Listing 4. render_latex.php function render_latex($thunk, $hash) { $thunk = $this->wrap($thunk); $current_dir = getcwd(); chdir($this->TMP_DIR); // create temporary LaTeX file $fp = fopen($this->TMP_DIR . "/$hash.tex", "w+"); fputs($fp, $thunk); fclose($fp); // run LaTeX to create temporary DVI file $command = $this->LATEX_PATH . " --interaction=nonstopmode " . $hash . ".tex"; exec($command); // run dvips to create temporary PS file $command = $this->DVIPS_PATH . " -E $hash" . ".dvi -o " . "$"; exec($command); // run PS file through ImageMagick to // create PNG file $command = $this->CONVERT_PATH . " -density 120 $ $hash.png"; exec($command); // copy the file to the cache directory copy("$hash.png", $this->CACHE_DIR . "/$hash.png"); chdir($current_dir); }