LJ Archive

Washington, D.C. Local Users' Group Installfest

Guylhem Aznar

Issue #33, January 1997

The LUG provides a 10baseT network and server; participants connect to it and grab needed sources.

The Washington, D.C. Local Users' Group, with the help of the Manassas, Virginia LUGMAN, holds Installfests to help members upgrade and to encourage new Linuxers to take the plunge. The group is fortunate to have the use of a laboratory at a local medical school as to hold the 'Fests. The LUG provides a 10baseT network and server; participants connect to it and grab needed sources.

The photographs on this page were taken at our third Installfest, held this past August. We were honored by the attendance of Red Hat's crack development team. Jon “maddog” Hall from DEC also visited, perhaps to find out if there really is anything to that persistent rumor about Linux on the DEC Alpha!

In the end, upwards of 45 folks left with Rembrandt (4.0 Beta) Red Hat installed and working on their systems.

Visit the Washington, D.C. LUG web site: http://linux.wauug.org/.

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