4573l2.txt Listing 2. mysql.php <%//////////// mysql.php ///////////////////////////// include ("class.FastTemplate.php"); $tpl = new FastTemplate("."); $tpl->define(array( main => "main.tpl", body => "body.tpl", table => "table.tpl", headerdata => "headerdata.tpl", row => "row.tpl", rowdata => "rowdata.tpl", submit => "submit.tpl", form2 => "form2.tpl")); $tpl->assign(array( TITLE => "PHP SQL Code Test Results", SUBMIT_NAME => "SUBMIT", SUBMIT_VAL => "NEW QUERY", FORM_ACTION => "index.php", STRING1 => "RESULTS OF QUERY: ", QUERY => "$query", FORM_METHOD => "POST")); //Assumes MySQL. $user="bill"; //Adjust for your $host="localhost"; //setup in these $password="megan"; //three lines. mysql_connect($host,$user,$password); mysql_select_db($database); if(!strcmp($query, "")){ //if no query, supply a generic one $query = "SHOW TABLES"; } $query = stripSlashes($query); $result = mysql_query($query); // append table header cells to header row. for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_fields($result); $i++) { $thval = mysql_field_name($result,$i); $tpl->assign(array(HEADERDATA => "$thval")); $tpl->parse(HEADER, ".headerdata"); } // append row cells to the row, and // then append rows to table body. for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) { $row_array = mysql_fetch_row($result); for ($j = 0; $j < mysql_num_fields($result); $j++) { $trval = $row_array[$j]; $tpl->assign(array(ROWDATA => "$trval")); $tpl->parse(ROW, ".rowdata"); } $tpl->parse(ROWS, ".row"); $tpl->clear("ROW"); //<- comment this line out } // observe the results. $tpl->parse (TABLE, "table"); $tpl->parse (SUBMIT, "submit"); $tpl->assign(array(SUBMIT_NAME => "goodbye", SUBMIT_VAL => "EXIT PROGRAM")); $tpl->parse (GOODBYE, "submit"); $tpl->parse (FORM2, "form2"); $tpl->parse (BODY, "body"); $tpl->parse (MAIN, "main"); $tpl->FastPrint(); %>