LJ Archive

Resources for “Open-Source Learning Management with Moodle”

Abhijeet Chavan

Shireen Pavri

Issue #128, December 2004

Moodle: www.moodle.org

More Open-Source LMSes Licensed under the GPL:

ATutor: PHP, MySQL, Ver. 1.4 (May, 2004): www.atutor.ca

Claroline: PHP, MySQL, Ver. 1.5RC (May, 2004): www.claroline.net

DotLRM: OpenACS, Ver. 2.0.2 (Mar. 2004): www.dotlrn.org

Eledge: Java, MySQL, Ver. 3.1.0 (Oct. 2003): eledge.sourceforge.net

Fle3: Zope, Ver. 1.4.5 (Nov. 2003): fle3.uiah.fi

ILAIS: PHP, MySQL, Ver. 3.0.0 (May, 2004): www.ilias.de/ios/index-e.html

Interact: PHP, MySQL, Ver. 1.8.7 (Apr. 2004): cce-interact.sourceforge.net

Manhattan: CGI, C, Apache Ver.2.4, (May.2004): manhattan.sourceforge.net

SpaghettiLearning: PHP, MySQL, Ver.1.1RC (Apr. 2004): www.spaghettilearning.com

Whiteboard: PHP, MySQL, Ver. 1.0.3, (Aug.2003): whiteboard.sourceforge.net

For More LMSes See:

UNESCO Free Software Portal: www.unesco.org/webworld/portal_freesoftware/Software/Courseware_Tools

EdTechPost: www.edtechpost.ca/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/EdTechPost/OpenSourceCourseManagementSystems

e-Learning Center: www.e-learningcentre.co.uk/eclipse/vendors/opensource.htm

To compare LMSes see: www.edutools.info/course

To try out some LMSes and several other PHP/MySQL-based content management systems without having to install them first see: www.opensourcecms.com

Selected References

Allen, E.I, and Seaman, J. (2003). “Sizing the Opportunity: The Quality and Extent of Online Education in the United States, 2002 and 2003 ”. The Sloan Consortium, www.sloan-c.org/resources/sizing_opportunity.pdf

Carnevale, D. (2004). “Distance Education: Keeping Up With Exploding Demand”, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Chronicle Review, January 30, 2004 (p.B8).

Howell, S.H., Williams, P.B, and Lindsay, N.K. (2003). “Thirty-two Trends Affecting Distance Education: An Informed Foundation for Strategic Planning”, Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, Volume VI, Number III, Fall 2003, State University of West Georgia, Distance Education Center, www.westga.edu/~distance/ojdla/fall63/howell63.html

Olsen, F. (2004). “Course Management: Colleges Push for an Open Approach”, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Chronicle Review, January 30, 2004 (p.B8–B12).

Pfaffenberger, Bryan (2000). “Linux in Higher Education: Open Source, Open Minds, Social Justice”, Linux Journal, www.linuxjournal.com/article/5071.

Unsworth, J.M. (2004). “The Next Wave: Liberation Technology”, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Chronicle Review, January 30, 2004 (p.B16–B22).

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