LJ Archive


This month's column described many different software packages of interest to Web Developers. Here are a few URLs that might be of help:

The Apache Software Foundation, which sponsors the Apache web server as well as the Jakarta-Tomcat (servlet/JSP), Jakarta-Oro (regexp) and Cocoon (Java-XML) projects, is at http://www.apache.org/.

mod_perl is at http://perl.apache.org. Be sure to check out the mod_perl guide by Stas Bekman, which contains many pieces of accumulated wisdom about this programming environment.

For more information about Oracle's IAS, see http://www.oracle.com.

AOLServer is at http://www.aolserver.com PyWX, which gives AOLServer an embedded Python interpreter, is available at http://pywx.idyll.org/.

The Template Toolkit: http://www.template-toolkit.org/

HTML::Mason: http://www.masonhq.com/

Enhydra: http://www.enhydra.org/

Zope: http://www.zope.org/

The AxKit: http://www.axkit.org/

ArsDigita: http://www.arsdigita.com/

OpenACS project: http://www.openacs.org/

LJ Archive