Listing 1 - Example Callerid AGI Script --------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh # \ exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} set port 10000 set hosts [list] ## ## Sends the info to the hosts ## proc sendInfo {ip_ port_ callerid_} { if {[catch {socket $ip_ $port_} sock]} { return } fconfigure $sock -buffering line puts $sock $callerid_ close $sock return } ## ## We get all of the variables from stdin; ## they start with "agi_"; and populate ## an array with the values. ## while {[gets stdin l] > 0} { if {[regexp {^agi_([\w]+):[\s]+(.*)} $l -> k v]} { set AGI($k) $v } } ## ## Send the callerid info to each host ## that we have listed ## foreach H $hosts { sendInfo $H $port $AGI(callerid) }