Three-tier Hangman ================== This TAR file contains the source code and binary files for a simple three-tier "Hangman" game. To get it running, you need to do the following, assuming you already have the JDK 1.2.2 or above already installed: * Download and install miniSQL. * Download the miniSQL JDBC driver. * Copy the miniSQL JDBC driver file (called something like msql-jdbc-2-0a3.jar) to this directory. * Run the miniSQL daemon as a background process. As root, execute something like: /usr/local/Hughes/bin/msql2d & * Create the hangman database. As root, type something like: /usr/local/Hughes/bin/msqladmin create hangman * Insert some words to the database using the SQL monitor: /usr/local/Hughes/bin/msql hangman < mystery.sql * Edit the file if necessary. You may be required to change the attributes hangman.port and database.url to reflect a different configuration on the middle-tier or data servers. * Run the middle-tier server. Make sure both msql-jdbc-2-0a3.jar and hangman_server.jar JAR files are included in the -cp (classpath) option: java -cp .:msql-jdbc-2-0a3.jar:hangman_server.jar hangman.Server -v * To run the text mode client, open a new shell window and type: java TextClient host port change "host" to a domain name (for example: localhost) and "port" to a port number (for example: 2000). * To run the GUI client, copy the files HangmanClient.html and hangman_client.jar to your Web server. Both files must be in the same directory. Because of security constraints, most Web browsers require that the Web server and the middle-tier server must be running in the same host. Edit the file HangmanClient.html in order to adjust the applet's parameters "middletierhost" and "middletierport". To run the applet, use the appropriate URL: http://localhost/HangmanClient.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the file licence.txt. Copyright (C) 2000 Ariel Ortiz