Listing 1: Sample, Handler Configuration File
package HTML::Mason;
use HTML::Mason;
use strict;
use Apache::DBI;
my $dbsource = "dbi:mysql:atf";
my $dbuser = 'atf';
my $dbpass = 'atfpass';
# Import some modules for use in components
{ package HTML::Mason::Commands;
use vars qw(%session);
use CGI::Cookie;
use Apache::DBI;
use Apache::Session::DBI;
# Create a new Mason parser
my $parser = new HTML::Mason::Parser;
# Create a new Mason interpreter
my $interp =
new HTML::Mason::Interp (parser => $parser,
comp_root =>
data_dir => '/usr/local/apache/masondata/');
# Create a new Mason ApacheHandler
my $ah = new HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler (interp => $interp);
# Make sure that things are done as nobody, and not root!
chown ( [getpwnam('nobody')]->[2], [getgrnam('nobody')]->[2],
$interp->files_written );
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Create our content handler.
sub handler
# Get the Apache request object
my $r = shift;
# Only handle text
return -1<\n>
if defined($r->content_type)
&& $r->content_type !~ m|^text/|io;
# Get the incoming cookies
my %cookies = parse
# Try to re-establish an existing session
eval {
tie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session, 'Apache::Session::DBI',
($cookies{'AF_SID'} ? $cookies{'AF_SID'}->value() : undef),
DataSource => $dbsource,
UserName => $dbuser,
Password => $dbpass
# If we could not re-establish an existing
# session, create a new session.
if ( $@ )
if ( $@ =~ m#^Object does not exist in the data store# )
tie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session,
DataSource => $dbsource,
UserName => $dbuser,
Password => $dbpass
undef $cookies{'AF_SID'};
if ( !$cookies{'AF_SID'} )
my $cookie =
new CGI::Cookie(-name => 'AF_SID',
-value =>
-path => '/',);
$r->header_out('Set-Cookie', => $cookie);
my $status = $ah->handle_request($r);
untie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session;
return $status;
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