Home  >  Magazine  >  #73 May 2000  >  The Network Block Device  >  Resources
Monday, March 20, 2000 | Last Updated 04:56:03 PM


Listing 1. A /proc/nbdinfo display showing an asynchronous four-port network block-device state. Plus signs indicate unbroken links. The asterisk indicates the most recently active link. Dots in the Cthreads row indicate four client daemons blocked waiting on network input. This is a normal indication. Accounting is in number of blocks.

Device 0:       Open
[0] State:      initialized, verify, rw, last error 0
[0] Queued:     0 current/0 real/21 max
[0] Blocksize:  4096
[0] Size:       163840000
[0] Blocks:     4000
[0] Sockets:    4     (+)     (+)     (+)     (*)
[0] Requested:  50    (10)    (10)    (10)    (20)
[0] Despatched: 50    (10)    (10)    (10)    (20)
[0] Errored:    0     (0)     (0)     (0)     (0)
[0] Pending:    0     (0)     (0)     (0)     (0)
[0] Kthreads:   0     (0 waiting)     (0 running)
[0] Cthreads:   4     (.)     (.)     (.)     (.)
Device 1-15:    Closed