense of performance. In the case of managed languages like C# and Java, the overhead and bloat of the virtual machines can hamper performance.

Programmers have developed many tools to combine the benefits of compiled and scripting languages, but these solutions are mostly add-ons or alternative forms. No single alternative addresses the needs of the programmers in one complete solution. As always, the open source technology angels are working to address this challenge with a pair of promising new programming languages known as Vala and Genie.


Vala [1] and Genie [2] are modern programming languages designed from the ground up for the Gnome desktop environment. The main programming language of Gnome development is C, based primarily on an object system provided by the GObject library. Gnome is heavily dependent on the GLib and GObject libraries. GLib provides a portable wrapper for many lower level functions and data types and offers various advanced data structures. In most cases, it is the C counterpart to the C++ standard template library. GObject [3] is the type and object system that provides portable object orientation in C and offers memory management for automatic objects through reference counting.

In Vala and Genie, the source code is converted to a GObject-based C code representation first, then to the host platform-specific executable code. A Vala compiler does the conversion then invokes the platform-specific C compiler to produce the final executable. This design deviates from the prevalent one compiler, one syntax phenomenon used with other programming languages. The syntax of Vala is inspired by C# and Java, and the syntax of Genie is inspired by Python; your choice of which language is just a matter of taste and convenience. Figure 1 shows the scheme for creating executables from Vala and Genie sources.

Figure 1: Executable generation from Vala and Genie.

Language bindings are available to several third-party libraries for Vala and Genie. The only prerequisites for working with Vala and Genie are the Gnome development libraries and C run-time libraries, which are available wherever the Gnome development environment is present. So, you don't need any extra performance-dampening run-time components like virtual machines or extra run-time libraries. This hybrid development provides the productivity and flexibility of managed languages with the run-time performance of compiled languages. The run-time performance of both Vala and Genie is at or near the performance of C.

My Environment

I used Puppy Linux 5.0 and Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit desktop edition to test the code presented in the article.


To work with both Vala and Genie, you need the Vala compiler, valac. If you don't care about the latest version, issue the following command to install valac on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install valac

Both Vala and Genie are in continuous development. For the latest version of valac, build and install it from the latest source tarball using bison, flex, GCC, and GLib sources. On Puppy Linux, all the prerequisites are fulfilled when you set up the development environment with the devx SFS module. On Ubuntu, issue the command

sudo apt-get install gcc libglib2.0-dev bison flex

then download the latest Vala compiler source tarball from the Vala homepage and issue the following commands to build and install valac:

tar jxvf vala-version.tar.bz2 && cd vala-version
./configure && make && sudo make install

If everything goes well, valac --help will show the valac help text.

Playing with Vala

To compile the hellovala.vala file (Listing 1) enter valac hellovala.vala, then type ./hellovala. By default, valac gives the executable the same name as the Vala source file, but you can name the executable yourself by appending the -o executablename option.

Listing 1: hellovala.vala
01 int main()
02 {
04     stdout.printf("\n Hello to FLOSS from Vala!!!\n");
05     return 0;
07 }

To generate only the intermediate C source file (instead of the executable), pass the -C option to valac. If you examine the generated C source file, you will notice the GObject-based C programming. With the -v option, valac invokes the C compiler and links to the GLib and GObject libraries to generate an executable from the intermediate C file.

Vala provides the various basic data types, depending on the underlying platform. It also provides ways to know the maximum and minimum values represented by various data types. The stdin and stdout objects give you console-mode functionalities.

A string data type handles immutable strings. If you want to work with mutable strings, you have to instantiate StringBuilder, and you can use various methods, such as append, prepend, and insert, on the mutable strings. Vala also contains a type inference mechanism that lets you define a local variable with var instead of providing a type if the variable is unambiguous. Listing 2 shows data types, string types, and the type inference in action. main returns void, so the return value is 0 on execution. The /** */-style comments are not specific to Vala, but the Vala documentation generation utility Valadoc [4] treats these comments in special ways.

Listing 2: datatypes.vala
01 /** Data types in Vala */
03 void printwln(string sMsg) {
05     stdout.printf("\n %s", sMsg);
07 }
09 void main() {
11     var   ulSizeInt = sizeof(int);
12     string sSizeInt = @"sizeof(int) : $ulSizeInt";
13     printwln(sSizeInt);
15     int iMax    = int.MAX;
16     var iMin    = int.MIN;
17     var sMaxInt = @"int.MAX : $iMax";
18     var sMinInt = @"int.MIN : $iMin";
19     printwln(sMaxInt);
20     printwln(sMinInt);
21     printwln("");
23     ulong ulSizeInt8 = sizeof(int8);
24     string sSizeInt8 = @"sizeof(int8) : $ulSizeInt8";
26     printwln(sSizeInt8);
27     stdout.printf("\n uint8.MAX : %u"  , uint8.MAX);
28     stdout.printf("\n uint8.MIN : %u\n", uint8.MIN);
30     ulong ulSizeInt64 = sizeof(int64);
31     string sSizeInt64 = @"sizeof(int64) : $ulSizeInt64";
32     printwln(sSizeInt64);
33     printwln("");
35     var sVerbatim = """\nThis is the example of verbatim string
36  that goes three lines down\\
37  \tand then closes.""";
38     stdout.printf("\n %s\n", sVerbatim);
40     var      sGnu = "GNU is a recursive acronym.";
41     string sFloss = "Free Libre Open Source Software rulz!!!";
42     string sCmbnd = sGnu + " " + sFloss;
43     stdout.printf("\n sGnu.up()        : %s", sGnu.up());
44     stdout.printf("\n sFloss.reverse() : %s\n", sFloss.reverse());
45     stdout.printf("\n sCmbnd.len()  : %ld", sCmbnd.len());
46     stdout.printf("\n sCmbnd.size() : %Zd", sCmbnd.size());
48     printwln("\n");
50 }

If you want to use various collection objects like lists, hash maps, and sets, you have to install libgee. To build and install it, download the latest source tarball from the homepage [5] and issue the command:

tar jxvf libgee-version.tar.bz2 && cd libgee-version

To build and install libgee, type:

./configure && make && sudo make install

If everything compiles without error, you are ready to add collection classes in your Vala programs. To see Vala collections in action, compile the collections.vala code provided in the Article Code archive [6] with

valac --pkg=gee-1.0 collections.vala

and note the similarity to C++ containers and C# or Java collections.

To debug Vala code snippets, use GDB. Compile your Vala code with additional -g --save-temps switches, then launch the executable with GDB to debug. To help with debugging, the generated intermediate C files (from the --save-temps switch) contain a line-by-line mapping of Vala and C code.

The Vala language supports powerful object-oriented programming around various Gnome-based objects. The various classes derived from GLib's Object class can take full advantage of GObject. All the objects are instantiated in Vala through the new keyword - as in C# and Java - and Vala automatically cleans the various objects by reference counting. Vala doesn't provide multiple inheritance.

Properties in a class defined with the get and set methods can work as accessors and mutators while keeping the class data private:

private int _iVal;
public int iVal {
  get { return _iVal; }
  set { _iVal = value; dVal *= 2; }

value in the set mutator is the value assigned to public property iVal.

The type of object at run time becomes known, with the name method of the Type reference returned by the get_type method inherited in the object:

public static void main() {
  var voop1 = new VOop1(3.14);
  Type type = voop1.get_type();
  stdout.printf("\n voop1.get_type() : %s\n",;

Vala doesn't provide method overloading, so you can't declare and define multiple functions and constructors with the same name and different signatures, but named constructors provides overloaded constructors, which lets you give different name additions to overload various constructors. Also, you can chain constructors to one another. Vala also provides destructors for the very rare cases when you manage memory manually with pointers. Vala does a nullability check on function parameters and return values. This feature is like static checking to prevent run-time errors, like dereferencing a null reference. If you want any function parameter or return value to be null, use modifier ? with the parameter or the return value. When you work with multiple Vala source files to create executables, if you supply just the file names to valac, it figures out a way to connect different pieces of code to generate the executable.

The curses example in Listing 3 requires the ncurses headers. To see the system bindings available by default in Vala, compile with the command

valac --pkg curses -X -lncurses testcurses.vala

then run the executable (Figure 2).

A basic Gtk programming sample in Vala (Figure 2, lower right) can give you some feeling for Gnome programming.

Figure 2: Curses and Gtk applications created with Vala.
Listing 3: testcurses.vala
01 using Curses;
03 int main(string[] args) {
05     initscr();
07     start_color();
08     init_pair(1, Color.RED, Color.CYAN);
10     var win = new Window(LINES - 8, COLS - 8, 4, 4);
11     win.bkgdset(COLOR_PAIR(1) | Attribute.BOLD);
12     win.addstr(" Hello to Curses from Vala!");
13     win.clrtobot();
14     win.getch();
16     endwin();
17     return 0;
19 }

Genie Time

Now it is time to rub the valac magic lamp and call Genie. If you prefer Python and want to finish big programs with little effort, you will love Genie, which provides the ease of Python syntax and the performance of GLib- and GObject-based C code.

Although many Vala features are equally applicable to Genie, Genie does a few things differently [7]. For instance, Genie doesn't use curly braces to create code blocks; by default, it uses Tabs. Tab behavior can be changed with indentation (as in Python) by putting [indent=number of spaces] at the top of Genie source files.

In Genie, execution starts in the init block, not in main. To see the Python-like compactness of Genie code compared with Vala code, compile and run the following code:



    print "Hello to FLOSS from Genie!!!"

Genie syntax for variable and function declarations is slightly different from Vala, with the variable format variable:type - if you don't use a type inference - and the format for functions is function(parameter:type, ...) : return type. Genie classes can have only one init block as a constructor. The init block outside of a class works as main. If you precede class members with an underscore or the private keyword modifier, they become private; otherwise, class members are public by default.

A construct block sets various properties of a class by supplying parameters at construction time. To try the object-oriented concepts provided by Genie, compile the programs shown in Listings 4 and 5 with

valac -o testoop

and run the testoop executable.

Listings 4 and 5 also demonstrate some concepts introduced earlier with Vala, such as singular superclass inheritance, properties, and code in multiple files. To see the Genie version of a basic Gtk+ application, compile

valac --pkg gtk+-2.0

and run the testgtk executable (Figure 3, upper left).

The next Gtk+ example, taken from the Genie examples site [8], explores the font selection dialog functionality of Gtk+ in Genie (Figure 3, lower right).

Figure 3: Gtk applications created with Genie.
Listing 4:
01 [indent = 4]
03 class GOop1 : GOop
05     prop iV : int
06     prop dV : double
08     init
09         this.iV = 8
10         this.dV = 7.890
12     construct(iVal : int, dVal : double)
13         iV = iVal
14         dV = dVal
17     def getState1()
18         print "\n iV : %d, dV : %f\n", iV, dV
20     def setState1(iVal : int, dVal : double)
21         setState(iVal, dVal)
Listing 5:
01 [indent = 4]
03 class GOop : Object
05     prop _iV : int
06     prop _dV : double
08     init
09         _iV = 7
10         _dV = 3.14
12     def getState()
13         print "\n_iV : %d, _dV : %f\n", _iV, _dV
15     def setState(iVal : int, dVal : double)
16         _iV = iVal
17         _dV = dVal
19 init
20     var goop = new GOop()
22     goop.getState()
24     goop.setState(89, 56.789)
25     goop.getState()
27     var goop1 = new GOop1(56, 89.45657)
28     goop1.getState1()

Mixing Vala and Genie

Because both Vala and Genie are converted into the same intermediate C code by valac, you can seamlessly mix them in one application. Therefore, you can write a function in Genie and use it in Vala, or you can write a class in Vala and use its properties and methods in Genie. A small example to derive a class defined in Vala from a superclass defined in Genie and invoke inherited and class methods is shown in Listings 6 and 7. To compile, enter

valac -o valagenie classvala.vala

and run the valagenie executable.

Listing 6:
01 [indent=4]
03 class Ggenie : Object
05     def prntInfoGenie(info : string)
06         print "\n Ggenie :: %s\n", info
Listing 7: classvala.vala
01 class Vvala : Ggenie
02 {
04     void prntInfoVala(string info) {
06         stdout.printf("\n Vvala :: %s\n", info);
08     }
10     public static void main() {
12         var ovala = new Vvala();
14         ovala.prntInfoVala("Calling method of vala class from vala class.");
16         ovala.prntInfoGenie("Calling method of genie class from vala class.");
18     }
20 }

Missing Bytes

Although I have focused primarily on the functionalities of the GLib, GObject, and Gnome libraries, Vala and Genie also prove their merit in other environments. If you want to target only the C run-time library with Vala and Genie, use the valac --profile=posix option to create the executables. Vala and Genie can replace direct C programming in embedded systems or in systems that require very small executables. If you generate intermediate C code or executables for some Vala and Genie programs without using Gnome resources, you will see that valac generates very efficient C code. With the use of alternate light versions of libc and static linking, you can create very tiny and self-contained native executables in Vala and Genie.


The performance of Vala and Genie programs is equal or similar to equivalent C programs. Although Vala syntax is similar to C# and Java, it doesn't come with the run-time penalties associated with Mono/CLR or JVM. Similarly, Genie has marvelous syntax inspired from Python, but it does not suffer the performance overhead of CPython or Mono/CLR. An independent Google Code project implements The Computer Language Benchmarks Game in Vala [9] and compares performance against C, C++, and C#. Table 1 shows the results published on the benchmarks project page using

Gcc-4.3.4, Mono C# compiler



Clearly, Vala provides a performance level equivalent to C in all the benchmarks [9].


Vala and Genie are modern programming languages that promise high productivity, flexibility, and native performance without a large number of run-time libraries or run-time engines like virtual machines. They were primarily designed around the Gnome libraries and provide Gnome developers excellent programming alternatives. However, Vala and Genie are suitable for non-Gnome areas targeting libc as well.

[1] Vala homepage:
[2] Genie homepage:
[3] GObject Wikipedia page:
[4] Valadoc homepage:
[5] libgee homepage:
[6] Code used in this article:
[7] Genie tutorial from the founder of Puppy Linux:
[8] Vala and Genie examples:
[9] Vala benchmarks:

Ankur Kumar Sharma is a software developer and researcher. He likes to play and croon classic rock songs on his guitar, read self-help books, write, and explore many interests in his spare time. He blogs at