LJ Archive

Listing 3: Retrieve-people.pl, a Program That Uses People.pm to Retrieve Information from the Database

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use People;

# Create a new People instance
my $people = new People;

# Set the current person by name
$people->set_current_person_by_name("Shai", "Re'em")
    || die "Error retrieving person.";

# Get information about this person
my $info = $people->get_current_info();

# Print the information
foreach my $key (sort keys %{$info})
    if (defined $info->{$key})
        print "key => $info->{$key}\n";

print "-" x 60, "\n";

# -----------------------------------------------
# Now insert a new person
my $success = $people->new_person(first_name => "Reuven",
                                  last_name => "Lerner",
                                  country => "Israel",
                                  email => 'reuven@lerner.co.il',
                                  phone => '08-973-2225');

if ($success)
    # Get information about this person
    $info = $people->get_current_info();

    # Print the information
    foreach my $key (sort keys %{$info})
 if (defined $info->{$key})
            print "$key => $info->{$key}\n";


    print "Error!\n";


# -----------------------------------------------
# Now set the first name to something different

# Get information about this person
$info = $people->get_current_info();

# Print the new information
foreach my $key (sort keys %{$info})
    if (defined $info->{$key})

        print "$key => $info->{$key}\n";

print "\n";
LJ Archive