LJ Archive

Listing 3. time.client.py

# time.client.py - gets the time from a time server.
# Thu Nov  8 14:10:49 PST 2001 Rory Krause
# Usage: ./time.client.py portnumber
# Simple time client that takes first argument
# as a port number, connects to that port and
# prints the time to standard out.  Use with
# time.server.py.
from socket import *
import sys

port = int(sys.argv[1])          # Get port number
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) # Create TCP socket
s.connect(("localhost", port))   # Connect to port
data = s.recv(1024)              # Receive up to
                                 #   1024 bytes
s.close()                        # Close connection
print "The time is ", data       # Print time
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