LJ Archive

Listing 4. nutmeg Interactive Session

# nutmeg diffpair-2.raw
Program: nutmeg, version: 3f4
Date built: Mon Mar  3 22:03:12 PST 1997

Type "help" for more information, "quit" to leave.

Loading raw data file ("diffpair-2.raw") . . . done.
Title:  Simple Differential Pair Circuit - Version 2
Name: AC Analysis
Date: Sun Mar 23 12:17:40  1997

Title:  Simple Differential Pair Circuit - Version 2
Name: DC transfer characteristic
Date: Sun Mar 23 12:17:40  1997

Title:  Simple Differential Pair Circuit - Version 2
Name: Transient Analysis
Date: Sun Mar 23 12:17:40  1997

Title:  Simple Differential Pair Circuit - Version 2
Name: Transfer Function
Date: Sun Mar 23 12:17:45  1997

nutmeg 1 -> setplot
   Type the name of the desired plot:

   new   New plot
Current tf1 Simple Differential Pair Circuit - Version 2 (Transfer Function)
   tran1 Simple Differential Pair Circuit - Version 2 (Transient Analysis)
   dc1   Simple Differential Pair Circuit - Version 2 (DC transfer characteristic)
   ac1   Simple Differential Pair Circuit - Version 2 (AC Analysis)
   const Constant values (constants)
? dc1
nutmeg 2 -> plot v(out1) v(out2)
nutmeg 3 -> set hcopydevtype=postscript
nutmeg 4 -> The file "/tmp/hc20966" may be printed on a postscript printer.
nutmeg 5 -> hardcopy diffpair-2-dc.ps v(out1) v(out2)
The file "diffpair-2-dc.ps" may be printed on a postscript printer.
nutmeg 6 -> setplot
   Type the name of the desired plot:

   new   New plot
   tf1   Simple Differential Pair Circuit - Version 2 (Transfer Function)
   tran1 Simple Differential Pair Circuit - Version 2 (Transient Analysis)
Current dc1 Simple Differential Pair Circuit - Version 2 (DC transfer characteristic)
   ac1   Simple Differential Pair Circuit - Version 2 (AC Analysis)
   const Constant values (constants)
? tf1
nutmeg 8 -> display
Here are the vectors currently active:

Title: Simple Differential Pair Circuit - Version 2
Name: tf1 (Transfer Function)
Date: Sun Mar 23 12:17:45  1997

    Transfer_function   : voltage, real, 1 long [default scale]
    output_impedance_at_V(out2): voltage, real, 1 long
    vin#Input_impedance : voltage, real, 1 long

nutmeg 9 -> print Transfer_function
transfer_function = 4.460971e+01

nutmeg 10 -> print all
transfer_function = 4.460971e+01
output_impedance_at_v(out2) = 4.887695e+03
vin#input_impedance = 8.896872e+03

nutmeg 11 -> setplot ac1
nutmeg 12 -> set units=degrees
nutmeg 13 -> hardcopy diffpair-2-vp.ps vp(out2)
The file "diffpair-2-vp.ps" may be printed on a postscript printer.
nutmeg 14 -> set units=radians
nutmeg 15 -> hardcopy diffpair-2-vrad.ps vp(out2)
The file "diffpair-2-vrad.ps" may be printed on a postscript printer.
nutmeg 16 -> hardcopy diffpair-2-vm.ps vm(out2)
The file "diffpair-2-vm.ps" may be printed on a postscript printer.

nutmeg 17 -> setplot tran1
nutmeg 18 -> plot v(input) v(out2) xlimit 0 500ns
nutmeg 19 -> hardcopy diffpair-2-tran.ps v(input) v(out2) xlimit 0 500ns
The file "diffpair-2-tran.ps" may be printed on a postscript printer.

nutmeg 20 -> fourier 5meg v(out2)
Fourier analysis for v(out2):
  No. Harmonics: 10, THD: 18.4621 %, Gridsize: 200, Interpolation Degree: 1

Harmonic Frequency   Magnitude   Phase       Norm. Mag   Norm. Phase
-------- ---------   ---------   -----       ---------   -----------
 0       0           2.53171     0           0           0
 1       5e+06       2.7343      148.112     1           0
 2       1e+07       0.0564934   161.969     0.020661    13.8568
 3       1.5e+07     0.47909     102.783     0.175215    -45.329
 4       2e+07       0.0231352   136.951     0.00846111  -11.162
 5       2.5e+07     0.138923    74.7722     0.0508076   -73.34
 6       3e+07       0.00826939  112.309     0.00302431  -35.803
 7       3.5e+07     0.0447823   50.8871     0.016378    -97.225
 8       4e+07       0.00261832  95.6283     0.000957584 -52.484
 9       4.5e+07     0.0140673   25.5604     0.00514475  -122.55

nutmeg 21 -> quit
nutmeg-3f4 done
LJ Archive